“Since qnxZone was [recently] launched, I have been thinking that the stories of some of the long time QNX users may be of interest to the community. As one of the longer time (older) users, I figured I would start it off. Now this story starts in 1986, but in order for it to make more sense, you have to go back to the late ’70s when I was in high school. I went to high school with Dan Hildebrand, who went on to become a significant player in the QNX community. We went to school in Winnipeg, but after high school I joined the Canadian Military and took off for other parts of the country. I lost touch with Dan other than the occasional contact when I was back in Winnipeg visiting family and such. By 1986 I was stationed in Victoria, BC, going to university under a program in the military.” Read the rest of the story at QNXZone.
QNX rears its ugly head again… ha ha just kidding! I hope al is well in the QNX community?! I just wanted to make the first post that’s all 🙂
I still miss danh, he was a cool guy.
– chrish
I quite like QNX, the only downside is that isnt designed as a Desktop OS just a development environment, hence a lot of Desktop features will never appear, i.e. Good FS support, Good 3D support.
Nice and easy to use though, with quality font rendering like Be.
Doesn’t QNX have better 3D support than BeOS?
QNX has 3D support for Voodoo3 and I think, also for Matrox G400, but I am not sure about the latter. But it has support for Voodoo3.
The plain BeOS 5 does not have hardware GL support at all.
BeOS 5+, that includes the unreleased new OpenGL stack, had support for Intel 815, Voodoo2/3/4/5 & ATi Radeon (not the new 7/8500 models though, only last year’s models). There was a Matrox G400 3D driver under development as well at some point, but it was canned more than 1.5 years ago already, way before the rest of the project was canned by Be. There are several articles and even forum comments from Be engineers on BeNews’ news archives about that stuff.
and qnx has opera 5!
btw… what happened to qnxstart?
it just changed to qnxzone
QNX’s 3D support is through Glide (ie, total dead end) at this time, so you’re limited to 3dfx chipsets. I can’t see proper OpenGL support being a big item for them, unless someone approaches them for a gaming console.
– chrish
Linksys PCMCIA Cards on a ThinkPad, though on the supported hardware list, never worked for me which sucks since I am on a newtork. beautiful UI though. Almost as nice as Mac OS X and BeOS!
qnxZone is NOT qnxstart. qnxZone was a completely separate idea started while qnxstart was still up. It was never meant to be a replacement. QNXStart may one day rejoin the qnx community portals again…