Yeah, some people from confirmed that they are not encoded in an valid format e.g. the audioheaders seem to be corrupt or something. These things happen when not using standard software or at least using standard software to check wether they work or not e.g. (Windows Mediaplayer or Xine, MPlayer on Linux). Many people reported that they don’t work. Sad that those who may be interested to see them are put outside with this.
I can view these files fine using vlc under win2k(that’s VideoLan Client) so I can only assume that anything that plays VCDs should work. It says in the article that they were ripped from VCDs.
The videos are a great idea. We should do something like that in conjunction with a QUICKSTART Guide for all the new Pegasos II owners. You can find the QUICKSTART Guide here:
As a Pegasos I user has already suggested, a “getting started” video is a great idea. If made into a VCD, it could be easily burned and used through a DVD players on a TV, while setting up a Pegasos — an interactive guide to getting things set-up and ready to go.
At the risk of sounding snotty, played fine in MPlayer, as always. The video itself was… ehh… kinda small, never been a fan of camera recorded demos, would have loved to see those demos recorded on some MorphOS ScreenRec software instead, there got to be some, or they got to make some.
…worked just fine. some block noises. I couldn’t stop laughing when the guy was saying “oh yeah,I have a lot of ROMs…” when he was demoing MAME. ;D overall looks very cool.
They seem ok on mediaplayer 6.4 if you have xp use it instead of mediaplayer 9 its much better.the vcd is a great idea bbrv as i have a personal cd player which plays mp3 and vcd,s this is small and can be taken anywhere which is great for showing people the hardware and software.Beos did a video and that amazed people as to what it could do and how fast it was.So if it is possible do this video and make it downloadable for everyone please do it .
Honestly, if they can’t produce a simple mpeg so EVERYONE can see it, then what is the point? Why would I want to even try their OS if they are really THAT incompetent.
“Honestly, if they can’t produce a simple mpeg so EVERYONE can see it, then what is the point? Why would I want to even try their OS if they are really THAT incompetent.”
heh, my thoughts exactly every time I see a flash website or someone sends me a word document. not that I can’t open them, but it is kind of rude.
for the record, the video was done by a reseller and the production quality and content weren’t incredibly impressive. would love to see something a little less rambling on the morphos website.
I was a little dissapointed with the Mac On Linux video…it didn’t demonstrate very much. And they were running 9.1 on it? Why not OS X? What is this crap?
Well – as all the OS is developed in house it shouldn’t be too hard to come up with a way of recording/capturing the a demo directly from the screen – how about outputing the screen contents directly via Firewire into a camera
I guess that is going to take real time mpeg however….but I’m sure the PPC should be more than up to it. Then again it probably has little practical use beyond creating such a demo.
Just to answer the question regarding MOL on the PEG. Yes – I run OSX on my setup and it is definatly usable, like a real Mac it needs as much RAM as you can throw at it. Mine only has 128megs dedicated to it and (at 600mhz G3) feels about as fast as my wifes 450mhz iMac which has 512megs RAM. I suspect things would be a little better if i cranked up the RAM in my Pegasos But it is certainly more than usable and has replaced my 400mhz B&W G3 Mac which is now on the shelf.
Granted, none of my Macs are speed demons, but they get the job done.
Also, the side benefit of having MOL running on the Pegasos is that you can switch back to Linux (Debian on my setup) whenever you like
thanks for your input! I’m not sure at this point where they are with outputting video via firewire. I’m in contact with some MorphOS folks. either way I should be able to produce
Hi Paul, we will sort it out and come back to you…
Meanwhile, if you are in the neighborhood come see Nicholas Blachford (who wrote the “Analysis: x86 Vs PPC” article above for OSNews) and the Pegasos at Linuxtag in Karlsruhe, Germany this weekend. Linuxtag is Europe’s largest GNU/Linux exhibition. The Linuxtag is at the Karlsruhe Convention Center from 10-13 July. Nicholas will be joined by Genesi’s newest team member Sven Luther. Sven is a developer known to both the MorphOS and Linux development communities. Sven Luther’s LinuxPPC kernel was recently announced on MorphOS-News here:
At Linuxtag, the Genesi Team and the Pegasos will be found in the Debian Booth.
The following weekend (18-20 July 2003) Sven will also be attending the Debian Developers Conference, Oslo, Norway with the Pegasos. Details about that conference can be found here:
Sven has joined Genesi to manage the LinuxPPC development effort for the Pegasos. Sven is a PhD candidate at the University of Strausbourg and an Associate Professor in the Computer Sciences Department. The University of Strasburg was founded in 1621, with a long tradition of academic excellence. Louis Pasteur, John Calvin, Marc Bloch and four Nobel Prize winners have studied or taught there. We can now add Sven to the list…;-) Welcome Sven!
Of course, Nicholas and Sven will be able to demo MorphOS too!
Does MorphOS have any kind of server capabilities? I know you could just run linux on it to use it as a server, but I was just curious. And how good is support for hardware in Mac On Linux on the pegasos? DOes it support networking, games, printers, scanners, etc?
