reports that MorphOS 1.4.2 is now available. To get it login to the beta2ftp server and download the boot.img to update your MorphOS 1.4.1 installation. reports that MorphOS 1.4.2 is now available. To get it login to the beta2ftp server and download the boot.img to update your MorphOS 1.4.1 installation.
Here are some Screenshots of MorphOS in action:
The changes for MorphOS 1.4.2 are:
– The IDE lockup bug has been fixed.
– Real Time Clock load and save problems on Pegasos 2 have been fixed.
– The system clock no longer drifts on Pegasos 2.
– The Exec MEMF_REVERSE memory fragmentation bug has been fixed.
> After all, what is the use of this? I see nothing but this
> is a better only better OS. People don’t immigrate to
> another OS only because it is better.
This is, what has been a big success on the entire world from 1986 till today. It is something new but still has old roots. You may know or heard about Amiga when you was younger.
Around 1994 or so Commodore (who sold the c64, c128 and Amiga) went bancrupt and the whole architecture stagnated after that. This doesn’t mean that the Hardware or the OS was bad or something. It only had bad circumstances because the Marketing of Commodore that time was mislead and ruined by some persons.
The Amiga has still a high userbase that is following the steps of Amiga. Now that the old Hardware and Operating System stagnated over the years – competition products such as the normal PC and even Linux has taken over and continued their evolution. That means the old Amiga and OS as was don’t have a future anymore due to outdated things (even if they were totally superior that time). Now GENESI and bPlan and all the volunteers working on MorphOS are trying what Apple did some years ago. Leaving the old architecture and OS and continue on a new architecture with modern polished OS but still in the old philosophy. This exactly is what MorphOS offers today with the PegasosII Hardware.
So basicly it is nothing NEW and also nothing old. Many structures you see today happening on Linux with GNOME or KDE was already possible on AmigaOS years ago. It has a Messaging system, You can configure your Hardware on your Desktop. It is fast, it’s not bloated and it is modern.
More information can be found here:
> Grabbed the best from Amiga and give nothing back.
I don’t think you have the right to all them liars as you did in your Title. These people don’t owe you anything. It may be true that they have promised such a version long time ago (and maybe someone is willing to still do it, who knows) but the majority of the people are concentrating on going forward rather than backward. Which imo is a good thing. We here are waiting inpatiently for Mos 1.5 too and that is what most of us are doing.
is it running on the A4000 spec or not?
Groetjees from hallond
Kinda wish they’d port this to X86. It’s a nice looking OS. Would be even cooler if they basically built this as a window manager for Linux. Uses the Linux kernel so hardware won’t be an issue. We could port QT or GTK to it so that existing applications could run on it.
I think it would give KDE, Gnome and the others some competition.
Alas, I know that this unfortunately is not the intent of the developers…but it’s nice to dream at least.
MorhpOS makes AmigaOS look butt ugly !!
> Kinda wish they’d port this to X86. It’s a nice looking OS.
> Would be even cooler if they basically built this as a
> window manager for Linux. Uses the Linux kernel so hardware
> won’t be an issue. We could port QT or GTK to it so that
> existing applications could run on it.
> I think it would give KDE, Gnome and the others some
> competition.
This is a general misinformation that crossed my way quite often in the past months. People are assuming that MorphOS is just another Linux like System (or Unix’ish). With a Kernel and a Windowmanager. But this is NOT the case. MorphOS is a combination of a Microkernel based on the Quark System which offers the A/Box (full Amiga 3.1 compatibility) and soon the Q/Box (not yet) functionality ontop of it runs Ambient the so called (Workbench). The entire System is around 40mb in size and hell fast.
If this System was build ontop of Linux then it would make it just another Unix like clone and the philosophy of an Amiga like computer and OS is totally lost. The aim of this OS is that people want to follow an philosophy that they believe is a good solution that they hold for many years. MorphOS is totally different.
