Andrew Morton, 2.6 kernel maintainer, can be forgiven if he’s a little blasÉ about this week’s maintenance 2.6.6 release. Morton, who said he’s handling a fraction of the kernel changes these days, is mucking his way through a heavy load of more than 140 a week. “This is a large volume of changes, a much higher rate of changes than earlier kernels,” Morton told Wednesday afternoon. “We’ve just got our processes sorted out better now.” Read his interview here.
Andrew Morton is a kid who is working like a dog, to do the best job he can. I think that everyone should show this poor devil some support, even Microsoft!
Andrew Morton is a kid who is working like a dog
Linux makes use of child labour?
Erm, I believe Andrew Morton is a 40-something year old guy, married *with* kids, rather than being a kid! I guess that makes him one of the older kernel hackers around, but he does indeed churn through more work than seems believable. It’s been fun watching the frentic pace of patches, even since 2.6.0, and Andrew should certainly take a lot of the credit for keeping things running smoothly. Great work!
um hes gonna be bringing out the 2.8
thats his job. when 2.8 is out the door. hes done with it and onto 3.0
work is beginning on 2.8 now, because of him.
Which begs the question, how is 2.7 going? I guess it hasn’t been officially started yet (odd minors are experimental, even minors are release).
Its still Linus releasing the 2.6 series but most of the work is done by Andrew. I guess 2.7 will start until the 2.6 will be rock solid stable (it is fast & rock stable long time ago at least for me). There are a couple of features proposed for 2.7 on the list but i wont be expecting 2.7 to start soon.
Andrew Morton is the 2.6 mantainer because Linus is starting work on 2.7, not because hes sticking with 2.4!
For asking a question about Linus Torvalds, clearly offtopic in an article about how Andrew Morton has taken over Linus’ responsibilities. Thank you for also clarifying this by moderating my post down.
You must take the moderators for idiots. There was a question in your first post, true, but you only used it as a vehicle for aggressive and groundless speculation. Your “question” was just about as sincere as your apology.
“Since the moderators act as a closed cabal, with no peer review, and no justifcations for their actions, we will never know their true intentions in attempting to silence my independent thought.”
I totaly sympathise with you.
The people behind this website use the euphemism “moderation” to describe their censorship of opinion.
what is proposed for 2.8? what are the design goals? what areas of improvement are left … can’t be that many now… perhaps looking at the solaris kernel… are there reasons why people would use IRIX, Solaris or others … instead of linux? Yes, I am talking about the kernel and nor the user-l;and tools and features which some commercial vendors add on.
Tha moderated post was a troll. If you actually have a valid opinion, and wish to share it respectfully, you won’t be modded down. I’ve seen many opinions posted that vehemently disagree with the editors of the site, and they stayed up because they were NOT trolls!
So go to somwhere else where trolls are accepted, like usenet, or stop trolling and change your tone.
That does seem surprising, because I haven’t really heard of any big problems with the kernel. I was thinking that it changed more slowly. I really hope we don’t have emergency releases this time around, like that filesystem munching kernel 2.4.14(I think?), and 2.4.11 which had some aweful problem too
That said the 2.6 kernel has been really great for me so far.
Time for Linux take a look at some Version Control System, like infamous CVS, or Subversion?
Ohh, and just forget about GNU Arch. Such a crap!
Just shut up about censorship will you? While it’s true that moderation is a subjective task and can be a bit arbitrary at times, fighting against a rising tide of trolling is hard. If we don’t keep the trolling and flamewars to a minimum, it spoils the forum for those who want to have a civilized discussion. Sure, sometimes there are posts that are a close call, and they get modded down a little aggressively. And whenever that happens, we get accused of censorship. Get over yourself, dude. As if your dumb comment were so threatening to the editors of OSNews that they have to censor it.
“Time for Linux take a look at some Version Control System”
its already uses bitkeeper with subversion and cvs gateways
When 2.6.0 was released I recall an article where IBM mentioned that 2.8 will have significant enhancements for the desktop. Has anyone heard any updates on this front? Is this true at all?