I haven’t been able to download 1.4 myself yet (56k line, waiting for password etc.) however I have been reading the forums and the mailing lists and 1.4 is getting pretty good marks all the way around. Some people report that this or that third party app is not working now, but the vast majority are very much impressed with increased performance and the new features. Here is a informal list of new features by Pegasos user mahen:
– installer
– JIT compiler “Trance”
– Turboprint integrated
– USB integrated
– Radeon DVI & overlay (except for 8500)
– 3d for Voodoo3 & 4
– Warp3D emulation
– support for graphic tablets
– S/PDIF output
– sound datatypes
– Kaya (mp3/ogg sound player)
– calculator
– taskmanager
– ambient panels/lasso/shortcuts
– dock manager
– new fonts & skins
– more mprefs
– on the fly skin change
– boot without connected ps2 mouse
– keyboard reboot
– zoom
– gradients
– and more…
– PNG buttons
– Blending
– Autoscroll
– Individual skins for each screen
– some enhanced/additional prefs etc
The screenshots look great too. You can see them here:
I know the installer is a part of the OS you should see only once, so it doesn’t have to be brilliant, but MorphOS’s installer looks terribly outdated compared to any OS I’ve installed recently.
Once it’s running though, it’s UI looks very nice. They’ve kept it clean and uncluttered (which is something other UI developers should consider). Does anyone know if it supports sub-pixel rendering for fonts?
I’m curious of the “keyboard reboot” feature. I’m not quite sure what the point in that is.
“I know the installer is a part of the OS you should see only once, so it doesn’t have to be brilliant, but MorphOS’s installer looks terribly outdated compared to any OS I’ve installed recently.”
Surely you see the installer every time you install or update a program?
Looks like MOS is making very good progress. Is there a full official document listing these upgrades in more detail? For instance, which tablets are supported and is there pressure sensitivity?
On any Amiga with AmigaOS, you can reboot by pressing Ctrl+Amiga+Amiga. On PC, this is usually CTRL+Alt+Del (in DOS it will call a direct reset, in Win9x, it will first call the taskmanager and, if pressed again, will reset the computer).
In MorphOS 1.3, you could not reset the computer by pressing a key combination: you had either to go to the shutdown menu and select reboot or use the reset switch of your computer.
In MorphOS 1.4, you can reset using a keyboard key combination This is the “keyboard reset” feature
It actually runs on Pegasos and PPC boards for Amiga.
With minimal changes (HAL especially) it could run on Apple… (IIRC, someone from Genesi announced they were interested in having MorphOS run on the Mac but there is no official announcement)
Looking at screenshots, makes me wonder why best looking OS’s seems to run on PPC platforms (I know it looks like a MacOSX clone, but looks nice anyway) … I know I can make KDE/GNOME and even Windows look like that, but thos OS seems to look nice out of the can.
BTW, I know that performance is probable more important than looks on an OS, but if I’m going to stare 8 hours a day at the screen, at least I would like it to look nice.
Well, you can make them ‘look similar’ to a certain point. But the look doesn’t tell anyone what’s below the core. To have something look equally to something else doesn’t mean they WORK the same or share the same CODE of functionality.
If you absolutely must run a network before AmiTCP’s GUI is finished, you have several options:
1) Install the AmigaOS version of Miami or AmiTCP
2) If you own AmigaOS 3.9, you can run the MUI version of Genesis, just use the registration key from AmigaOS 3.9 (providing you’re not running it anymore, otherwise you’d be pirating)
3) Beg bbrv to release AmiTCP w/o the GUI.
I happen to be running Genesis, as I do own AmigaOS 3.9 already, but my miggy died awhile ago, so the keyfile is found only on my MorphOS box.
They shut down Y’z dock recently and that was just a dock. Some of the things here, especially the dock, look pretty similar OS X.
I’m not saying I hope this happens or that I support Apple’s obsession with suing the little guy, its just that I’m honestly surprised that A)Apple would let this slide B) the MorpoS devs would risk Apple ire.
MorphOS is a perfect example of why OSS will never be able to compete with Microsoft.
It is because instead of creating something innovative or contributing to a project we have this mass of amateur programmers who decide they want to spend their time reinventing the wheel.