MorphOS is, at the present, fairly limited to AmigaOS’s level of server-friendliness. That is, no multiuser support atm. multiuser will be added in time, but for now this lack of support, combined with some API limits, means that MorphOS is not ideal for a server at the moment.
Impressed by the videos (they play just fine on VLC 0.6 in BeOS, by the way), MorphOS looks pretty sweet and (most important to me) very snappy/responsive – I’ll definitely be watching it as it matures.
First, the Videos worked flawlessly with Xine on Linux. No problems here.
Secondly, the responsiveness of MorphOS is really quick, and really nice. And the guy was talking about things they are wokring on that will make it even faster. I couldn’t help but think “How much faster can you go!?”
I will definetly be keeping my eye on this one. Very nice stuff.
It could be that those who can´t reproduce these videos in Windows, their machines lacks some sort of codec or something like that. MPlayer users usually don´t suffer this because it uses a bunch of Windows codecs slightly modified for Linux in /usr/lib/win32/. It is really hard to find a video that Mplayer can´t play.
For them, it can be fixed easily by installing a codec pack like Nimo or ACE Mega Pack.
Thank you all for viewing our site and videos. I’m sorry that some inferior Windows media players dont play the files. I rushed to repost the site for everyone’s enjoyment of Morphos and Pegasos. With the release of MorphOS 1.4 we will be putting up new professional videos in divx format probably. These videos are mpeg 1 and were created by breaking down a ripped Mpeg from a Video Cd that a person at the demonstration created from their footage. We at magnetic systems had no control in how it was shot or edited – we just put it up for your enjoyment and to let people see Morphos and Pegasos for themselves. Thank you.
FYI, I had trouble playing the mpegs with either WMP9 or QuickTime 6 on my XP box, but WinDVD, Real and other players seem to work fine.
Yeah, some people from confirmed that they are not encoded in an valid format e.g. the audioheaders seem to be corrupt or something. These things happen when not using standard software or at least using standard software to check wether they work or not e.g. (Windows Mediaplayer or Xine, MPlayer on Linux). Many people reported that they don’t work. Sad that those who may be interested to see them are put outside with this.
It works fine in RealOne.
I couldn’t play it with WMP9 in XP, or with QT in OS X
RealOne user here. Doesn’t seem to work with my default QT.
I can view these files fine using vlc under win2k(that’s VideoLan Client) so I can only assume that anything that plays VCDs should work. It says in the article that they were ripped from VCDs.
The videos are a great idea. We should do something like that in conjunction with a QUICKSTART Guide for all the new Pegasos II owners. You can find the QUICKSTART Guide here:
As a Pegasos I user has already suggested, a “getting started” video is a great idea. If made into a VCD, it could be easily burned and used through a DVD players on a TV, while setting up a Pegasos — an interactive guide to getting things set-up and ready to go.
Thanks magnetic for the support and effort!
Best regards,
Raquel and Bill
At the risk of sounding snotty, played fine in MPlayer, as always. The video itself was… ehh… kinda small, never been a fan of camera recorded demos, would have loved to see those demos recorded on some MorphOS ScreenRec software instead, there got to be some, or they got to make some.
…worked just fine. some block noises. I couldn’t stop laughing when the guy was saying “oh yeah,I have a lot of ROMs…” when he was demoing MAME. ;D overall looks very cool.
Works without problem on Mplayer. I have yet to see a video file Mplayer can’t run on my box. 🙂
I saw the video with XINE and I had no problems, I could release that Morph OS its really fast.
They seem ok on mediaplayer 6.4 if you have xp use it instead of mediaplayer 9 its much better.the vcd is a great idea bbrv as i have a personal cd player which plays mp3 and vcd,s this is small and can be taken anywhere which is great for showing people the hardware and software.Beos did a video and that amazed people as to what it could do and how fast it was.So if it is possible do this video and make it downloadable for everyone please do it .
Doesn’t work on WMP 6.4 here.
Honestly, if they can’t produce a simple mpeg so EVERYONE can see it, then what is the point? Why would I want to even try their OS if they are really THAT incompetent.
“Honestly, if they can’t produce a simple mpeg so EVERYONE can see it, then what is the point? Why would I want to even try their OS if they are really THAT incompetent.”
heh, my thoughts exactly every time I see a flash website or someone sends me a word document. not that I can’t open them, but it is kind of rude.
for the record, the video was done by a reseller and the production quality and content weren’t incredibly impressive. would love to see something a little less rambling on the morphos website.
XMMS with a the MPEG plugin runs them great.
Hello bbrv,
If you know anyone near Raleigh, NC USA that has a pegasosppc
machine, please let me know. I’d be happy to put together
a demo video of MorphOS in action. I’m a freelance Video/Motion graphics editor.
P.S. for free.
So what does Apple think about people selling PPC based computers that are capable of running OSX on them?
Seems like I can get a really nice PPC based system, cheaper than a mac and then just run OSX on it using the Mac on Linux software.