There are also no real benefits in porting QT or GTK on MorphOS since it would make it just another GNOME or KDE or Linux clone. People that like these functionality should either stick to Linux with GNOME or KDE. MorphOS is different and hopefully stays it for a long time. We the community of developers are not shortminded or closed if it comes to Open Source or Free Software solutions, we do use them and try to use them much to give the System a good amount of usable and cool programs, we are also able to run a good amount of old Amiga applications (either natively compiled or through the MC680x0 JIT). When we start to port stuff we try to port them correctly so the stuff emebdds nicely into UI (our Class and plugins based Widget System) so we give our users a native view of the applications.
I hear ya. I still though wouldn’t mind seeing an x86 version (even if not Linux compatible) just so I can use it. I don’t see myself buying an Amiga any time soon as I don’t have the need or the space for it. But MorphOS is pretty cool looking and would like to try it out.
But, I understand that this doesn’t fit the philosophy or intentions of the developers. I was just commenting.
Anyways, keep up the great work. You’re an inspiration to programmers like myself.
There are also no real benefits in porting QT or GTK on MorphOS since it would make it just another GNOME or KDE or Linux clone.
That’s like saying that there’s no point in having Qt for windows.
Gnome and KDE are desktop environments, there’s no point in porting those. But Qt and GTK are toolkits, porting them would mean that a lot of software could be ported more easily to MorphOS.
Cross-platform toolkits like Qt is a good thing, especially for the OS’s with the lesser amount of developers, like AmigaOS, BeOS or SkyOS. But that doesn’t take away the possibility of native apps, it just gives the users more choice.
Quark System
Ackkkk. Too many new terms. Which one’s the window manager
and which is the application programmer’s interface?
Also, screenshots look pretty mac-like. That looks like a dock down
there at the bottom of the screen.
>Kinda wish they’d port this to X86. It’s a nice looking OS. >Would be even cooler if they basically built this as a window >manager for Linux. Uses the Linux kernel so hardware won’t be >an issue. We could port QT or GTK to it so that existing >applications could run on it.
>I think it would give KDE, Gnome and the others some >competition.
>Alas, I know that this unfortunately is not the intent of the >developers…but it’s nice to dream at least.
Simple solution, make your next computer a pegasos, and then you can run both morphos and linux and a lot of other oses.
Regarding the screenshots, awesome, please whoever runs this world give me a job so i can get a peg2 :/
Quark – the microkernel of the os.
A/Box – an api layer(?), or amiga like environment running in the os which let you use your old amiga applications as well as new ones made for morphos.
Q/Box – later to be made environment which has nothing to do with the old amiga and just let you use quark and the rest of the os.
Ambient – an workbench lookalike for morphos, and it’s gui environment.
Workbench – the gui interface of the old amiga.
genesi – company
bbrv – owners
pegasos – the hardware
morphos – the os
amiga – 8 bit 22khz 4 channel stereo sound, 4096 colors, multitasking, gui, mouse and so on, all in 1985… back then pcs where dos, 4 color 320×200 and pcspeakers…
I hear a lot of people asking if you can run MacOS on pegasos hardware, but I have yet to see anyone ask if you can run MorphOS on Apple hardware. Can you? I’m getting an ibook monday (if fedex can get its act together and drive it the 4 miles it needs to go still), and I wouldn’t mind trying out MorphOS just for fun.
the hardware is way too expensive, almost the cost of an ibook or mac, if the hardware were reasonably priced, i would make it my next pc, i just wish they would give it mac support to run on older macs so i can try it out
To me, it’s not that expensive considering that PCI-slots is a must have for me. I’d have to pay a lot more for a mac.
But then again, MorphOS doesn’t support many sound cards. It doesn’t even support my semi-pro STAudio DSP2000 which is supported pretty much everywhere by now. That alone renders pegasos/morphos useless to me since the only reason I would buy it is to use it for music production.
So can you run MorphOS on a Mac and can you run MacOSX on a Pegasos?