As a programmer I can see the appeal of writing something that isn’t going to require much effort beyond the pure coding. Even I in fact have been guilty of writing an irc client when there are already so many great irc clients out there like mirc and pirch.
For a while I didn’t feel this was something to be held against open source developers. They of course owe the users nothing and have no contract or obligation to the users of their software. However I am starting to wonder if the choice of creating 100s of redundant projects reflects on the creative skill of these amateur programmers.
Perhaps they simply lack the creativity or ideas to implement something truly new?
Think about this — what are the most popular OSS projects? Probably the linux kernel, apache, and mozilla. All of these projects are completely derivitive of other propietary software. Even mozilla which I do agree is superior to IE stole nearly all of its ideas from Opera.
How can we run around deriding Microsoft for lack of innovation or stealing ideas from Apple and other companies while the OSS developers who we so admire take nearly EVERY idea for their software from a previous implementation of the said project?
And how can OSS ever compete with Microsoft, Apple, et cetera when it is by its very nature behind the curve? So long as OSS aims to only copy and not to innovate it simply will not be able to get a leg up on propietary software.
Maybe you get some background knowledge before shouting out such things.
a) MorphOS is NOT opensource
b) MorphOS was created in the means of the old AmigaOS which was invented around 1984 which has nearly 20 years on it’s back during evolution. Sure MorphOS is written from scratch to fill the gap that AmigaOS has left (hardware banging parts, no hal, not portable, assembler parts). MorphOS is what AmigaOS should always been. Modern, less of mistakes that has been done in AmigaOS, innovation, modern, fast, compatoble to older Amiga software (as long they don’t nail the hardware). With a fabolous future.
These so called hobbyhackers are not much differently than Billy boy Gates who started his company with some geeks in his parents garage. Same as Jay Miner who begged other people for money to help him creating the Amiga, the same people like Linus Torvalds who invented the Linux Kernel. At least the same people who need to eat, shit, sleep as we all are.
Except, MorphOS is not OSS. That kind of makes your babblings sound even more inane than they did not taking this into consideration.
One other food for thought. Mozilla was based on the Open sourced code from Netscape. Netscape wasn;t the first Browser by a long chalk (remember the Mozaic browser?) but Netscape out dates IE and Opera by a considerable amount of time (the first IE was 2 or 3 years later than Netscape and it was complete rubbish. It took till IE3 before it was usable.) The fact that Opera and IE “stole” a lot of their ideas from Mosaic and Netscape, of course, is seemingly completely okay in your scheme.
You sound like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs’s lapdog to me ;-P
As I stated above I mistakenly posted that here rather than in response to the previous article regarding ReactOS.
As far as your mozilla point.. it’s COMPLETELY irrelevant that mozilla outdates opera. What IS relevant is that features like tabbed browsing appeared in mozilla only after they did in Opera. Just because mozilla began before opera doesn’t imply that all features in mozilla appeared in mozilla before they did in another browser which was begun after.
What IS relevant is that features like tabbed browsing appeared in mozilla only after they did in Opera.
Nonesense. Opera didn’t have tabbed browsing until Opera 7. Prior to that, Opera was a simple Windows-style MDI application with a taskbar. I would rather tabs than none, but I would rather an SDI then a Windows-style MDI.
What? You are saying that my statement that Opera had tabbed browsing before Mozilla is nonsense? Because really, it did. And the fact that it wasn’t until some version number is irrelevant unless you can relate that version # to the state of tabs in mozilla at that same time.
Regardless, innovation is what is needed to compete with Microsoft. Especially in the GUI department. There needs to be a radically different GUI to get away from the start menu/taskbar crap that every GUI has tried to clone (KDE, Gnome, etc.). The problem here is that so many people are used to this interface, that putting a different style of GUI on an OS such as Linux would make it hard to attract users. If Bill Gates decides to change the GUI for windows, ppl may be pissed off at first, but since windows is what it used the most, they would have no choice but to get used to the GUI. Now if people want to try linux with a new GUI, they would think “this is stupid…it’s not what I’m used to and it can’t run my apps”. So this is the problem. It really takes a genious to be extremely innovative.
“Regardless, innovation is what is needed to compete with Microsoft.”
MorphOS isn’t trying to compete with Microsoft. The only real competitor it has is Amiga Inc with AmigaOS4, and that hasn’t been released yet. So, it has no competition at all at the moment.
