This document is the result of various discussions with Mono and MonoDevelop users on their needs to build, package and distribute their software by using Mono Develop. Elsewhere, Eclipse 3.0 M8 has been released. It features many fixes, improvements and new features inlcuding a minor UI facelift.
The facelift of eclipse is not so minor at all… It now looks much nicer.
But I had a bug, I could not load the “java profile”. So, I had no highlight for Java code.
Oh, and then creating a new project, eclipse doesn’t ask me, if I want to create a Java project, a java module, or something else.. I can only create text files … Is someone else having this problem?
I’m using M8 – gtk2
If only I could get Code Assist working properly on CDT…
Anyway! Very good looking. And it’s eclipse (they have earn a fan for some time now
I am having no problems with eclipse M8. I can create Java projects. I even added the latest E-P-I-C plugin to do my Perl work and that works great as well. I think the compromise between the curved tabs but have the top line continue off to “box” off the windows works wonderfully. I am, so far, really pleased with the M8 release.
is it just me or the new eclipse taken ages to start
Speaking of eclipse I just came across an interesting article about eclipse the swt and awt/swing. It explains why awt/swing is the way it is and why swt which is far far better hasnt been marketed and talked about as it should be.
I was going to send it in to this site as an article for posting however its a posting from 2 years ago on a java users group email list.[email protected]/msg00355….
Just wondering what people recommend as a good jvm. Obviously theres suns own, but ive heard others are better.
Any thoughts on this?
I just downloaded eclipse and all I can say is WOW!!!! This is sweet. I plan to install it tomorrow on linux under kde and I really hope it looks this nice and runs this well.
While working okay on Windows, Eclipse is slow as hell on Linux/GTK. I’ve seen it literally consume 100% CPU for 2-3 seconds just from scrolling! OTOH, IDEA, which I’ve switched to, has no such problems on any platform.
I guess you get what you pay for.
Does IDEA use SWT for its gui toolkit?
IDEA uses Swing actually. You can download a fully functional 30-day trial version for free. The retail price is unfortunately very high and not worth it but the academic price of $99 is very good.
In truth I’ve decided to go back to my original intention of using c#. While theres not as many tools for it i am not all that impressed with suns attitude towards java and the developer communittee. Asp works fine under mono and im hoping that at some point they will resolve the issues related to the api bindings.
There’s really a serious lack of light/fast Java IDE’s on Linux… anybody knows one? On Windows there’s Gel, which is really nice… why doesn’t anybody implement a Linux native Java ide?
I think IntelliJ IDEA4 is one of the best, well-designed and intuitive Java application I have used. If it uses Swing, then it makes it look pretty. Unfortunately, it’s not open source like Eclipse is.
Good question. I remember windows had Kawa which was native, fast, and ran on very modest systems of the time. I guess these days people figure that if you’re a java developer you’re already going to have a beefy machine and can handle Eclipse or IDEA. And then there are those developers that are happy with vim and Emacs or something like Kdevelop or Anjuta. If you’re willing to plunk down $300, you can always get Slickedit which has code completion for c/c++/java and runs very fast on very modest system(It has its own widget set that sits on top of X). If there was some kind of shareware market for linux you’d probably have what your looking for.
IDEA does rock and its arguably a better Java IDE than Eclipse. The question is if it’s $400 better than Eclipse.
I think Eclipse is just fantastic. It runs quite OK on both my Windows machine and Linux GTK2 machine. The new look is nice also, but there are just so many other things that make it easy to work with.
I have continuously tried to use IDEA, but I actually find this too slow and it seems a bit cumbersome.
Let see the KDevelop3. It is originally a C++ IDE but it has Java support (I don’t know how good, because I don’t use java, but the KDevelop IMHO the one of the best IDE under linux).
Eclipse runs quite fast on my Mac (once loaded). It’s very pretty with the mixture of aqua and their own controls. It certainly does not feel like a Mac app though so it get NO points from me there. I must be the only person who is irked by all of these write once, run anywhere yahoos who don’t seem to care that their nifty java apps (in the future .net with mono and dotgnu) don’t look or behave as they should, given the platform they are running on. At least they went to the trouble of matching up some of the keyboard shortcuts on the Macintosh, but since when has the control key been used for so many of them?
yes. .. I also believe IDEA is the best IDE out there for java. It’s a lot better as Eclipse, and a lot what eclipse does is inspired from IDEA.
NetBeans IDE is free and a good development environment for java.Try it
Eclipse is fun to use. Hopefully the GUI designer will be included soon.
This is an answer to the first post of this thread:
The reason you can’t get the java perspective is that you have downloaded the “platform” (20-something MB) version. The “SDK” (80-and-then-some MB) version is the one you’re looking for. I did the same thing today.
I’ve been using the Eclipse 3.0 milestone builds since milestone 3. Eclipse is just absolutely f***ing great, and getting better each day, or atleast every 6th week…
It’s well-known that GTK isn’t the fastest toolkit on Earth, especially at scrolling. I’ve heard that many (if not most) performance issues were corrected in GTK+ 2.4, though.