With X86 and X86-64 (AMD64), running Windows or Linux or *BSD and with Mac hardware (G3,G4,G5) running Mac OS X or Linux. And with all the software available for all these platform…
Who would like or want to buy a Pegasos board and build a MorphOS PC? What is the killer apps for MorphOS? What hardware can you run with Pegasos that you can’t run with the other platform? Is all this only for fun?
Because you can run Amiga software with WinUAE or UAE for Linux. Even if emulated. MorphOS is emulating also with A/Box…
Just to know…
Love that blue wallpaper.
Is it possible to download this from somewhere or did you get that with MorphOS?
some more screenshots..…
MOS is my favorite PPC-OS
You have to feel it – great!
So when will V1.5 arrive? There was a presentation this weekend in Bremen, Germany ( )
>With X86 and X86-64 (AMD64), running Windows or Linux or >*BSD and with Mac hardware (G3,G4,G5) running Mac OS X or >Linux. And with all the software available for all these >platform…
>Who would like or want to buy a Pegasos board and build a >MorphOS PC?
I did and I would do it again.
One reason is, that there is no PC which boots as fast as my Pegasos.
For example:
I’ve got a new Ibook.
I’ve got a Centrino 1.7 Ghz Laptop running linux and Winxp.
I’ve got a fast AMD Linux only box.
The Pegasos boots _much_ faster than all of these !
And all the software I need for my daily work
is available for MorphOS.
– There a good gfx program included
– a few good,fast,free email readers are available
– my favorite texteditor (vim)
– several webbrowser are available
– several good mp3 players
– ssh
I work as webdeveloper/ webmaster for SONY.
All tools which I need for doing my job are available for MorphOS.
I’ll of course use my other computers to test my websites
with the other browser from time to time.
But on the other hand – I can run Linux, MacOS and
even Windows (Windows though emolution) on my Pegasos.
So basicly the Pegasos gives me all what need.
> Love that blue wallpaper.
Is it possible to download this
> from somewhere or did you get that with MorphOS?
“I hear ya. I still though wouldn’t mind seeing an x86 version (even if not Linux compatible) just so I can use it. I don’t see myself buying an Amiga any time soon as I don’t have the need or the space for it. But MorphOS is pretty cool looking and would like to try it out.”
There is a similar Amiga-like project called AROS which does run on x86. However, it is not so far forward as MorphOS and there are as yet almost no applications for AROS.
Worth checking out, though.
Here’s a morphos-screenshot that has the good old workbench-feel 🙂
It’s been said that Quark, being a true microkernel, works a lot better on PowerPC hardware, since context switching is less expensive, compared with x86.
OpenFirmware is supposed to be a lot better than the PC BIOS.
PPC assembly is, FWIW, supposedly nicer than x86 assembly.
The PowerPC was designed for a 64-bit future a long time ago. It’s coming. Dual configurations are here too, except not from Genesi/bPlan, yet.
The PowerPC uses less power and generates less heat, while still beating AMD and Intel in certain applications. Even the G4. (let alone the G5)
Not being an Amigan but a BeOS afficionado, the underway port of OpenBeOS to the Pegasos is what tipped my scales. the microkernel + Q/Box idea sounds promising too. Looking forward to receiving my Pegasos 2 G4.
And, BTW, yes, MacOS X can run, by way of Mac-on-Linux.
MorhpOS doesn’t yet run on any Apple hardware, AFAIK. This may change, but don’t count on it.
Feel free to correct me, I’m not privvy to anything but “official” information.
What happened with PowerOS?
Thanks for the wallpaper
>Who would like or want to buy a Pegasos board and build a >MorphOS PC?
Someone seeking a change. Someone looking for an alternative. Someone wishing to be able to control the computer rather than having it dictated to him.
>What are the killer apps for MorphOS?
ImageFX, ProStation Audio Titanium, VHI Studio, plus the old killer Amiga applications such as Aladdin 4D, Lightwave 3D, etc.
>What hardware can you run with Pegasos that you can’t run >with the other platform?