“Especially in the GUI department. There needs to be a radically different GUI to get away from the start menu/taskbar crap that every GUI has tried to clone (KDE, Gnome, etc.).”
MorphOS uses more or less the same GUI us Amiga users have been using since 1984, with a few enhancements. It couldn’t really be much more “radically” different than the MS Windows GUI.
Perhaps I should have been a bit more explanitory. I wasn’t talking about MorphOS only. Perhaps the purpose of MOS isn’t to compete against all other OSes, but it would be nice to see another OS such as this rise to the challenge of taking on Microsoft. While Linux is already doing this, it’s still a long way off. It needs to offer more innovation, while normal users must be capable of using it comfortably.
Well, the thing is, the moment you attempt to “attack” Microsoft, you’ve lost. You just opened yourself up for their usual tactics of embrace, extend and extinguish. The only way to beat Microsoft is to flat out forget about them and focus on doing what you do best. It’s how Linux got so strong, they didn’t worry about Microsoft, they just did their little thing and enjoyed it.
MorphOS is focusing on delivering to the customer, not on “beating out” any OS, even the MorphOS-alike AmigaOS4.
“MorphOS is focusing on delivering to the customer, not on “beating out” any OS, even the MorphOS-alike AmigaOS4.”
Quite right too.
The world is plenty big enough for MorphOS, AmigaOS and AROS to coexist. As they develop, they will get different enough that their markets will hardly overlap. I am certain that the total market for all three is much bigger than any one of them could have built up on its own.
Much better to concentrate on “doing things right” than constantly worrying about what the guy next door might be up to.
what the f**** are you trying to say, do you even have a point ?. First you make some wild statements concerning morphos and OSS in general-and the linux kernel, mozilla and apache in particular.
Morphos is not OSS. It is propietary.
your rejoinder that you meant to post this too the REACTOS thread is utter frigging nonsense. If it were so you would not have written about Morphos. Gawd you are pathetic- you spew shite and then pretend it was a case of mistaken posting. Whatever.
The linux kernel, mozilla and apache are not based on propietary software. Each of these are OSS projects. There are various commercial implementations of these technologies-but the projects are OSS.
Your statements must lead to the conclusion that you have not even a remote understanding of what you’re talking about, and without such you are not even capable of forming an opinion. So what is disguised here as an opinion is nothing other than proffesional trolling- as if OSNEWS has not had enough of that recently with topspeed et al.
Don’t bother replying, your inane comments preclude me from reading anythin with your sig(or ip addr.)
Sun Lee,
what f**** does this have to do with Morphos ?
Schwarzenegger is Austrian in case you don’t know the difference between Austrian and Australia, one is a small country to the south of Germany, where various dialects of German are spoken, and the other is a continent, not much smaller than the US, where English is spoken.
The screenshots look good. I wish I had a Genesi/Pegasos board. Moreover I hope that the developers will eventually make Morphos an OSS project- enabling them to draw the large number of developers -they will need to get this OS up to the point of being comparbale with any other OS made in the past 10 years. I wish them the best of luck, but being propietary they will surely drag in terms of development time. Unless a product is offered, based on Morphos, which is a complete PC system, at a reasonable price, with a distinct advantage over Win/OSX/Linux, they will have a hell of a time getting enough developers to make Morphos a trully viable OS. Lacking such basic things as a TCP/IP stack, and lacking good drivers(propietary) for modern graphics and sound cards they will not be able to draw potential professional developers away from the Win/OSX world and their politics will discourage volunteer developers who work in the OSS world.
“The screenshots look good. I wish I had a Genesi/Pegasos board. Moreover I hope that the developers will eventually make Morphos an OSS project- enabling them to draw the large number of developers -they will need to get this OS up to the point of being comparbale with any other OS made in the past 10 years. I wish them the best of luck, but being propietary they will surely drag in terms of development time. Unless a product is offered, based on Morphos, which is a complete PC system, at a reasonable price, with a distinct advantage over Win/OSX/Linux, they will have a hell of a time getting enough developers to make Morphos a trully viable OS. Lacking such basic things as a TCP/IP stack, and lacking good drivers(propietary) for modern graphics and sound cards they will not be able to draw potential professional developers away from the Win/OSX world and their politics will discourage volunteer developers who work in the OSS world.”
