Xandros, Inc., today announced the opening of the beta program for the 2.0 release of its award-winning Xandros Desktop. Users interested in testing Xandros Desktop 2.0 are invited to apply at the Xandros web site. Xandros is also looking for IT administrators considering mass deployment of the Xandros Desktop to test the forthcoming release of Xandros Networks Enterprise. For more info check here.
For all of you complaining that 2.2.2 is so bad.
Thats just great! I just signed up for the beta… Hope they will choose me!
At last they have found out KDE3* is the way to go
KDE3 point wot?
Xandros is the best GNU/Linux distro (IMHO) — have a look, you wont be disappointed.
Xandros works very good. It’s very throughly tested before released, and it havent crashed for me once (like complete system shutdown crash).
The outdated desktop manager and kernel in the current version is the only thing I think is
about Xandros, because of the speed improvements you do get in new versions (especially KDE2-3).
I hope this is going to be as good as it sounds!
Ok, this is messed up. I wasted near an hour looking up the specs for a test system to be informed I might “be chosen”. Disappointing…
The sign up form should really tell you this…you have to go back and read the whole news article just to find out about this little flaw.
For those of you who dont want to waste valuable time, DO NOT FILL OUT THE FORM, you dont actually get to test anything. Thats right, no download link, no ftp, no ISO image, nothing.
My question to Xandros – where is your vapor ware OS?
Feh, thanks for nothing guys, glad to know my time is worthless to you.
They said the latest KDE and this si the latest. of course I assume by latest, they mean latest stable KDE.
It’s called a Beta Test APPLICATION Form which means you are requesting a spot not that you are getting one for sure.
Also, why would they want your hardware specs before you have problems with the product if they weren’t going to choose based on hardware configurations
I am since the beginning with Xandros 1.0, it’s very useable,
great distro – but for these days, outdated KDE 2.2.2 Desktop.
I switched to Debian, and got a more current System.
I hope for Xandros, that 2.0 will be the big smash hit, everyone’s waiting for. 1.0 was a really good start into
linux for the company – let’s go further in this tradition!
go go go, Xandros!!!
>Xandros Announces Two Beta Programs
>Xandros Beta Testing
>Xandros 2.0 Beta Tester Application Form
Sorry, but none of these indicate to me any difference from the plethora of other beta test appl. sign ups out there that lead to a download.
I thought the common understanding was that you dont waste someones valuable time with sign ups without providing some return compensation like a download. (If they dont give every signee a slot they are wasting someones time. This aint no paying job here.)
I’ll not rescind my statement unless I get code to test. I will only acknowledge that I failed to read the news item in detail prior to filling the form. My point is there should be a blatant warning at the top of the form: “You will get no software today, and may not get any at all…”
Xandros 1.0 was a great first product for the company. In many ways, it was the most advanced commercial flavor of Linux on the market, but some of the eye candy was lacking, and it was crying for a decent CD/DVD burning program. The Xandros File System is a remarkable piece of programming. Xandros is based on Debian Woody, which is the most stable version of Debian but since it’s the most tested, it’s also the most outdated. If they spent half as much effort promoting themselves as Michael Robertson, they’d be taking the consumer world by a (relative) storm. Version 1.0 is clearly the easiest-to-install and use version of Linux on the market for newbies and Windows refugees looking for familiar user interface. It’s also perfect for corporations looking to switch away from Microsoft with a minimum of expense and pain to their IT departments and the users.