“can’t” run, nothing. “Runs better” you get several cards that do, in fact, perform better on my Pegasos than on my Athlon. My TV Tuner card, for example. With Linux on the Athlon, I’m lucky to get 15fps. With MorphOS on the Pegasos I am getting a full 30 fps. The lighter weight OS combined with the more advanced northbridge design lets the MorphOS/Pegasos combination deliver what my $2500 PC can’t.
>Is all this only for fun?
>Because you can run Amiga software with WinUAE or UAE for
>Linux. Even if emulated. MorphOS is emulating also with
No… A/Box is not an emulator. It is an API-layer. Devices running in the A/Box are native. If a device happens to need the old 68k CPU, MorphOS has an emulator for the 68k CPU just for those application, called Trance.
By your logic, WindowsXP is an emulator, as Win32 is an API layer originally designed for a radically different architecture (a DOS-based one)
But, no, Win32 is the native API for Windows XP, same as the A/Box is the native API for MorphOS. In much the same relationship I would point out.
Thanks Nate for the answer. I understand better now the need for MorphOS. My next question is : Why MorphOS AND AmigaOS? What will AmigaOS deliver that MorphOS can’t? (or vice versa).
It’s a bit complicated to follow the Amiga sceen. I just have very good memory of my A500 wich would do stuff that my PC friends at the time where only dreaming. That time is long gone, i’m with the PC since the 386 / Windows 3.0
Another thing, where can someone find Pegasos board in Canada (Quebec)? And how much do they cost? Many people here say that they cost to much… What is the marketing behind MorphOS and Pegasos?
Another “Killer App” for Pegasos II is the low power consumption, and thus low heat production and low noise.
I bought one (not yet received, so no comment on how good it really is) so I could have a low-power server that could also function as silent multimedia box when necessary.
I haven’t tried MorphOs yet, but the Linux support is all I needed, the rest is just guilty geek pleasure.
Plus the price is higher than a PC, but not that high (lower than a Mac or one of the Eyetech Amigas) as long as you keep to the G3 models (sufficient for my goals), rather than the hotter (figuratively or not) G4.
For the same uses, a VIA Eden (mini-ITX platforms) would also be good, and with less hassles as it is an x86 CPU, but there is less glamour in them, I guess.
I have been wanting a(n affordable) PowerPC for years (early nineties), so here I am.
I got curious about MorphOS and I was looking around for software that run with it.
I did not find any kind of Office software like OpenOffice or Koffice that we have under Windows or Linux.
Is their an Office Suite for MorphOS? WYSIWYG HTML editor?
——- (IDE, HTML)
And quasi all the stuff you find for Amiga (as long they don’t use Custom Registers)
we linux people want alternatives and freedom of choice…. as long as the alternative you choose is linux. and of course if you use some other windowmanager or gui-toolkit then me, this is also an reason to flame you.
as someone who supports small alternatives i can’t possible buy an intel processor, because intel is a dirty, multimillion dollar megacorporation. no, instead i buy amd – the small, alternative, dirty, multimillion dollar megacorporation. And of course i love ibm, because they support linux. ibm is not interested in profit – they want love and peace anywhere… thats why they helped the Nazis to kill evil synti and roma.
linux is great…. only it’s hypocrite users suck.
So can anyone tell me if they plan to support any semi-pro/pro audio cards in the near future? or is it all just USB?
Hi rain, naturally as time goes by and the number of users and developers increases we will continue to expand the support foundation for the platform. Frequently, these developments occur through the “unofficial” efforts of our community of users who are generally very computer suave and interested collectively in the improvement of the platform. If you have a particular suggestion in mind please suggest it through the Forums here:
Certainly, there you will find others whoi share your interest and perhaps even the support you seek quicker than either of us could imagine.
While not directly related, here is an example of a “development” that grew from the ambition of a single user to a “community” project. It has captured the attention of many Pegasos users and looks like it will be increasingly successful!
Best regards,
If this were ported to x86 I might use it!
> My next question is : Why MorphOS AND AmigaOS? What will
> AmigaOS deliver that MorphOS can’t?