I don’t think it is worth while to try to attract developers who are already committed to another OS. It makes more sense to attract new programmers who like using the platform and want to build it up.
Btw Mr schwarzenegger really is from Germany, he moved to Austria at the age of 6 but before lived in the town of Herzensgrund near Nürnberg (Durumburg).
Some cross-analysis is always needed, to see where your product comes up short. But never try for a full one-on-one bullet point, because you will always fail in some manner. I remember this huge thread discussing AOS4 vs MOS, and the bullet points, depending on the angle you viewed things from, made either OS look bad.
I haven’t been able to download 1.4 myself yet (56k line, waiting for password etc.) however I have been reading the forums and the mailing lists and 1.4 is getting pretty good marks all the way around. Some people report that this or that third party app is not working now, but the vast majority are very much impressed with increased performance and the new features. Here is a informal list of new features by Pegasos user mahen:
– installer
– JIT compiler “Trance”
– Turboprint integrated
– USB integrated
– Radeon DVI & overlay (except for 8500)
– 3d for Voodoo3 & 4
– Warp3D emulation
– support for graphic tablets
– S/PDIF output
– sound datatypes
– Kaya (mp3/ogg sound player)
– calculator
– taskmanager
– ambient panels/lasso/shortcuts
– dock manager
– new fonts & skins
– more mprefs
– on the fly skin change
– boot without connected ps2 mouse
– keyboard reboot
– zoom
– gradients
– and more…
– PNG buttons
– Blending
– Autoscroll
– Individual skins for each screen
– some enhanced/additional prefs etc
The screenshots look great too. You can see them here:
People seem to be saying that MorphOS 1.4 is much faster with the apps they like and need to use.
I know the installer is a part of the OS you should see only once, so it doesn’t have to be brilliant, but MorphOS’s installer looks terribly outdated compared to any OS I’ve installed recently.
Once it’s running though, it’s UI looks very nice. They’ve kept it clean and uncluttered (which is something other UI developers should consider). Does anyone know if it supports sub-pixel rendering for fonts?
I’m curious of the “keyboard reboot” feature. I’m not quite sure what the point in that is.
“I know the installer is a part of the OS you should see only once, so it doesn’t have to be brilliant, but MorphOS’s installer looks terribly outdated compared to any OS I’ve installed recently.”
Surely you see the installer every time you install or update a program?
Looks like MOS is making very good progress. Is there a full official document listing these upgrades in more detail? For instance, which tablets are supported and is there pressure sensitivity?
*Gasp*! The new default style has a likeness to KDE (defaults)… I’m a little bit saddened by that. At least it’s customizable.
On any Amiga with AmigaOS, you can reboot by pressing Ctrl+Amiga+Amiga. On PC, this is usually CTRL+Alt+Del (in DOS it will call a direct reset, in Win9x, it will first call the taskmanager and, if pressed again, will reset the computer).
In MorphOS 1.3, you could not reset the computer by pressing a key combination: you had either to go to the shutdown menu and select reboot or use the reset switch of your computer.
In MorphOS 1.4, you can reset using a keyboard key combination
This is the “keyboard reset” feature
What does PPC Systems does MorphOS run on? Could it run on an Apple?
It actually runs on Pegasos and PPC boards for Amiga.
With minimal changes (HAL especially) it could run on Apple… (IIRC, someone from Genesi announced they were interested in having MorphOS run on the Mac but there is no official announcement)
see http://www.pegasosppc.com for more information on the Pegasos computer…
I have a mac, and am very interested in running Morphos.
Looking at screenshots, makes me wonder why best looking OS’s seems to run on PPC platforms (I know it looks like a MacOSX clone, but looks nice anyway) … I know I can make KDE/GNOME and even Windows look like that, but thos OS seems to look nice out of the can.
BTW, I know that performance is probable more important than looks on an OS, but if I’m going to stare 8 hours a day at the screen, at least I would like it to look nice.
Well, you can make them ‘look similar’ to a certain point. But the look doesn’t tell anyone what’s below the core. To have something look equally to something else doesn’t mean they WORK the same or share the same CODE of functionality.
and when will it include a networkstack?
i see amitcp advertized but it’s not included
As far as I know, they have the TCP stack working: they now need to work on a GUI for it… (actually they may release it as command-line only before)
If you absolutely must run a network before AmiTCP’s GUI is finished, you have several options:
1) Install the AmigaOS version of Miami or AmiTCP
2) If you own AmigaOS 3.9, you can run the MUI version of Genesis, just use the registration key from AmigaOS 3.9 (providing you’re not running it anymore, otherwise you’d be pirating)
3) Beg bbrv to release AmiTCP w/o the GUI.
