This article looks at four open source development environments for working with Python code on Unix-like operating systems. He evaluates two general-purpose editors/environments and two Python-specific ones, and compares the merits of each.
This article looks at four open source development environments for working with Python code on Unix-like operating systems. He evaluates two general-purpose editors/environments and two Python-specific ones, and compares the merits of each.
It’s all about Boa Constructor. Best IDE I’ve ever used.
Quoth: “Even though I have tried out many IDEs for many programming languages, over the years, I always seem to return to using “favorite text editor plus command-line” when I actually want to get something done.”
That’s right. Give me vim and all is well. Syntax highlighting is all the IDE I need. (Of course, none of my projects has been big enough to require an true IDE either.)
I know that building GUIs in text editors is doable, but I equate it to pulling teeth.
It’s kind of like writing HTML in a text editor (which I can deal with), only much, much worse.
Damn good Python/Qt IDE. Includes support for subversion or CVS, integrated debugger, integrated project management, UI designer, unit testing, coverage runs, you name it.
Yeah, not a single mention of eric3, wtf?
Shame about the nose of the troll though, looks like a… y’know.
Yeah.. I was fully expecting to be reading abou eric. Kinda shocked to not see it mentioned, seeing as it is a great tool. I dont like all the garbage in boa constructor, and idle is..umm… tk or whatver, and hard to look at. I had been mostly just using simple editors like kedit or gedit, and vi.. but since i discovered eric, its by far the editor of choice.
Besides, it has a proper python name.
I was rather surprised to see the author praise jEdit as a Python IDE, but I had forgotten that they did in fact have a Jython plugin. Now I have another tool/toy to work with! If you’re looking for a text editor otherwise, jEdit is a great choice– I also have the jTidy plugin installed, which is a lot like the HTML Tidy utility.
nothing can beat Kate for Programming editors.
I’m doing GUI, HTMl and even my 3D animations using a text editor, I find it much friendlier than any “custom interface”.
A text gives you precise pure control over how the code generating the output will look like, not only how things will look; gives the programmer the ability to generate either fast or small code, re-use some code between windows and think more creatively.
In all cases, I use ViM and Bash
I was a little surprised to not see any mention of Boa as well. I don’t do a huge amount of work with Python, but Boa has worked great for me.
I know that building GUIs in text editors is doable, but I equate it to pulling teeth.
It’s kind of like writing HTML in a text editor (which I can deal with), only much, much worse.
I actually prefer to develop a GUI using just a text editor. IDEs like VB, C#, Delphi, Boa Constructor, etc. put too much supporting garbage into the code.
I’m still using EMACS and make! 🙂
– chrish
Eric, from the website looks very very promising, but after apparently satisfying all its requirements, I get the following on attempted installation:
./ line 9: import: command not found
./ line 10: import: command not found
./ line 11: import: command not found
./ line 12: import: command not found
./ line 13: import: command not found
./ line 14: import: command not found
./ line 15: import: command not found
./ line 16: import: command not found
./ line 17: import: command not found
./ line 20: progName: command not found
./ line 21: modDir: command not found
./ line 22: platBinDir: command not found
./ line 23: distDir: command not found
./ line 25: syntax error near unexpected token `(‘
./ line 25: `def usage(rcode = 2):’
I am running SuSE 9.0. What is going on? For the first time, I have ni idea!!
Read the README, please. It’s not ./, it’s python
> Read the README, please. It’s not ./, it’s python
Thanks a bunch! I don’t know why I could not see something that is [so] obvious!