I tried the previous PPC Live CD on my 17″ LCD iMac, and it wouldn’t boot because of the graphics chipset my system uses (nVidia GForce 2 MX, I believe). Does anybody know if the Live CD will boot and run on the iMacs now?
BTW, if anyone is interested, I had an email conversation with a sales rep from Yellow Dog Linux the other day, and she confirmed that YDL was working on a Live CD as well.
I have an iMac 15″ also with a GF2 MX. What I did was use Xeasyconf, selected fbdev as the driver, 8 bit color, 1024×768 resolution. Right before I did “startx” I opened XF86Config-4 and changed “Default Depth” to “16” saved then startx.
This was the rc7 KDE live CD. The same CD will did not work (X did not work) on my iBook with a ATI Radeon 7500, no matter what driver I used I could not get higher than 8 bit colors. YellowDogLinux 3.0 however does work on this iBook, but I couldn’t get airport to work, nor did sleep work.
Why all of a sudden is gentoo a PITA to install now? 1.4 was supposed to clear up a lot of issues. After 4 attempts and many failures it still doesnt install properly even if one does follow the instructions to the letter. I used to love doing things with 1.2 but this is a disaster. Compile failures, non-working networks,etc etc, its getting crazy. What happened?
Why all of a sudden is gentoo a PITA to install now? 1.4 was supposed to clear up a lot of issues. After 4 attempts and many failures it still doesnt install properly even if one does follow the instructions to the letter. I used to love doing things with 1.2 but this is a disaster. Compile failures, non-working networks,etc etc, its getting crazy. What happened?
Gentoo is not for everyone. But if you have problems, you know what to do, right? Okay, you post your concerns at the gentoo forums and bug the guys over at the gentoo irc channel.
The live CD is supposed to automatically detect your network card. Compile failures usually mean improper CFLAG settings or make.conf settings.
Now that the gentoo-bashers have had their little temper tantrum…
Portage does not yet handel REVERSE-dependancies well. So when uninstalling packages one does need to find out which packages are dependent upon which other ones prior to removal. gentookit provides several tools for doing this. As far as I know this *feature request* is being worked on but is not yet available….(my knowlege may be outdated)
Talking about a “fork” in Gentoo is somewhat overblown IMHO. The guy behind zygnot, or whatever the hell you call it, left gentoo disgrunteled and started a massive propaganda campaign to deface Gentoo. I wish him in his endeavors the best of luck- but his work has nothing at all whatsoever to do with Gentoo as a desktop distribution. His interest is in embedded solutions and has no bearing on 99% of the users of Gentoo. If he wanted to develop a competing desktop distro then we could talk about a real “fork” but this is not the case..
I too passionatley dislike the cross-association between Gentoo and propagand for the US Military, ie. “America’s Army)….I could go on and cite Tucholsky(Alle Soldaten sind Mörder) but I believe DRobbins jumped on the oppurtunity to draw particular attention from NVIDIA, perhaps with the hopes of getting better NVIDIA support, and he did this with an eye towards bootable CDROM games, which run on most PC’s which have NVIDIA cards….This is an utterly new development in the console games market-ie. using PC’s as generic game consoles. There is tremendous demand for better gaming support under linux, more titles, better hardware support, more native linux versions….Although I despise such propaganda “games” I applaud Gentoos(DRobbins) work towards securing better NVIDIA support and more linux name recognition for game developers which will hopefully lead to more native linux games
Gentoo does not steal Copyrights. I would be lying to say that I know all of the procedures and steps involved in the submissions of ebuilds. But your accusation is nonsense. Gentoo probably cannot maintain an ebuild in it’s portage tree if it is not copyrighted to Gentoo. The autor of the ebuild, or more pertinantly the maintainer of the ebuild,is always named in the ebuild itself. Seeing how it is that an ebuild is just a series of python commands interpereted by portage which itself is copyrighted by Gentoo it makes little sense to copyright an ebuild personally. Most people are more than content with the fact that there name is given in the ebuilds which they contribute, and of course a contributor can become a maintainer, in which case their name will always appear in the ebuild.
It must be fun to fume and vent on public forums as opposed to talking with the individuals who are involved and work towards a compromise solution. You can make false accusations and deface the name of Gentoo in front of the world without being held accountable in anyway……
Thank you, they are some interesing parts in your answers, but…
Sorry, I’m not a gentoo basher. I like the idea behind gentoo, and was considering to use it as my main OS when I hear about this stories, and it made me sad.