I happen to be running Genesis, as I do own AmigaOS 3.9 already, but my miggy died awhile ago, so the keyfile is found only on my MorphOS box.
They shut down Y’z dock recently and that was just a dock. Some of the things here, especially the dock, look pretty similar OS X.
I’m not saying I hope this happens or that I support Apple’s obsession with suing the little guy, its just that I’m honestly surprised that A)Apple would let this slide B) the MorpoS devs would risk Apple ire.
If you absolutely must run a network before AmiTCP’s GUI is finished, you have several options:
Yes, it’s 2003 networkstacks are mandatory 🙂
option 3) it is than.
Apple didn’t invent “docks”. I had docks long before MacOSX. I see no reason for sue. Or WMaker developers should sue MacOSX first? :->
MorphOS is a perfect example of why OSS will never be able to compete with Microsoft.
It is because instead of creating something innovative or contributing to a project we have this mass of amateur programmers who decide they want to spend their time reinventing the wheel.
As a programmer I can see the appeal of writing something that isn’t going to require much effort beyond the pure coding. Even I in fact have been guilty of writing an irc client when there are already so many great irc clients out there like mirc and pirch.
For a while I didn’t feel this was something to be held against open source developers. They of course owe the users nothing and have no contract or obligation to the users of their software. However I am starting to wonder if the choice of creating 100s of redundant projects reflects on the creative skill of these amateur programmers.
Perhaps they simply lack the creativity or ideas to implement something truly new?
Think about this — what are the most popular OSS projects? Probably the linux kernel, apache, and mozilla. All of these projects are completely derivitive of other propietary software. Even mozilla which I do agree is superior to IE stole nearly all of its ideas from Opera.
How can we run around deriding Microsoft for lack of innovation or stealing ideas from Apple and other companies while the OSS developers who we so admire take nearly EVERY idea for their software from a previous implementation of the said project?
And how can OSS ever compete with Microsoft, Apple, et cetera when it is by its very nature behind the curve? So long as OSS aims to only copy and not to innovate it simply will not be able to get a leg up on propietary software.
Thanks for reading.
MorphOS isn’t OSS, it’s proprietary.
Maybe you get some background knowledge before shouting out such things.
a) MorphOS is NOT opensource
b) MorphOS was created in the means of the old AmigaOS which was invented around 1984 which has nearly 20 years on it’s back during evolution. Sure MorphOS is written from scratch to fill the gap that AmigaOS has left (hardware banging parts, no hal, not portable, assembler parts). MorphOS is what AmigaOS should always been. Modern, less of mistakes that has been done in AmigaOS, innovation, modern, fast, compatoble to older Amiga software (as long they don’t nail the hardware). With a fabolous future.
These so called hobbyhackers are not much differently than Billy boy Gates who started his company with some geeks in his parents garage. Same as Jay Miner who begged other people for money to help him creating the Amiga, the same people like Linus Torvalds who invented the Linux Kernel. At least the same people who need to eat, shit, sleep as we all are.
I meant to post that in response to the ReactOS article (the article JUST before this).
Anyway, have a nice day.
Except, MorphOS is not OSS. That kind of makes your babblings sound even more inane than they did not taking this into consideration.
One other food for thought. Mozilla was based on the Open sourced code from Netscape. Netscape wasn;t the first Browser by a long chalk (remember the Mozaic browser?) but Netscape out dates IE and Opera by a considerable amount of time (the first IE was 2 or 3 years later than Netscape and it was complete rubbish. It took till IE3 before it was usable.) The fact that Opera and IE “stole” a lot of their ideas from Mosaic and Netscape, of course, is seemingly completely okay in your scheme.
You sound like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs’s lapdog to me ;-P
As I stated above I mistakenly posted that here rather than in response to the previous article regarding ReactOS.
As far as your mozilla point.. it’s COMPLETELY irrelevant that mozilla outdates opera. What IS relevant is that features like tabbed browsing appeared in mozilla only after they did in Opera. Just because mozilla began before opera doesn’t imply that all features in mozilla appeared in mozilla before they did in another browser which was begun after.
What IS relevant is that features like tabbed browsing appeared in mozilla only after they did in Opera.
Nonesense. Opera didn’t have tabbed browsing until Opera 7. Prior to that, Opera was a simple Windows-style MDI application with a taskbar. I would rather tabs than none, but I would rather an SDI then a Windows-style MDI.
What? You are saying that my statement that Opera had tabbed browsing before Mozilla is nonsense? Because really, it did. And the fact that it wasn’t until some version number is irrelevant unless you can relate that version # to the state of tabs in mozilla at that same time.
IBrowse(Amiga Browser) had tabbed browsing before Opera and at Opera
there are ex Amiga people.
The point isn’t that opera had them before anyone, the point is that Mozilla took the feature from somewhere else.
The grander point is that there is a huge lack of innovation in OSS.
>The grander point is that there is a huge lack of innovation
>in OSS.
There isn’t much in commercial software either.
What about there’s a lack of innovation creating new software at all?
Is that a sentence?
A discussion about Opera and Mozilla on an article about MorphOS?
Now I’ve seen it all
Regardless, innovation is what is needed to compete with Microsoft. Especially in the GUI department. There needs to be a radically different GUI to get away from the start menu/taskbar crap that every GUI has tried to clone (KDE, Gnome, etc.). The problem here is that so many people are used to this interface, that putting a different style of GUI on an OS such as Linux would make it hard to attract users. If Bill Gates decides to change the GUI for windows, ppl may be pissed off at first, but since windows is what it used the most, they would have no choice but to get used to the GUI. Now if people want to try linux with a new GUI, they would think “this is stupid…it’s not what I’m used to and it can’t run my apps”. So this is the problem. It really takes a genious to be extremely innovative.
“Regardless, innovation is what is needed to compete with Microsoft.”
MorphOS isn’t trying to compete with Microsoft. The only real competitor it has is Amiga Inc with AmigaOS4, and that hasn’t been released yet. So, it has no competition at all at the moment.
“Especially in the GUI department. There needs to be a radically different GUI to get away from the start menu/taskbar crap that every GUI has tried to clone (KDE, Gnome, etc.).”
MorphOS uses more or less the same GUI us Amiga users have been using since 1984, with a few enhancements. It couldn’t really be much more “radically” different than the MS Windows GUI.
Perhaps I should have been a bit more explanitory. I wasn’t talking about MorphOS only. Perhaps the purpose of MOS isn’t to compete against all other OSes, but it would be nice to see another OS such as this rise to the challenge of taking on Microsoft. While Linux is already doing this, it’s still a long way off. It needs to offer more innovation, while normal users must be capable of using it comfortably.
so is there an iso for this? I see on the link from the first page, that this is available for download. but for the life of me I cannot find it!
“so is there an iso for this? I see on the link from the first page, that this is available for download. but for the life of me I cannot find it!”
Only if you have bought a Pegasos motherboard to run it on. The ISO is pretty useless without one! 😀
Opera didn’t have tabbed browsing until Opera 7.
tabbed browsing here! opera 6
Well, the thing is, the moment you attempt to “attack” Microsoft, you’ve lost. You just opened yourself up for their usual tactics of embrace, extend and extinguish. The only way to beat Microsoft is to flat out forget about them and focus on doing what you do best. It’s how Linux got so strong, they didn’t worry about Microsoft, they just did their little thing and enjoyed it.
MorphOS is focusing on delivering to the customer, not on “beating out” any OS, even the MorphOS-alike AmigaOS4.
German Bavarian immegrant Arnold Shwarzenegger said “Shmirgelwank herrgot Sakremm Beer” (meaning California willl be free as in beer).
the germans are comming
Schwarzenegger was born in Thal, Austria, not in Germany (http://www.who2.com/arnoldschwarzenegger.html).
you’re gay. he’s not from down under. they don’t breed that kind of people there. he’s nickname is German Oak btw.
“MorphOS is focusing on delivering to the customer, not on “beating out” any OS, even the MorphOS-alike AmigaOS4.”
Quite right too.
The world is plenty big enough for MorphOS, AmigaOS and AROS to coexist. As they develop, they will get different enough that their markets will hardly overlap. I am certain that the total market for all three is much bigger than any one of them could have built up on its own.