Well, first of all, the whole team behind MOS comes from the Amiga scene, and always liked this OS. Their task was to develope a new AmigaOS, which, while mantaining the best features (speed, responsiveness, ease of use, light weight, nice multitasking and so on), could add some (if not most) of the things people have come to wait from an OS of the twentyfirst century…
As for the binary compatibility, I guess it’s even easier to understand: if you follow the developement of alternative OSes (and being here I guess you do) you know that the biggest problem of many of those interesting projects is actually the lack of software: an OS without programs to run on it, isn’t much more than an empty box. MOS runs transparently many Amiga programs, at least those developed starting from the second half of the nineties (prior to that date most prgs “banged” the hardware and expected the Amiga chipset to be present), and most PUP and WUP executables (those were the two standards for PowerPC code on AmigaOS). Therefore it already has hundreds of programs available, which are running transparently (i.e. the user doen’t notice any kind of emulation).
> Another thing, where can someone find Pegasos board in
> Canada (Quebec)? And how much do they cost? Many people
> here say that they cost to much… What is the marketing
> behind MorphOS and Pegasos?
The Pegasos is distributed by Genesi ( ). You can find a list of resellers here: .
Prices: 299Euro+VAT for the PegasosII with G3@600MHz, 499Euro+VAT for a PegasosII with G4@1GHz.
Kind regards,
“> My next question is : Why MorphOS AND AmigaOS?”
Political disagreements resulted in there being two competing “next Amiga”s, plus AROS which is software-only.
” What will
> AmigaOS deliver that MorphOS can’t?”
It’s too early to tell. Give them both a while to mature.
My guess is that the practical diference for the end user will be small – these are both Amiga-style OSes on PPC hardware. Supporters of each side will naturally exaggerate any bugs or problems of the other side.
Thanks for the informations. Going forward, is their a possibility that some software may just work with AmigaOS and not under MorphOS? Is this part of the risk of buying one platforme instead of the other?
One last question : It’s possible to run MacOS X under Mac-On-Linux. Is their something like this being developed for MorphOS? That would be real nice to have access to a real Office Suite (MS Office for MAC) under MorphOS with some kind of Mac-On-Morph. Papyrus, from the Website, seem to be less complete than any other Office Suite.
Thanks again. Morph seem to be a REAL nice alternative to Linux.
Can anyone with a Pegasos (using Linux or MorphOS) give insight as to how well Sleep (suspend to ram) works, or if it works at all?
ACPI is still in heavy development under x86 Linux; I would love to have my 2.4Ghz sleep reliably, saving electricity and saving time in bootups and shutdowns.
Does anyone know if Linux on PPC sleeps reliably?
I heard Macs can be suspended to ram with no data loss indefinitely.
We are two of the five shareholders of Genesi, so we can speak with some authority about the subject to be discussed. The bplan team who designed and developed the Pegasos and MorphOS represent the other three. There are soon to be others who after many years have worked hard to support this development. We are just turning the corner on a real business.
1. To this point and until today, our objective is to sell hardware. That is were the money is now. We think there is a market for an OPEN PowerPC platform not restricted by a EULA. People who know what to do with this opportunity are doing what they want to do now. We hope this will continue. This is our small foundational business model. This is NOT a discussion about MorphOS vs. AmigaOS. We welcome AmigaDE/OS to the effort.
2. Step #2 is to develop relationships with OEMs. This could be done through Motorola for example. The CPU vendor would sell the CPU with or without the Pegasos IP. The license to build the total PegasosPPC hardware package would come with the CPU.
1. OEMs can take the CPU as it is. This is one price.
2. OEMs can take the PegasosPPC IP or the Open Desktop Workstation IP and build their own versions. That is another price.
