Panther will be released tonight and people already started the queues outside the Apple Stores in US. OSNews will be present tonight at Palo Alto’s store reporting, as we did last year. Many sites online present Panther today: “A Developer’s Look at Panther“, “Xcode: The future of Mac development tools“, “Take a Peek at Panther: See what Apple’s latest OS can do for you“, “New OS to go on sale tonight; fourth upgrade in 2.5 years“, “Panther Server: ‘Open source made easy’“, “Panther: A look at the new Mac OS“, while XvsXP has being updated shooting out WinXP and OSX. Update: Two more: “Apple Panther Aims at Enterprise Compatibility” and “Apple’s Panther OS: Is This the One?“
My Apple store is in a Mall anyway and the Mall will probably just close at 9 like always.
I pre-ordered a copy from the online Apple Store. When I bought it, they said it would arrive after 8pm. I just checked the FedEx tracking info, and it’s waiting on my doorstep. Good thing I left a signature waiver – just in case. Ah, no waiting in lines for me tonight. The only thing left is to order a pizza for my personal Panther installfest.
To quote Paul Finch, from American Pie: “God bless the Internet.”
Mine too. I just checked on my tracking number and it’s been delivered! Now if I can just come up with a good excuse as to why I have to leave work early…
Good idea about the pizza, too. Although I may need to add something to that order, like a six pack of beer. Pilsner Urquell, perhaps?
>like a six pack of beer.
I prefer orange juice. I don’t drink and operate computers.
I had a “stomach flu” today.
“I don’t drink and operate computers.”
LOL! I should probably follow that advice.
All I know is that we just got back from a week and half in Italy and my wife has 2 episodes of The Batchelor (ugh) recorded on our cable DVR, so she’s got her night planned and I’ve got mine…
I already have mine. Was sitting on my desk when I got back from Lunch! Can’t wait to get home and load it up!
Does somebody know what the final build of Panther is?
Is it 7B85?
My deptartment ordered eval copies and I got mine half an hour ago! installing it now — too bad I wont get to play with it till monday
hmmm… that is funnyy… I did pretty much all of my coding assignments either drinking Frappe + bailyes or screwdrivers lol — I also had loud dance music pumping through my stereo (next to me)…. I did my best computer thinking that way lol
Just installed it here at work and everything is smooth!
You people talking about “install fests” — what computer are you using? Do you really just sit there while the operating system is installed? This is OSX we’re talking about, not Linux — watching “the Batchelor” is much better than watching a progress bar!
Good one Apple.
MacosX keep going better and better
“You people talking about “install fests” — what computer are you using? Do you really just sit there while the operating system is installed? This is OSX we’re talking about, not Linux.”
True enough…just reminiscing about my old Linux days.
I imagine I’ll be tinkering with something or other while Panther installs…
I just installed on my 12″ PowerBook – smooth as silk! Haven’t had time yet to really configure much of anything, but it is definitely faster than 10.2, even with journaling turned on!
Tell us the truth. You work in Redmond, no?;-)
I already installed my copy of Panther as it showed up at 10:30 am. I think it is wonderful. Yes the build is 7B85
I’ve done installs of XP and MacOSX installs faster. At work installed Panther on a G4/466. It took about 20 minutes.
Now I can do the dual-boot Linux/OS X install!!!
But I’m also bummed because I spent damn near the entire weekend compiling the Qt libraries for my Mac. Oh, well. On the bright side, I can download 3.2.2 and start all over again 😉
Yes, it is 7B85.
The x86 version is not included.:-(
Arrived at 7:45pm at CompUSA. At 8pm everyone made a mad dash for the first copies of 10.3. Although I nearly lost a limb to a vagabond jealous crowd I stand triumphant with my Mac fully up to date. I’m nearly blinded by the light of my metalic windows of glory. I might actually use Ex-poser.A. It’s handy despite first impressions. What I can’t get over is the MUCH better handling of folder with large amounts of multimedia files. I’m so used to spinning colored unresponsive beachball cursors I no longer drink. Worth $129 dollars? For a few features and supporting my platform of choice.. YES!!
I was the first person at Comp USA in Jackson, MS to get a copy and I am about to install now. I stood in Comp USA for an hour from 8:00 PM until closing going through the demo on a G5. Here goes……..
Install was smooth (I used archive and install) on my PowerBook (G4 550). The OS is beautiful and a big improvement over Jaguar (which was already amazing). Expose is excellent, I like the new finder, mail is vastly improved and everything seems faster. The Apple folks did an excellent job.
Mark Wilson
The final release is indeed build 7B85 according to the “About My Mac” window. I’ve installed it on both my G4 desktop and my iBook and so far I am VERY impressed. Both computers literally boot up almost twice as fast now!! Overall speed while using the computer is dramatically improved (apps launch faster, windows resize smoother, finder navigation is more responsive), and I even have the journaling enabled.. The improved speed and Expose alone was worth the upgrade.
…by signing this petition:
Please, anyone and everyone, be of a GREAT help to us the Greek Mac fellow users…
I have just installed it, and only one word ……..AWESOME.
Its much much faster than Jaguar, everything is optimised, its full of new very cool features, expose is great, and Apple is great.
Really they have done a nice job, i am really satisfied with this platform.
Guys on pc what are you doing there?? Join us to the MacOsX world.
I am now trying Xcode, and it is great.,,,,,,Today is a really nice day……
I went to the apple store,, arrived *really* early (12pm, but its in a mall, so I could catch a movie first)..
I walked up to them, (at 12),, and said I wanna buy Panther,, (just in case you never know
), they say its 8:00pm.. anyway, 8pm arrives, and I pick up a panther box,, walk over to the counter (first in line! yea!).. And guess what,, “no sir, because you bought a powerbook last week you have to wait 2 weeks, and then we’ll send it to you”
“But you could’ve told me that *this morning when I came here*!”
Anyway, now I’m going to get it for free (not that $20 is that much)..
AppleKorea is clearly on a different system that the rest of the world..
What compiler options do you get with Panther.
Is gcc 3.1 there as well as gcc 3.3?
i installed with the journaling option. is there a way to turn it off for more speed? i didnt know what to use, unix file system or mac file system with journaling.
Don’t know if you can disable journalling, but looking at the ‘Mac OS X for UNIX users’ document, it seems that the speed of UFS is approaching the speed of HFS+. Now is that vague, or is that vague? Approaching by how much? HFS+ with or w/o journalling? Anyone with Panther able to test this out?
does anyone have the BOX for 10.2 Jaguar?
I paid $117 for MacOS X 10.2 and it never came with a box! Now, while that may seem a trivial matter to some of you, I was highly upset.
To me, the box is the fullfillment of this dream of mine to own 10.2. To have it sit proudly on the shelf, as testament to this aquisition!
So, if you still have the box to the full retail 10.2 Jaguar, and don’t want it, I will gladly pay a few dollars for it, to have it shipped to me.
Just flip the “xoc.ten” around ( to Email me.
Thank you.