The dot is running a piece on a recent presentation given by Matthias Ettrich, director of Qt development, author of LyX, and founder of KDE, in the annual KDE Developer’s Conference in Nove Hardy, Czech Republic. He details what will be new in Qt 4.0, which will be used as a base for the next major version of KDE after 3.2. New features will include much faster startup speed and memory usage as well as a general cleanup of Qt’s architecture, including the splitting of GUI and non-GUI related classes in Qt.
Incoming features look very nice.
It’s a good idea that the non-GUI code is being seperated. Toolkits shouldn’t try to do everything.
What has the title to do with the content? I think the real story about the KDE Conference is
It’s written Nové Hrady. How about reading the linked story rather than just copying the erroneous story from Slashdot?
Fatnstic story, I am very excited!
What about Qt and Qt/KDE integration which was promised a year agao, you know consistent file dialogs and stuff like that.
What about Qt and Qt/KDE integration which was promised a year agao, you know consistent file dialogs and stuff like that.
What does this mean specifically? I’m not saying I disagree with you, I just don’t know what you mean by ‘integration.’ How do you integrate a toolkit and a desktop enviroment? I thought KDE was MADE with QT? How much more integrated can you get than that ?
Qt can already use kde native themes, like keramik. As for file dialogs, the only way for these to be “consistent” would require kde’s file diag to use pure QT…which would defeat the purpose of kde entirely (kparts, kmimetypes etc.)
I think what he means is that when it runs in KDE, Qt will use KDE’s standard dialogs (Open, Save, Colour, Font etc.) instead of its own. KDE recently gained the ability for these dialogs to be used outside of KDE apps, so it’s definitely possible.
Why don’t they change their toolkit to fltk. It has some cool themes now. Maybe they could use Safari for the browser.
Huh? Because they have a huge investment in Qt? Because Qt is still tons better than FLTK? Safari doesn’t even run on Linux! And even if it did, Konqueror and Safari have the same rendering engine, so there would be no point.
I think it would be much more easier making cool themes for Qt/KDE than port to fltk…
I am really excited for the Qt/KDE project. This is yet another reason to be a KDE developer. 🙂 Hopefully, by the time Qt4 is released, I would have honed my C/C++ skills to the point I can play around comfortably with Qt4. Ah, I imagine it’s fun being a KDE developer. I am satisfied with the direction this project is heading. I look forward to developing for it.
I was you a year or so ago, although I haven’t done a lot to help out the KDE project, I can tell you programing KDE Apps and stuff for KDE is an awsome way to pick up how KDE works and learn Qt.
KDE is so cool and so modular, and it’s developer popularity will continue to grow because of that (while gn0me just slowly becomes the obfuscated bitch to Sun and RH).
They may be hearty castles, but they’re not “hardy”.
Please correct this.
Canopy is the company that controls SCO, incase you didn’t knwo.
Yarrow sits on TrollTech’s BOD.
When will they merge KDE and GNOME? I like GNOME’s web browser and window manager, but I like KDE’s database and support for multiple programming languages.
They should put some folks on porting Mozilla to Qt again.
Your stupid, so what if Trolltech is partially owne dby the canopy Group, the Canopy Group owns a lot of companies. besides, most of trolltech is owned by trolltech employees.
Do you even realize how stupid oyu are? What’s next boycott the US because that’s where SCO is from? That’s as stupid as boycotting Madnrake because they’re french. As if they have anythng to do witht he decisions their government makes. (Do you realiz that that’ a lot like saying don’t buy anything from black people acuse they’re black which is totally stupid cause they can’t change their color.)