More than the Amiga squabbles, there is the Linux Desktop that is, if we believe the pundits, still twelve months off. We think it is ready now. Linux evolved by itself and has proven diversity is good. The Open Desktop Workstation is the starter set and we have it now. There is no other OPEN PowerPC product like it in the market that can do as much for the price. OEMs can build a total system package — the ODW with Linux, the ODW with QNX, the ODW with NetBSD, the ODW with Intent (Tao Group) and throw in CodeWarrior for good measure, the ODW with whatever. Run anything! Both MacOSX (10.3) and Windows run under emulations programs freely available. A slimmed down (not as many OS offerings and no tools) ODW becomes a simple OpenPPC-PC with the marketing tag that promotes all the virtues of the PowerPC emphasizing ” the ratio of performance capabilities to power consumption,” etc., etc. One market for the next iteration of developers and/or another market for a simple OpenPPC-PC (and more mass oriented).
Another tag line: The power and freedom to what you want with your computer!
(…or something like that!)
Finally, our business will be 1) supplying the Firmware and the specs to OEMs through the CPU vendors and 2) the hardware and MorphOS upgrades to the development and user community that will get hardware and OS upgrades in advance of OEMs, not just for MorphOS only but for ANY OS running on the Pegasos. The foundational market will work with us to iron out bugs and prepare applications themselves to be offered directly or collectively with us to the OEMs that take the IP license with the CPU.
That is the focus and the future for us.
Yes, mac OS X Jaguar and Panther run fine under Mac On Linux
I know that Mac OS X run fine under Mac-On-Linux. My question was if we would see something like this under MorphOS (like Mac-On-Morph).
Right now, when I’m talking about alternative, i’m not just talking about OPEN PowerPC platform but i’m also talking about alternative to Windows AND Linux. That is why I ask all those questions about MorphOS.
Thanks bbrv for the focus and informations.
A few folk tried to address this, but I’ll give it my 2 bits:
> Why MorphOS AND AmigaOS?
There was no AND when MorphOS began. AmigaOS was labelled as end-of-life with no further development to occur. Shortly after MorphOS began, the parent company for AmigaOS, Gateway, sold it off entirely to a company named Amino (now called Amiga, Inc). Amino put the Amiga label on a virtual-processor with OS from Tao, and called that the next-generation AmigaOS, now called AmigaDE. The MorphOS team tried to license the original OS, to save the effort of cloning it, but the terms were not agreeable. So, they did the only thing they could, and cloned it. After all, Amiga, Inc had declared it dead.
Then they released their first public beta.
All of a sudden, the Amiga community, that Amiga, Inc had counted on to support DE, began flocking to MorphOS. Amiga had mis-judged their market. So, immediately they began claiming they had a new version of the “dead” AmigaOS 4 just about to ship. This was June 2001. They promised it would ship by November.
So, the reason why there is an AND in there is that Amiga, Inc made a huge miscalculation and assumed that because they had the brand name, people would buy anything they sold. By the time they realized their mistake, MorphOS was already in public beta. It’s been a huge game of catchup.
>What will AmigaOS deliver that MorphOS can’t?
I’ve asked the same question, and gotten little more than hype and vapor in responce.
>Another thing, where can someone find Pegasos board in Canada (Quebec)? And how much do they cost?
Check out the sales page on the website, has all of the information needed there for purchasing.
Yes, this will come and be _undoubtedly_ our first commercial offering for MorphOS alone. In the meanwhile, MOL presents a fairly attractive alternative. You can always find the latest information on MorphZone:
Here are a couple screenshots:
you are so far out of your element it’s truly amazing.
just because a company is huge does NOT mean they are evil.
which *gasp* means, you can prefer AMD over Intel.
ALSO IBM did shit in the past, get over it.
TODAY they do a lot of things i agree with, while making money.
Just because a company is profit motivated doesn’t mean they throw a sack of orphans into the river while kicking puppies.
man, i hope you don’t actually believe that “mom and pop” is cute, cuddly, and inherently better.
they are not.
There goes Zaphod’s sarcasm flying over 148.8.15.—‘s head.
You seem to take yourself as well as Internet fora entirely too fscking seriously.
Now be clever and claim you were merely parodying the clueless Linux zealot that Zaphod was talking about.