“It’s all well and good to call Linux mature, but one of the most painful phrases in the IT industry proves it’s not. That phrase is “end-to-end,” and among the major hardware players out there, it’s a surprisingly taboo concept. That is, surprisingly enough, except for one vendor – Solaris worshipper Sun” says TheRegister, while Computer Associates say that “First we had the PC generation. Then the Internet generation. And now we’re in the midst of the Linux generation. And it’s not too soon to join.“
I’m sorry to say that Sun should give up Solaris and give Linux a big boost and than they should ride the wind to profitability. They made a very good move by acquiring a service workforce, so now give Linux a jump start. Linux development is very agressive right now, so send it through the roof, Sun can do that. If they have a large service team than they will be able to sell Linux to corporations and maintain a large cutomer base. They should turn on the jets. Later on, in a few years, they will have more money and many choices.
…I don’t want to hear another Sun Microsystems sob story.
Linux is not the key to the finacial future of any large company, that includes IBM. For them, it’s a method of bringing consulting services into a company. That is where IBM makes its money. Interestingly enough, IBM Global Services sells tons of Sun UltraSparc servers to customers. They’ll sell customers whatever they need to get things done. Dell isn’t behind Linux.. and neither is HP.. they love M$. That’s evident in how they are killing off soo many products they got from Compaq/Digital/Tandem. So where does this really leave Linux? Well in this bumb economy, it’s a good thing and everyone is trying to ride the hype until people demand something that’s “end-to-end”. At which point, we’ll see everything shift again and Linux will be only a part of the solutions big companies use. It’s not going to rule the world!
Each platform and OS serves a purpose, regardless of how techies feel. It has to do with what the business needs are and how productivity is affected. The end result is that once the hype dies down Linux will just be a tool like any other OS. The commercial Unix landscape will definitely be different. I forsee that Sun and IBM will do well. Sun will have the unique advantage of having Solaris running on UltraSparc, Opteron, and x86. It’ll offer Linux as a second thought. They’ll have the JDS and JES stacks available across all of their offerings making things easier for customers. This is something that IBM won’t do, so Sun will come out on top in the long run. Sun just has to make it through the economy and stick to its guns.
Linux is a lot different than any other OS, it’s an open source platform. Your ‘talk’ is what holds back SUN again and again.
It’s not Linux that’s important. It’s the (L)GPL and the BSD licenses that matter. With opensource you will have:
– Increased competition (which will lead to better price/value and better support)
– Open formats and protocols (preventing vendor lock-in and supporting integration)<BR>
– Better software (because quality matters with opensource, not making money).
These are qualities no commercial vendor can compete with. Linux already is one of many very competitive products and it hasn’t even matured yet. Open source really is an evolution in software development and it will change the world forever. It’s not impossible.. it’s inevitable! mauhaha
It’s too bad the media fails to see this and only looks at linux as a free alternative to Windows. It’s so much more. Linux is maybe overhyped, but the movement is there, it’s real and nobody can stop it.
Don’t be so narrow minded. Linux is not ready for the desktop today. So what! Look 10-20 years in the future. Computers, operating systems, applications, the internet. It will all blend together. There won’t be a software product to sell by then, just solutions and support.
Well, Linux is full of numerous bugs, PATCHES that are NON stop!
Windows cannot top the number of PATCHES that linux has, if you look at howmany there is, one would be like get real and fix the open source crap!