Two months ago, Gnome took its software repository offline in order to bolster internal security, and since then there has not been a focal point on the internet for GNOME software. We’re happy to announce, a resource for Gnome/GTK+ developers and users to post and find software. Read for more info and the prizes we offer to the first devs that will submit an app.Our soft-launch of Gnomefiles is intended for Gnome software developers. We need to get our software database filled as quickly as possible, so we can start to publicize it among Gnome users. So if you develop Gnome or GTK+ software (including apps based on their bindings), please take a few minutes to add your app to Gnomefiles.
We know you’re busy, and you’re likely to put this task on your to-do list right under “clean fuzzballs out from under the living room sofa” so we have some added incentives that we hope will encourage you to do it right now. Of the developers that register for the site and add at least one application to the Gnomefiles database during our soft-launch period (which will go for 1-3 weeks) we will award the following prizes:
– Four $25 gift certificates
– Ten OSNews subscriptions (allowing you to read a faster-loading OSNews without ads), a $20 value each.
– One copy of “Advanced UNIX Programming, Second Edition” by Mark Rochkind.
– Four blocks of $50 in free advertising to promote your application.
We will also weight the awards of the prizes to those users who entered earliest. That is, the earlier you register and submit your app, the more likely you are to win something. While you are at it, please let us know of any bugs you might find on the site. Currently the site is in beta, but it is developed fast.
So, go to it, it’s free! Submit your Gnome/GTK+ app here:
David Adams
OSNews, NewMobileComputing,
This is fantastic. One thing KDE has that Gnome doesn’t is a swarm of sites dedicated to collecting apps for it. Although and the collective that stretches around it is awesome (and the sites are 1000 times nicer looking than the KDE ones), a central Gnome site is going to be huge. Good luck.
You really want to put that in one of the vacant sidebars.
I don’t see why we need this when we already have
Freshmeat has a lot of Linux/OSX/Palm/other software all in one. KDE has and it is very popular, exactly because it is specific to KDE. We thought that we could help the Gnome platform by doing so the same.
Good to here, I’ll be visiting this site regularly, thanx
very good idea. But it is only as good as the people who actually use it.
Hopefully the Gnome and gtk app developers will take the time to submit their stuff to Gnome Files.
ment hear
i am an avid reader of and i will add this site to my list
Gnome apps and credit card ads.
This is wonderful. Wow. Eugenia I think this is a great idea-and provided that other gnome/gtk developers sieze this oppurtunity you may just have made a significant contribution to the GNOME community. I trully hope that developers/hackers can take advantage of this new site to publicize their applications and libraries. I also hope that enough developers/hackers can appreciate what is being offered at this new site without the notorious OSNEWS flame wars playing a detrimental role-ie. developers reluctant to use to the site due to cross-association. I look forward to the development of this new site-and will in all likelihood frequent it quite often.
>Gnome apps and credit card ads.
Someone’s gotta pay the bills. Besides, that’s why we are offering *free* advertising to four developers that will win the equivelant prize. This way, at least some of the ads will be really gnome-specific.
I haven’t talked this at all with the owner (you just gave me the idea
, but I might be able to persuade him to do rounds of free advertising every month for some listed apps. 
That sounds like a problem with your browser. Install a regex ad filter.
You beat us with a few weeks distance. Congratulations!
I don’t like that gnome is so close to GTK. I like GTK apps, I love how they look and that they just need the GTK libs, but gnome apps need like a thousand terabytes in libs, that you must download and have wasting your RAM.
Long live GTK. Mmmm…good for gnome….
First of all, kudos for the initiative, it’s great (although I use KDE, there are lots of Gnome apps I love, such as Pan).
I just think all that red characters in the middle are a bit hard to read, made my eyes feel tired, but maybe it’s because I’ve been programming for 12 hours now
You beat us with a few weeks distance. Congratulations!
I like the layout of this site alot better.
It would be nice to see gnomeapps adopt this layout.
>It would be nice to see gnomeapps adopt this layout.
That layout doesn’t scale well for the amount of categories and subcategories we have on Gnomefiles. Also, that layout has “news”, while we don’t plan to make gnomefiles anything more than a software repository. Some news will be provided from Gnomedesktop’s XML feed though, in the frontpage. There are two more sidebars I need to code…
Well, we now have
And given that the infrastructure and coding work for has already been done and that the guy who created the site doesn’t mind you using it, why don’t you use that?
Additionally, it would be easier, i.e.,more mnemonic for people to remember. And both and could link to each other.
Finally, the gnomefiles layout is pathetic. I hope this is not how it will look in its final incarnation. For someone who often critiques other’s aesthetic sense, this page leaves a lot to be desired.
Gnome-look is (currently) only for themes. Their site version that is for apps isn’t out yet.
>the gnomefiles layout is pathetic
For something that was coded in the last 2 days, it’s good enough. Overtime, we plan to beef it up. Other more important things are still broken before we go ahead and beautify it.
