See the performance of native COM+ and .NET Enterprise Services components when applied to different activation and calling patterns. Get guidelines to make .NET Enterprise Services components execute just as quickly as C++ COM+ components, and get key recommendations to help you create high-performance .NET Enterprise Service components.
Or did the description of this story sound exactly like a sales pitch or a press release?
I agree.
This site really is becoming MSDN Jr, or just a heavily Pro-MS site.
Or perhaps it is you who are becoming more anti-MS?
No, I’m not anti-MS or getting more anti-MS. I am against their business practices, though. That is why I will root for the little guy, because they need that chance to survive.
I read MSDN everyday. I don’t need every article put up here, when most isn’t news. This site was very fair and balanced two years ago, and ever since then it has started to lean very pro-MS (including their business tactics).
This site was very fair and balanced two years ago, and ever since then it has started to lean very pro-MS (including their business tactics).
For the 3 or so years I’ve been reading this site, people have been saying the same thing. The simple reality is that they manage to do a fairly good job of keeping the amount of MS-related news pretty low compared to the amount that’s actually out there.
Of course, that trimming down of the amount of news posted may mean that they don’t post every anti-MS article available, but I’d rather see them stick to factual and tutorial information, along with reviews, than read every MS-bashing editorial out there (or pro-MS editorials, though I’ve rarely seen one as blatant as most of the anti-MS editorials).
Frankly, I’d like to see the court cases ignored a bit more, as well, but I can see the relevance (since it may have an effect on how some readers see the OS in the future), and possibly fewer articles on Longhorn and XP SP2, because we get an article a week about the latter and the former is still 2 years away.
Please stick to the subject and leave the stupid comments “osnews is pro-MS” away from here. OSNews was, is and will continue to report on development articles, including MSDN’s.
This site really is becoming MSDN Jr, or just a heavily Pro-MS site.
Are you INSANE? Linux articles outstrip those for other OS by such a huge amount that occasionally OSNews starts to look like a suburb of Slashdot. Since there are so many Linux distributions that’s understandable.
The article itself may not be subjective, but to make accusations of pro-MS bias simply because OSNews is making an effort to balance quantity of articles is very stupid.
If they start taking away all the articles that happen to be pro-MS then I expect them to also take away all the “Linux installation”/”Linux is ready for desktop” articles as well.
This site really is becoming MSDN Jr, or just a heavily Pro-MS site.
No, it’s just not trashdot. If you like constant MS-bashing instead of balanced news coverage of all things OS-related, go to that “other” geek “news” site.
Mods, please get rid of those moronic posts.
It’s not the Pro-MS sentiment that bothers me, it’s that the story was described in such a way that it was more or less a sales pitch from my perspective. I don’t like to see that for any product… it reeks of sponsorship.
> it’s that the story was described in such a way that it was more or less a sales pitch from my perspective
OSNews *always* copies/pastes the summary of any article as presented in the article itself (as long there is one). We do not generally write our own summaries, we simply use the existing ones (that’s why they are there in the first place). Before you make any accussations again, I suggest you click that damned link and find out for yourself as to who wrote the summary.
This time I will not moderate down any of these off-topic comments because I want more people to be able to read them. It is so incredibly unfair for us striving to give you info from all sides. But it is in the NATURE of osnews readers (readers are from completely diferent OS backgrounds) to think that we are pro-MS, or pro-Linux or pro-OSX etc. It is so tiring for me to see people not being able to be objective. I do osnews for free, and I would need some help with the site, not unsubstantiated comments like Shaman’s and other’s.
Anythign int he OS world that isn’t “anti MS, all the time!” is now turinging into MS? Just goes to show you the sort of zealot like irrational “us vs. them” mentality that is taking hold.
And it goes a long way to keeping Linux from beign taken as seriously as you migth want it to be.
Most people can’t be objective because they need to “huddle” around their beliefs and, for some strange reason, OSes seem to gather more and more “fanatics” around it! Those fanatics exist in every single OS, be it Windows, Linux, OSX, whatever… and usually those fanatics (or zealots) contribute more to the descredit of the system they defend than otherwise.
Another “interesting” aspect is that the smaller the base user group, the more “loud fanatics” it will have. Windows, for example, doesn’t have a lot of yelling fanatics mainly because the “escape” of stating that more than 90% (or whatever) of the PC user group is their make them right (“all of us can’t be wrong”). So eventually they default to that position and shut up. They do LOVE to bicker with Mac users (the “overpriced and overhyped”-type of posts) and tend to invade those posts.