Gentoo definitly needs to make things clearer : it was understood to be like debian (social contract, …), but it seems not
Talking about a “fork” in Gentoo is somewhat overblown IMHO … His interest is in embedded solution
To resume this fork in a specialisation in embedded solutions is not only false (of course they are interested in that domain, but not only), but it’s also a try do occult the reasons behind the fork. That perhaps worries me more than the others fact.
Gentoo does not steal Copyrights.
Did you follow my URLs. For sure the first one is in french, but if you don’t understand it or don’t want to use google translator, the second URL is explicit enough IMO
The contributions were under GPL. The only point for Gentoo INC for earning this Copyrights is the ability to change the license (ie: make gentoo proprietary)
The reason for the fork is to work soly on embedded platforms, due to the ambiguos nature of linux, you will be able to run it on other platforms aswell.
The contributions were under GPL. The only point for Gentoo INC for earning this Copyrights is the ability to change the license (ie: make gentoo proprietary)
you may or may not be implying that you think that is the intention, but if it is, that is ludicrous. There will never be a “proprietary” gentoo. Plans to create a not-for-profit for Gentoo are underway, and gentoo is steadfastly commited to the community. Why would some changes in a few headers of ebuilds draw you to jump to such conclusions?
I tried the previous PPC Live CD on my 17″ LCD iMac, and it wouldn’t boot because of the graphics chipset my system uses (nVidia GForce 2 MX, I believe). Does anybody know if the Live CD will boot and run on the iMacs now?
BTW, if anyone is interested, I had an email conversation with a sales rep from Yellow Dog Linux the other day, and she confirmed that YDL was working on a Live CD as well.
I have an iMac 15″ also with a GF2 MX. What I did was use Xeasyconf, selected fbdev as the driver, 8 bit color, 1024×768 resolution. Right before I did “startx” I opened XF86Config-4 and changed “Default Depth” to “16” saved then startx.
This was the rc7 KDE live CD. The same CD will did not work (X did not work) on my iBook with a ATI Radeon 7500, no matter what driver I used I could not get higher than 8 bit colors. YellowDogLinux 3.0 however does work on this iBook, but I couldn’t get airport to work, nor did sleep work.
“Keep in mind that the best things about Gentoo are still to come.”
I look forward to them.
/me wonders why Gentoo users haven’t bombarded this thread.
/me wonders why Gentoo users haven’t bombarded this thread.
We’re still waiting for emerge -u -deep world to finish
emerge comment
(2 hours later, the comment is ready)
Why did the 1.4 release take so long? Was there not an original plan to release it sometime last year? Then all of the sudden, no news?
Actually its emerge -u –deep world, if you just use one hyphen it thinks each letter is a separate option
Yeah, so technically speaking, if you wanted to use a single hyphen you could just do the following;
emerge -uD world
The same reasons the 2.6 kernel isn’t out yet. Things happen.
Why all of a sudden is gentoo a PITA to install now? 1.4 was supposed to clear up a lot of issues. After 4 attempts and many failures it still doesnt install properly even if one does follow the instructions to the letter. I used to love doing things with 1.2 but this is a disaster. Compile failures, non-working networks,etc etc, its getting crazy. What happened?
Why all of a sudden is gentoo a PITA to install now? 1.4 was supposed to clear up a lot of issues. After 4 attempts and many failures it still doesnt install properly even if one does follow the instructions to the letter. I used to love doing things with 1.2 but this is a disaster. Compile failures, non-working networks,etc etc, its getting crazy. What happened?
Gentoo is not for everyone. But if you have problems, you know what to do, right? Okay, you post your concerns at the gentoo forums and bug the guys over at the gentoo irc channel.
The live CD is supposed to automatically detect your network card. Compile failures usually mean improper CFLAG settings or make.conf settings.
Are you by any chance a Red Hat or Mandrake user?
Haha! Are you “teh l33t” Gent00 user?
Make sure to put those n00bs in their place, Mystileef!
[x] No answer to question posed
[x] Response makes clear that question was not read
[x] Patronizing remarks
[x] Stupid nickname
Gentoo user detected.
