Maui, Hawaii-based MXS announced Tuesday the release of Cherry OS, an emulator that lets PCs run Mac OS X. The virtual machine emulated by Cherry OS sports full network capabilities and has complete access to the host computer’s hardware resources — hard drive, CPU, RAM, FireWire, USB, PCI, PCMCIA bus, Ethernet networking and modem. It purportedly runs at about 80 percent of the performance of the host CPU, according to the developer.
I was just submiting this news to OSNews but you’ve beat me Eugenia.
This really looks great, I wonder how would it mangle through licencing pollicy.
There are always flamewars about apple porting osx to intel that take nowhere, but for people low on budget, inventions like CherryOS are good investment before really investing into buing that expensive hardware of theirs.
They are assuming they are being hacked, when in fact they’ve been /. (slashdotted)…COS seems like an interesting idea; but how does this compare to PearPC?!
Well, I remember back in ’99 — or was it 2000 — there was a web site devoted to getting MacOS X on Intel…well it didn’t get anywhere with that happening; but of course a few years later and some creative programmers come up with PearPC and COS!
Time so test this thing out. If it indeed runs at 80% of the host I think I’ll have a MacOSX installation just for the fun of it
They’ve done a version of osx for 68k processors and then made an emulator for that!
Will there be a linux version of the program ?
ok, I should continue to dream, but… that would be so nice ! I never so osX booting …I would definitely buy it, if there were a linux version !
Just read /. comments, the latter part. It seems to be a fake software, screenshots show something like early pear, and reading those comments yone can get an idea, why 80% is simply not possible, unless it means “80% power to emulate, rest for apps”
Well if it’s for true, then it is some of the greatest piece of software I have ever seen. But it’s even difficult to get 80% of the performance for a software like VMWare or VirtualPC, how on earth will CherryOS achieve 80% (consider that it endianness on an PPC is differant than on a x86)?
80% performance of host CPU? Sounds too good to be true. That’s not that far behind Virtual PC for windows. Big question is how good will the graphics and hard disk performance be.
I’ve got a suspicion that this is a customised PearPC integrated into a fancy gui with an installer.
Common people, this is not a real thing.
Be real. It’s just a tale that many people want to hear.
CherryOS is claiming that it can run at 80% of your computer’s speed. First, that is impossible to tell. For example, if a 3GHz Pentium 4 is running CherryOS, would Mac OS X then run like a 2.4GHz G4? Would it run like a 2.4GHz Pentium 4 running Mac OS X? How could you tell what Mac OS X ran like on a Pentium 4 2.4GHZ?
I’ve used PearPC with Mac OS X on an Athlon XP 2500+. It runs slower than any Macintosh running OS X I’ve ever used. That includes iMacs running on G3s at less than 300MHz. Something tells me that CherryOS hasn’t figured out something amazing that will get 80% of the computer’s speed. Frankly, is it even theoretically possible to emmulate a CPU and get more than 50% of the speed? You have to take the instruction and translate it into an x86 instruction and then execute that instruction. That would mean that it would have to do at least double the instructions for everything.
I’ll try it if they have a demo version, but I wouldn’t expect speed if I were you.
I suppose that it is only a copy of PearPC that they try to sell
(and violating GPL if they don’t release the code…)
these are the most likely requirements to get the 80% speed they’re on about:
1) Apple Mac G3 +
2) 128mb RAM minimum
but seriously 80% PPC performance from an x86 system what 480mhz PPC = 2.4Ghz x86?
This is Bull. The thing that tells you it’s bull is the fake Java ‘demonstration.’ Don’t waste your money guys.
is it gonna be available as oem?
so then i can sell a intel/amd pc with apple osx (its more expensive more revenu) instead of windoze
It just seems a guy trying to get popular through the internet with a web site and a hoax. Anyway its funny cos although we know it’s technically impossible he got
This is a fake product. Hence why their site is no longer active. They have been found out by the world as a fraud.
Just ask the folks at PearPC, you can’t make an x86 do 80% of the speed of a G4. And I take their word with more credit than this guy, at least they have a product that is runnable. And source code to back it up for download.
Even if you did come up with a way to convert the code into x86 and cache that for later reuse. Something digital tried years ago with their Alpha’s, converting x86 into Alpha using there FX32! product. It would still be really slow until it had run all the PPC code and converted it to x86. And I don’t picture this guy as a genius.
Now i can run virtual PC with cygwin! Isn’t emulation great!
@Andrew Youll: 80% speed of *your* PC. That means if your 3GHz P4 is like a 1.8GHz G5, then you get 80% of that, or something like a 1.6GHz G5.
@Dimka: If you cache the translated instructions, you can theoretically approach 100% speed. The x86 emulator on Alpha used to hit > 50% native performance on the 21264. In the age of 500Mhz Alphas, and 200MHz PPro’s, that meant that the Alphas were at points the fastest x86 chips out there
Of course, not that I believe any of CherryOS’s claims until I see some evidence…
Why do you guys say the demo is fake? It looks pretty real to me. I don’t know about the 80% speed but that demo certainly makes it look like it exists but it may just be a front end built onto PearPC.
