A new status update from the AROS team is available at aros.org.
Other than information about the latest happenings in the AROS development realm, you can find a couple of new screenshots showing off some of the new features.
A new status update from the AROS team is available at aros.org.
Other than information about the latest happenings in the AROS development realm, you can find a couple of new screenshots showing off some of the new features.
God, I dig this project!
My hope is that tons of great coders get on to this project and in the next couple of years WinLonghorn could be facing it’s biggest enemie, AROS.
Remember that Bill G, were scared as h*ll when Commodore unvield the first Amiga?
Isn’t this the OS that doesn’t have a TCP/IP stack or even support for networking at all?
I have used this a few months back it was cool up to the point that I had to have another box running so I could add software. I think more people would run to this if they could actually download projects and connect to the “Internet” through the OS.
This day in age an OS is impossible to work with if it doesn’t have some kind of net access. CLI or UI
Any word on when it’ll be ready to install to the harddrive? I love this project!
What hapend to Aroslite and PowerOS?
Do they still live in the Aros CVS?
It is harddrive installable, it just isn’t 100% perfect yet and isn’t recommended if you have important data on the drive.
There is a (actually many) bounty project open at TeamAROS that anyone is able to donate to to TCP/IP support (links available on the AROS.org site). I myself have contributed to the TCP/IP and GCC (which just got completed) bounties. If you have a few extra bucks, why not send it their way? They can always use the help. That or start coding to help them out then you can score the money for the bounty. (I am not a coder, which is why I sent some money via PayPal)
And….God I love this project too. I have been following its development for a long time.
that we dont have internett accesss yet but at least its beeing slowly worked on so look on the bright side
as for hdinstalling you can do that now! try sys:utilities/installaros BEWARE this is a *simple* installer and it will just nuke the hd and install AROS on a System partition.
Aroslite? never heard about must have been before my time and poweros have been dead for years and no theyre not in the cvs.
Why don’t they make like Microsoft and provisionally use the BSD TCP/IP stack? It is, after all, BSD licensed, and is perfectly capable until they can write a replacement.
Or is porting it too much work?
“Why don’t they make like Microsoft and provisionally use the BSD TCP/IP stack? It is, after all, BSD licensed, and is perfectly capable until they can write a replacement.”
yeah, and then sco comes and wants $699 for each aros copy aswell
It’s been waaaay too long since the last update. Nevertheless, it’s nice to see AROS making some progress. ๐
Progress? Man, this thing’s going like a Zyrtec!
(for australian audiences only)