* Does emerge now handle dependances while uninstalling packets
* What’s new from the gentoo’s fork, done by some developpers unhappy with the strange policy of gentoo’s leaders (
livecd for US Army propaganda, unresolved bugs, new projects announced without discussion with the gentoo community, …)
Some people have made some ebuilds under their own copyrights, which later appear in portage under (c)2003 Gentoo Inc copyright.
That’s lame, and that’s illegal.
Read for example :
It’s perhaps only a lack of organization, but in this case, this should stop right now.
Now that the gentoo-bashers have had their little temper tantrum…
Portage does not yet handel REVERSE-dependancies well. So when uninstalling packages one does need to find out which packages are dependent upon which other ones prior to removal. gentookit provides several tools for doing this. As far as I know this *feature request* is being worked on but is not yet available….(my knowlege may be outdated)
Talking about a “fork” in Gentoo is somewhat overblown IMHO. The guy behind zygnot, or whatever the hell you call it, left gentoo disgrunteled and started a massive propaganda campaign to deface Gentoo. I wish him in his endeavors the best of luck- but his work has nothing at all whatsoever to do with Gentoo as a desktop distribution. His interest is in embedded solutions and has no bearing on 99% of the users of Gentoo. If he wanted to develop a competing desktop distro then we could talk about a real “fork” but this is not the case..
I too passionatley dislike the cross-association between Gentoo and propagand for the US Military, ie. “America’s Army)….I could go on and cite Tucholsky(Alle Soldaten sind Mörder) but I believe DRobbins jumped on the oppurtunity to draw particular attention from NVIDIA, perhaps with the hopes of getting better NVIDIA support, and he did this with an eye towards bootable CDROM games, which run on most PC’s which have NVIDIA cards….This is an utterly new development in the console games market-ie. using PC’s as generic game consoles. There is tremendous demand for better gaming support under linux, more titles, better hardware support, more native linux versions….Although I despise such propaganda “games” I applaud Gentoos(DRobbins) work towards securing better NVIDIA support and more linux name recognition for game developers which will hopefully lead to more native linux games
Gentoo does not steal Copyrights. I would be lying to say that I know all of the procedures and steps involved in the submissions of ebuilds. But your accusation is nonsense. Gentoo probably cannot maintain an ebuild in it’s portage tree if it is not copyrighted to Gentoo. The autor of the ebuild, or more pertinantly the maintainer of the ebuild,is always named in the ebuild itself. Seeing how it is that an ebuild is just a series of python commands interpereted by portage which itself is copyrighted by Gentoo it makes little sense to copyright an ebuild personally. Most people are more than content with the fact that there name is given in the ebuilds which they contribute, and of course a contributor can become a maintainer, in which case their name will always appear in the ebuild.
It must be fun to fume and vent on public forums as opposed to talking with the individuals who are involved and work towards a compromise solution. You can make false accusations and deface the name of Gentoo in front of the world without being held accountable in anyway……
Thank you, they are some interesing parts in your answers, but…
Sorry, I’m not a gentoo basher. I like the idea behind gentoo, and was considering to use it as my main OS when I hear about this stories, and it made me sad.
Gentoo definitly needs to make things clearer : it was understood to be like debian (social contract, …), but it seems not
Talking about a “fork” in Gentoo is somewhat overblown IMHO … His interest is in embedded solution
You said demagogy ?
To resume this fork in a specialisation in embedded solutions is not only false (of course they are interested in that domain, but not only), but it’s also a try do occult the reasons behind the fork. That perhaps worries me more than the others fact.
Gentoo does not steal Copyrights.
Did you follow my URLs. For sure the first one is in french, but if you don’t understand it or don’t want to use google translator, the second URL is explicit enough IMO
The contributions were under GPL. The only point for Gentoo INC for earning this Copyrights is the ability to change the license (ie: make gentoo proprietary)
as much as I hate to reply to trolls.
The reason for the fork is to work soly on embedded platforms, due to the ambiguos nature of linux, you will be able to run it on other platforms aswell.
Robert Renling
The contributions were under GPL. The only point for Gentoo INC for earning this Copyrights is the ability to change the license (ie: make gentoo proprietary)
you may or may not be implying that you think that is the intention, but if it is, that is ludicrous. There will never be a “proprietary” gentoo. Plans to create a not-for-profit for Gentoo are underway, and gentoo is steadfastly commited to the community. Why would some changes in a few headers of ebuilds draw you to jump to such conclusions?
i’m all for paranoia, but this is a little much.