FLTK-based Equinox Desktop Environment (EDE) 1.0.1 is released. Current released features: Small memory footprint; Fast loading, comparing to other window managers; Theme support; Window decorations support; Xft support (text anti-aliasing support); Wallpaper support (support for may image formats); Taskbar with configurable menu, cpu status, easy keyboard type switching; Localisation support; Graphical front-end for: xscreensaver configuration, software installation (.rpm, .deb, .tgz), time and time-zone configuration fast file and directory finder.
This looks exactly like KDE pre-1.0!
Why not simply run KDE 1.0 and you’ll get a better Equinox!
Does anyone have a UI consultent for half of these projects? Why does every ‘new’ project look like (as ealm said) KDE 1.0 or Windows 95.
… do we even need yet another desktop?
Well, it’s not like Equinox is a “new desktop”. It’s been around for a while. And this WM would fit perfect in our embedded product, which is more than I could say about KDE1.
I guess this will be great on older comps, but …
Creator claims he wants to get rid of big bloated libs, which is fine, but are there really any applications available that use FLTK? If you still have to load up qt / gtk+ to have any applications, you might as well use xfce or similar.
…this WM would fit perfect in our embedded product…
And what product may that be?
A machine control system with a 64MB compact flash card as storage space (used for a stripped Slackware with X, OpenGL, FLTK, the application and the users’ project files).
first aff all, FYI, Equinox uses a VERY light toolkit (as you know if did RTFA), which is total of 400kb in size. So in short that is alot faster than (even) KDE1 with QT1.
Looks nice for me, especially for older machines.Shame that I threw my P150 away
A machine control system with a 64MB compact flash card as storage space
Well, this Qt solution would certainly cut it on this spec, width a memory footprint even smaller than Equinox at the same time as being far more polished and capable.
Too late now anyway
Besides, as th said, FLTK is ultra fast, tiny and quite portable (yeah, I know QT embedded is too). The compiled static lib is 826k for us, of which we only use a fraction.
Where’s you can get a complete qt environment down to around 700 kb…
anyway – lycka till med ert projekt
… do we even need yet another desktop?
Yes. Yes we do. In fact, I hope they code their own media player, word processor, spreadsheet, web browser, graphics tool, video editor, and email client. Just to hack off all you people that say “why are their so many X type app on Linux”. Then once they’ve done that, I hope they do it again!
iDaZe, this is real simple. If you don’t want to use it, don’t!
I like it. Some of my favorites:
– Light and fast (at least FLTK is) Don’t know about E-FLTK which sit on top of FLTK
– FLTK is very elegant in design
– Runs native on Unix, Win32, Mac
– All that for free (LGPL)
– There are alot of non-trivial Apps using FLTK
– Theming is comming (soon)
FLTK is a very nice toolkit ! i would recommend every one to try it out!
From the screenshots it seems no aa is available for the FLTK toolkit, is that right?
I just compiled the cvs version (2.0.x) of fltk and it doesn have xft support. fltk comes with a gui building tool called fluid.
I have never been able to build EDE, as the build always returns one error or another. Further, once you build fltk (the EDE verision, not the standard version) & efltk, don’t expect ‘make uninstall’ to work. This is definitely not pretty and definitely not ready for primetime.
This project looks great. I hope it does well. We need more choice.
Why does every window manager out there look like a sick hack of Windows 95 ?
I hoped I’d see some creativity but I guess not.
Many people say that FLTK is a nice toolkit. What does it mean apart from being light? Is it easy to program for example? Does it have any other useful features?
Low memory foot print..i am sold. I still run Black Box on my NetBSD laptop which works great(multiple desktops, slick menuing system and fast what else do you need?) maybe i will see if i can compile EDE and run it jsut for fun.
looks like they need to get a new server
I think we need a good reviews for other DEs like XFce, Rox , XPde and now EDE.
Did you pass “–enable-xft” to ./configure ? That is if you’re compiling on a *nix OS with X11.
wow! WALLPAPER SUPPORT! many different formats! i’m chuffed beyond beleif. i spend so much time staring at my desktop because I dont have any apps open or do any work, a good wallerpaper support is a must!!
AND AND AND! a graphic front end to xscreensaver! awesome! desktop wallpaper AND screensaver front end. my two favourite most used things!! sweeet.