Much better to concentrate on “doing things right” than constantly worrying about what the guy next door might be up to.
what the f**** are you trying to say, do you even have a point ?. First you make some wild statements concerning morphos and OSS in general-and the linux kernel, mozilla and apache in particular.
Morphos is not OSS. It is propietary.
your rejoinder that you meant to post this too the REACTOS thread is utter frigging nonsense. If it were so you would not have written about Morphos. Gawd you are pathetic- you spew shite and then pretend it was a case of mistaken posting. Whatever.
The linux kernel, mozilla and apache are not based on propietary software. Each of these are OSS projects. There are various commercial implementations of these technologies-but the projects are OSS.
Your statements must lead to the conclusion that you have not even a remote understanding of what you’re talking about, and without such you are not even capable of forming an opinion. So what is disguised here as an opinion is nothing other than proffesional trolling- as if OSNEWS has not had enough of that recently with topspeed et al.
Don’t bother replying, your inane comments preclude me from reading anythin with your sig(or ip addr.)
Sun Lee,
what f**** does this have to do with Morphos ?
Schwarzenegger is Austrian in case you don’t know the difference between Austrian and Australia, one is a small country to the south of Germany, where various dialects of German are spoken, and the other is a continent, not much smaller than the US, where English is spoken.
As pertains to Morphos
The screenshots look good. I wish I had a Genesi/Pegasos board. Moreover I hope that the developers will eventually make Morphos an OSS project- enabling them to draw the large number of developers -they will need to get this OS up to the point of being comparbale with any other OS made in the past 10 years. I wish them the best of luck, but being propietary they will surely drag in terms of development time. Unless a product is offered, based on Morphos, which is a complete PC system, at a reasonable price, with a distinct advantage over Win/OSX/Linux, they will have a hell of a time getting enough developers to make Morphos a trully viable OS. Lacking such basic things as a TCP/IP stack, and lacking good drivers(propietary) for modern graphics and sound cards they will not be able to draw potential professional developers away from the Win/OSX world and their politics will discourage volunteer developers who work in the OSS world.
“The screenshots look good. I wish I had a Genesi/Pegasos board. Moreover I hope that the developers will eventually make Morphos an OSS project- enabling them to draw the large number of developers -they will need to get this OS up to the point of being comparbale with any other OS made in the past 10 years. I wish them the best of luck, but being propietary they will surely drag in terms of development time. Unless a product is offered, based on Morphos, which is a complete PC system, at a reasonable price, with a distinct advantage over Win/OSX/Linux, they will have a hell of a time getting enough developers to make Morphos a trully viable OS. Lacking such basic things as a TCP/IP stack, and lacking good drivers(propietary) for modern graphics and sound cards they will not be able to draw potential professional developers away from the Win/OSX world and their politics will discourage volunteer developers who work in the OSS world.”
I don’t think it is worth while to try to attract developers who are already committed to another OS. It makes more sense to attract new programmers who like using the platform and want to build it up.
you’re gay. he’s not from down under. they don’t breed that kind of people there. he’s nickname is German Oak btw.
Down under? Obviously you can’t read…he said Austria. Not Australia. Which is where Arnold is from.
“Shmirgelwank herrgot Sakremm Beer”
“Shmirgelwank herrgot Sakremm Beer”
Btw Mr schwarzenegger really is from Germany, he moved to Austria at the age of 6 but before lived in the town of Herzensgrund near Nürnberg (Durumburg).
Pizza Calzone (unten ohne)
30 GOTO 10
OTHA it’s Bier not Beer
Christ man. You really need to do something about all that built up anger.
Some cross-analysis is always needed, to see where your product comes up short. But never try for a full one-on-one bullet point, because you will always fail in some manner. I remember this huge thread discussing AOS4 vs MOS, and the bullet points, depending on the angle you viewed things from, made either OS look bad.
German Kanzler Edgard Schroeder said:
“Amerikka Shrooomp Kriechn arta Somperland erdi harz Utto!”
(America’s mushrooms creep into the earth of summerland, Hans Otto)
it seems we have to start giving some german lessons here!;)
but back to the board:
for all who are complaining abaut MOS beeing not OSS: there is an alternativ – AROS (www.aros.org)