Mac fanaticism is more of a “love” thing: an absolute passion for everything Mac bordering the irrational. Mac is ALWAYS better… better looking (ok, I can agree here ), faster, easier and so on. They usually “rush out” to defend their “lady”, but, apart from that, are usually quiet and bother no one.
Linux fanatics come in two types: the OS fanatics and the GPL ones. They tend to have contact points (all GPL fanatics are Linux fanatics, but not the other way around). The first group thinks the OS itself is great, far better than Windows and go out and “evangelize” everybody into converting. This means commenting os MS-related posts, time and again, on “insecurities”, price and sometimes reveal some hatred for MS. Apart from that, they tend (when not GPL fanatics also) to accept the idea of a market and comercial software (closed source). GPL fanatics are far more “active”… they are in a sort of “purity crusade” to rid the world of closed source pollution. To them, just because a program is FLOSS its better and they accept no rebutal, twisting the logic and the stories to their need. They are (from personal experience) one of the main reasons that the “common guy” rejects Linux on first contact.
Them you have the rest of us, that just want to get our job done. The type that says I use this or that OS because it DOES what I NEED. Speaking for myself, I like to peruse the news, see where tech is going, what is coming out and maybe play a bit with it. But in the end it’s always up to “getting the job done” be it wordprocessing, playing games, programming, video editing or whatever. If you’re happy with you OS, GREAT! If you have experiences you want to share, EXCELENT! I think good thinks come out of discussion, so do DISCUSS. But remember it is a two-way street, to find middle ground… if you’re coming just to bash or beat on your chest and say “mine is better, no matter what”, please, don’t post and let the rest of us who have a keener (and truer) interest on things alone!
Just my 0,02 €….
P.S.: Eugenia, your site is absolutely great and one of the few to remain unbiased in the ‘net! Keep up the good work and THANK YOU!
I do osnews for free
While I feel your pain, I’m afraid that you would have a hard time drawing a professional salary for work that is frankly, not very professional.
Any publisher, online, print, television, that caters to a large audience is certain to get lots of comments and letters to the editor accusing the publisher/reporter of many things. It doesn’t matter if the accusations are correct or not, it is only certain that the accusations will come. Take a look at letters to the editor for almost any publication, even National Geographic. You will certainly see hot headed accusations.
However, professional editors and publishers try to recognize the critisism for what it is and develop a thicker skin. They also maintain a professional attitude and demeanor at all times. They never make statements sich as: It is so incredibly unfair for us striving to give you info from all sides. Or Please stick to the subject and leave the stupid comments “osnews is pro-MS” away from here. Or I suggest you click that damned link and find out for yourself as to who wrote the summary.
Any professional editor or reporter that made such statements in public, let alone in the publication itself, would be FIRED on the spot.
> While I feel your pain, I’m afraid that you would have a hard time drawing a professional salary for work that is frankly, not very professional.
WHO SAID that I am trying to be a “professional”? This is not what I do. I used to be professional web developer (I don’t work anymore after I got married). This was my job title, not a “journalist”.
OSNews is a HOBBY. It always was and it will continue to be. Nobody tries to “get a job” as a journalist over here, we simply try to do the best we can.
If people don’t like what we do or how do we do it, they can simply walk out. I am not interested in hearing whining left and right for something that takes so much of time and was always inteded to be a hobby.
How would you like it if you had people coming over your shoulder and telling you how your painting sucks for this or that reason, while you paint simply for pleasure? Or that your hand-making chairs you do for a hobby and you donate to your local orphanage also suck? How would that feel to you?
Come on.. I try to read slashdot a couple of days a week.. but I really hate how people are leaving comments on their pages. Most of the time its zealots from both sides leaving a couple pages of stupid stuff… don’t bring them here….. mods get rid of such posts.
You have and are doing a great job with all the news sites you work on, don`t let some little troll get you down .. just think if you met him/her in real life they wouldn`t have the balls to say any of the crap they do online :0) (and if they did you could punch them in the head lol).
As for the content of this site I think it`s great, i`ve learnt alot about OSes i had never even heard about before and honestly as much as I dislike M$ i welcome the developer articles and info about upcomming technologies etc as if you don`t know whats comming then you might aswell go live in a cave with a train line running through it.
Eugenia, I actually appreciated the link to the MSDN article. Thank you for making it available.
I don’t develop using .NET or Windows, however, from a technology perspective, I found it quite interesting. The fact is, this is a Microsoft owned site for those who are interested in developing using Microsoft developed technologies.
People who go to MSDN are generally those who develop for Windows and want to know how they can better exploit the features that are available to them thus allowing them to become better programmers and produce a better product for the end user.
…just what I’ve been looking for.
Too bad the thread was spoiled by anti-MS zealots.