eComStation Roadmap Available

OS2 World reports that Serenity Systems published the document “eComStation Roadmap”, announcing eComStation 1.2, which should be available by the second quarter of 2004.New in v. 1.2 (just a selection): InnoTek Web Pack (Java, Font Engine, Flash, Acrobat Reader 5.1), new system editor, new NTFS and MiniLVM, support for wireless and gigabit networks, Serial ATA support, new TCP/IP and firewall configuration tools, HobLink X11 as a part of eCS Entry, CD burning software RSJ, …

Open Office 1.1.1 will be a part of the Application Pack 1.2. The Application Pack 1.2 will be available as a standalone product, without the need to buy eCS Entry first. There will be an “upgrade” from InnoTek OO licence to the Application Pack 1.2.

At the end of the document, there is a mention about a significant new release of eCS (probably v. 2.0 ???). It should include bootable JFS, multi user support, Samba server, etc.


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