Half of the US Genesi team lives in AL/FL, would not be difficult to arrange us to come up with our machines for a few days.
I was a little dissapointed with the Mac On Linux video…it didn’t demonstrate very much. And they were running 9.1 on it? Why not OS X? What is this crap?
Where in FL? =)
Does anyone here have any experience with running Mac on Linux? Is it as fast as the real thing?
Hello Nate Downes,
Send me an email, lets talk about it. I might know
someone in Raleigh that has one. Maybe someone can
let me borrow one??
Well – as all the OS is developed in house it shouldn’t be too hard to come up with a way of recording/capturing the a demo directly from the screen – how about outputing the screen contents directly via Firewire into a camera
I guess that is going to take real time mpeg however….but I’m sure the PPC should be more than up to it. Then again it probably has little practical use beyond creating such a demo.
Just my 2 cents worth….
Just to answer the question regarding MOL on the PEG. Yes – I run OSX on my setup and it is definatly usable, like a real Mac it needs as much RAM as you can throw at it. Mine only has 128megs dedicated to it and (at 600mhz G3) feels about as fast as my wifes 450mhz iMac which has 512megs RAM. I suspect things would be a little better if i cranked up the RAM in my Pegasos
But it is certainly more than usable and has replaced my 400mhz B&W G3 Mac which is now on the shelf.
Granted, none of my Macs are speed demons, but they get the job done.
Also, the side benefit of having MOL running on the Pegasos is that you can switch back to Linux (Debian on my setup) whenever you like
Hello Francios,
thanks for your input! I’m not sure at this point where they are with outputting video via firewire. I’m in contact with some MorphOS folks. either way I should be able to produce
a pretty good demo.
Hi Paul, we will sort it out and come back to you…
Meanwhile, if you are in the neighborhood come see Nicholas Blachford (who wrote the “Analysis: x86 Vs PPC” article above for OSNews) and the Pegasos at Linuxtag in Karlsruhe, Germany this weekend. Linuxtag is Europe’s largest GNU/Linux exhibition. The Linuxtag is at the Karlsruhe Convention Center from 10-13 July. Nicholas will be joined by Genesi’s newest team member Sven Luther. Sven is a developer known to both the MorphOS and Linux development communities. Sven Luther’s LinuxPPC kernel was recently announced on MorphOS-News here:
At Linuxtag, the Genesi Team and the Pegasos will be found in the Debian Booth.
The following weekend (18-20 July 2003) Sven will also be attending the Debian Developers Conference, Oslo, Norway with the Pegasos. Details about that conference can be found here:
Sven has joined Genesi to manage the LinuxPPC development effort for the Pegasos. Sven is a PhD candidate at the University of Strausbourg and an Associate Professor in the Computer Sciences Department. The University of Strasburg was founded in 1621, with a long tradition of academic excellence. Louis Pasteur, John Calvin, Marc Bloch and four Nobel Prize winners have studied or taught there. We can now add Sven to the list…;-) Welcome Sven!
Of course, Nicholas and Sven will be able to demo MorphOS too!
Have a great day!
Raquel and Bill
[email protected]
Does MorphOS have any kind of server capabilities? I know you could just run linux on it to use it as a server, but I was just curious. And how good is support for hardware in Mac On Linux on the pegasos? DOes it support networking, games, printers, scanners, etc?
MorphOS is, at the present, fairly limited to AmigaOS’s level of server-friendliness. That is, no multiuser support atm. multiuser will be added in time, but for now this lack of support, combined with some API limits, means that MorphOS is not ideal for a server at the moment.
Impressed by the videos (they play just fine on VLC 0.6 in BeOS, by the way), MorphOS looks pretty sweet and (most important to me) very snappy/responsive – I’ll definitely be watching it as it matures.
First, the Videos worked flawlessly with Xine on Linux. No problems here.
Secondly, the responsiveness of MorphOS is really quick, and really nice. And the guy was talking about things they are wokring on that will make it even faster. I couldn’t help but think “How much faster can you go!?”
I will definetly be keeping my eye on this one. Very nice stuff.
It could be that those who can´t reproduce these videos in Windows, their machines lacks some sort of codec or something like that. MPlayer users usually don´t suffer this because it uses a bunch of Windows codecs slightly modified for Linux in /usr/lib/win32/. It is really hard to find a video that Mplayer can´t play.
For them, it can be fixed easily by installing a codec pack like Nimo or ACE Mega Pack.
DeadFish Man
Thank you all for viewing our site and videos. I’m sorry that some inferior Windows media players dont play the files. I rushed to repost the site for everyone’s enjoyment of Morphos and Pegasos. With the release of MorphOS 1.4 we will be putting up new professional videos in divx format probably. These videos are mpeg 1 and were created by breaking down a ripped Mpeg from a Video Cd that a person at the demonstration created from their footage. We at magnetic systems had no control in how it was shot or edited – we just put it up for your enjoyment and to let people see Morphos and Pegasos for themselves. Thank you.
Magnetic, it was great work you did — thanks!
We will look forward to the next batch.
Thanks again.