Again, the layout (not the aesthetics, these are different things) is similar to BeBits, so overtime Gnomefiles will look as good as well. I much prefer BeBits over *any* other software repository online today. It is fast to load, easy to render, makes sense. managing and hosting, a news site with a wide range of areas which it should cover objectively and a software archive which is limited to a very small amount of software, is not a good idea in my opinion. Considering this even starts with “award prizes” for contributors avoiding a bias will be hard…
Read the “moderated down” area for more info. There is no bias towards anything. We simply had a software repository engine, it was offline for 3 years, we decided to put it back up, we evaluated which platform needed it the most, and we went for it. There is no reason for unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.
Well. its well known fact that you like beos and gnome. so I dont think there is any conspiracy theory. its quite obvious. I dont think anybody needs to complain about this thou. I dont think Osnews is prejudiced.
Will you be making this software you code under any kind of open source license. just curious.
I Agree and the layout looks more like an official GNOME site.
“I don’t see why we need this when we already have”
It’s obvious, gnomefiles has a nicer looking site than freshmeat.
It is good to see more 3rd party, GNOME-related websites up and running. This is indeed an area where KDE has an edge, and since it is part of quality & information, getting on part with the competitor -which improves quality of both- is a Good Thing.
Nice thing on the prices as well. I have a question on the prices: does the winner have to advertise for a GNOME-related application? What if it is a FLOSS one (LGPL)? How long does the offer stand? What if the application is still in alpha stage?
FM is getting pretty thick and don’t accept some new applications. Some people get fed up with all the K/G frontend or “frontend” GUItjes so decentralizing this to other websites isn’t necessarily bad. Also keep in mind, FM isn’t the only software repository website. And finally regarding the banners: OSDN websites (includes FM) have those too. They’re used to raise some profit for their hard work, but you can always disable banners in several ways if you prefer.
>does the winner have to advertise for a GNOME-related >application? What if it is a FLOSS one (LGPL)?
I guess it’s fine.
>How long does the offer stand?
As David pointed out, it will be a volume that’s worth $50. I am not sure how many impressions that is as I don’t deal with the ads on this site. David?
>What if the application is still in alpha stage?
This shouldn’t be a problem if you are a winner.
I’m really glad to see go up. I think it is needed.
Yes! Very bebits-like. I like it — except like Rod said: too much red.
I’d also like to have a way to search/browse by implementation language (C, C++, Java-GNOME, C#, Python, whatever).
As far as I’m concerned, whoever wins the advertising prizes will be able to advertise for anything that meets our minimum standards of decency and acceptablity. If you’d like to advertise your blog or use them to propose marriage to your significant other, that’s fine.
I’m a Mac user who’s switching off OS X after trying my friends Debian computer (running Gnome). Linux has everything I need and use, including great security, flexibility, is open and free and won’t try to “lock me in” to anything. This site looks GREAT and I’m already bookmarking apps I’m interested in. Thanks!
Someone seems to have forgotten that you can run just about all linux software (including Gnome related apps) on OSX. Fink is one project thta cones to kind (
Oh my god… I really need to check my spelling before I post
. /me hides in shame.
It seems that the site is flooded with “Helix Player” releases… Moreover, it is only accessible through, not
Interesting anyway ๐
someone should add Gnome itself to the repository ๐
some icons for each major category wouldn’t hurt either
ANNOUNCEMENT: Are you a Web Developer for OSNEWS?
Then, the fact that there is an announcement for a story on top of the page of that very same story is most certainly of interest to you.
This has got to be the first time that a ‘bible study’ application has a made ‘most popular’ and ‘best voted’ lists. What gives? Are these placed votes or did that really happen?
They have internet on the Vatican too you know! Either that or it’s a miracle ๐
Just what Gnome needs I think. Also I personally like the look. It’s no nonsense and easy on the eyes, just like a site like this should be.
Well done!
“This has got to be the first time that a ‘bible study’ application has a made ‘most popular’ and ‘best voted’ lists. What gives? Are these placed votes or did that really happen?”
The Bible is suppose to be the most printed book out their. Anyway this new site is nice for answering the question “What apps are there for my Gnome dektop?”
Well I for one voted for it. And yes, that is a miracle. God’s creations are all miracles.
I love the site and am very appreciative that it is now here. However, the red text is distracting. Could this font color be changed? Also, I think the centering of the text in the “Software Categeories” section in the middle of the page is hard to follow. Other than these 2 suggestions, it looks great. Thanks!!
I agree with the red being a bit much, and it’s only getting worse with every added application. It is just a little over powering.
I agree about the look and feel. Personally I like the look and feel of and its ability to sort by the headers. Simtel has a new look and feel and its looking much better.
If the people from gnomefiles want to compare to other download sites they should check out this list: