Microsoft will rely on its time-tested bundling strategy, key to its successful capture of the desktop market, to help jumpstart its server software business. On the other side, at its JavaOne conference next month, Sun Microsystems will demonstrate a tool designed to simplify Java programming and steer users of Microsoft’s .Net tools to Java.
And I thought the moon landing was exciting!
Does anybody know what this new “tool” at simplification is? The article said that they were targeting the VB crowd and it mentioned the Visual Studio tools. Is this some new IDE or enhancements to Sun’s present IDE? What is Sun’s official IDE, Forte, NetBeans? I wish they would make some plugins for eclipse.
Jupiter has no solid surface to land on. They’ll sink.
Does anybody know what this new “tool” at simplification is? The article said that they were targeting the VB crowd and it mentioned the Visual Studio tools. Is this some new IDE or enhancements to Sun’s present IDE? What is Sun’s official IDE, Forte, NetBeans? I wish they would make some plugins for eclipse.
I assume you mean the move to make Java a viable replacement for Visual Basic. From what I have heard, the IDE will allow you to do things like double click on a button and assigning code to it. Things that VB people like and are easy with VB, however, a little more complicated under Java.
No no, I think they can do it! Given enough marketting…
Towards the core the hydrogen does become a metalic solid because of the enormous pressures. Pressures so great it might even be able to squash Windows XP onto less than a gigabyte of disk space.
Towards the core the hydrogen does become a metalic solid because of the enormous pressures. Pressures so great it might even be able to squash Windows XP onto less than a gigabyte of disk space.
No way! You;ll need a black hole for that
Somehow a big ball of gas is the perfect metaphor for Microsoft server software.
Though actually Microsoft has a pretty good plan for making all their stuff work together, something which does not exist in the Java world today.
At the end of the day, Microsoft is a hardcore, ruthless, veteran software company. They know how to do software whereas Sun really is a hardware company that had beginner’s luck with Java. As the match goes on, it becomes more and more apparent that Sun is fading and will not be left standing by the end of the fight.
The problem with Java from a computer science standpoint is not that it has not easy to use development tools. Rather it’s that the Java language has serious short coming in a number of areas.
For instance, concurrent programming is a major pain under Java. The concurrent interfaces are limiting, and it’s difficult to tell what each library object does when used in a concurrent program.
C# and .Net on the other hand have far better designed concurrent iterfaces. C# is also nicer to code in, in my opinion. It feels cleaner, and has some nice additions such as pointers which can be used for high performace code. The Java jit’s are also a point of trouble. C# and .net was designed from the start to be run primarly with a jit, and supposedly the C# jits are better as a result. I’ve not tested this yet.
In the end it’s the low level language issues and jit performance which will likely determine the winner. Right now and leaning healviy towards C# and .Net.
Real programmers don’t use VB. (it’s a joke…just a joke….)
It feels cleaner, and has some nice additions such as pointers which can be used for high performace code.
I hope you love buffer overflow vulnerabilities. That is what including pointers does. You might as well throw the whole reason for using a virtual machine out the window. The whole reason for using Java is because of its strong emphasise on security by not providing features that could possibly insecure.
As for high performance mathematics, use Fortran. GNU compilers support it and SUN and a number of other vendors still sell it.
It only runs on Windows.
Our servers run Linux or Windows.
Our client apps must run on both Mac and Windows.
How good C#/.NET may be, it’s vendor and OS lock-in are big issues.
BTW Java is great too !!
For the most part, the only time you’re going to use pointers is when you have a hotspot and don’t feel the need to drop down into c code. It’s probably rare circumstances that c# programmers use pointers, but it’s nice to have there if you need it.
And that’s one of my biggest problems with java. To me, coming from a c++ background, Sun dumbed down c++ too much when they did java. I like java a lot, but feel that c# is a better language. Delegates, value types, and the ability to interface with native code without resorting to JNI are some of the nice things that C# does that Java doesn’t.
Java’s biggest strengths are it’s already entrenched in industry(at least on the server side), it’s achieved a degree of cross-platformness that .NET probably never will, there are tons of tools for it(Eclipse being my favorite), and big players(IBM) invest heavily in it.
The bright side of things are that java programmers will be able to move to c# and vice versa with little effort. It’s too bad that Sun missed the boat when it came to client-side java apps, but that’s the way the ball bounces. Also, the competition that c# gives to java can only be a good thing(just look at the new features that are coming in java 1.5.
I have a lot of hope for the Mono project, but until a decent IDE comes out for c# programming on linux I’ll probably stick with java for now. I don’t mind using vim for c/c++ programming, but when it comes to java or c# I prefer a nice IDE like eclipse, which absoulutely rocks.
Nice FUD
All your arguments tell me that you shouldn’t really be using Java or C# – rather C/C++
Regarding C# and performance:…
Does anyone know if the gcj project plans to add (or is already working on) the new java language features planned for Tiger?
( Mod me down, I don’t mind, just want to cheer you all up )
I had Microsoft call my office to ask if we wanted details of their new Business software offers ( My employers are on Licensing 6.0 )
I told them I would be interested to compare them to the offers Red Hat had just sent…..
Apoplexy is an unfortunate condition in a telephone salesman.
One IDE that could be good is SharpDevelop. It’s still in development and has a few bugs but it looks good. It can also be used to build GUI programs
Since this is made with C# it could be run by Mono when it matures.
Yeah, I’ve used Sharpdevelop on windows and it’s pretty nice – but unstable on my win98 system(don’t have the cash right now to upgrade my hardware for a WinXP system). I’ve been following the mono porting effort to SWT and once it comes out(looks like they’re merging another SWT effort to c# into the codebase so it could be a while) I’ll be using it.
It looks like someone might be writing c# plugins for eclipse too.