Why does the introduction video look like it’s from the 70’s?
Take a look at the crappy demonstration video: at a certain moment during the config wizard the guy is ‘creating’ a disk image for osX. There are 2 choices: 3GB and 6GB. He choses 6GB. Now go to -> Downloads. What do you see: pre-made, bz2 compressed, disk images of, you’ll never guess…, 3 and 6 GB.
=> 1:0 for pearpc
Check out all the typos in their press releases and on their webpage. How are they suppose to code this marvel of emulation when they can’t even type correctly.
Taking into account endian problems and the lack of registers the x86 has you’ve obviously got some false claims spouting 80% of native speed. Now also check out the whois info, this company is only a little over 2 months old.
Another thing to think about is the demand for this. Obviously there are tons of people out there who would LOVE to run OS X on their x86 hardware, why only charge 50 bucks?
Go take a look at the slashdot comments to, when you’re done with them you’ll definitely realize this Cherry OS is a scam/vaporware/hoax.
Just a rip off artist looking to make a quick buck.
It *did* look in the video (I’ve not got sound here) like he was just moving a screenshot around didn’t it…?
Check out these sections from the press release:
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEADIATE RELEASE Contact: Jim Kartes, 866-661-5699 [email protected] Media contact same.
Maui, HI (DATE) MXS today announce the immediate availability of Cherry OS software . Cherry OS is a software translator […]
About MXS
MXS is a software development company specializing in video streaming software. ranked our vx30 encoder as the best in the world.
The products of Maui X-Stream can be viewed on
If you check the “demos” on their site, you’ll notice they play using their vx30 encoder. My guess is that this whole thing is a trick to draw attention to this software. The videos definitely looked bogus — I swear that is guy about to start laughing at a couple of points.
Anyhow, just my 2 cents.
One of the guy on the PearPc mail list was lucky enough to download the cherryOS manual before the site went down. Here’s the URL
No Checked the website and there’s the comment that they’ve been slashdotted but it seems more of an excuse for their lack of web design skill or lack of advertising budget. Really even streaming the video on MPlayer with my 4 MB connection I was laughing at the poor quality of the video advertisement. Also, why pay for CherryOS when consumers can download PearPC and Mac-On-Linux for free?
They use apple’s benchmarks to compare speed.
POWER and PPC processors actually will run both big and little endian byte order code… Regardless, I have suspiscions that these folks have gotten a PPC64 platform emulator working THAT well.
Here is a link to the intro video on a different website. The main website is having problems but this one works fine. The video is clean and there is no buffering.
Mac-On-Linux is nothing like PearPC! It doesn’t emulate PPC hardware. It only runs on PPC hardware!
Here is a link to the frontpage which you can’t get to any longer from the homepage. Most everything is down on the page though.
you can check out the homepage here
Their manual says that a 1GHz Pentium III should run as fast as an 800MHz G3! My Athlon XP 2400+ is going to edge out those new iMacs out of the water when I get it installed. . .
You can download the “User’s Manual and Installation Guide” from the following address:
Not much of substance in it. Just the minimal facts needed to appear like the product actually exists and does what they say it can.
There is an interview up on with the designer. He states that it’s not PearPC with an interface but is completly new and he also says this about the speed.
“Like you just said, we’ve tried a 3.2 GHz Pentium 4 computer, and about equal to that is a 1.2 GHz G4, and then 80% of that would be around 900 MHz.”
For their VX30 codec, which runs through the JAVA applet. The actual movie presentation is really with good quality having in mind that it’s streamed over the net.
I just have feeling about this.
More on guerilla marketing here:
“Like you just said, we’ve tried a 3.2 GHz Pentium 4 computer, and about equal to that is a 1.2 GHz G4, and then 80% of that would be around 900 MHz.”
I can see claiming a 2Ghz G5 is equivalent to a 2.8Ghz to 3.2Ghz P4, we already know Netburst is low performance per clock. But the G4 is a very old and never very fast chip, that comparison is just plain insane. I’d say it’s more like 25-33% efficiency if that’s even the case.
Here is another proof:
Look at those screenshot (a poster from slashdot, who copied them from somewhere else)
then look at this one
Did you notice something strange? The times are not synchronized on the last one – 8:39 on the Mac OS X, 8:49 on the PC. Why there is need for 10 minutes lag, and on the other screenshot they are perfectly synchronized.
I smell loving bees #2
THEN look carefully at all screenshots on the right – you see some video encoding program. Probably their vx30 real-time encoding server. Coincidence?
hm i dloaded the doc and if you look carefully on page 11 you see there software is about 16.3 mb big, which i think is not possible. i think the dload at vmware are about 200 mb for an emulation software, that has about the same functions. (correct me if im wrong)
if the whole thing is true (cmon some hope is good
) then i’d maybe try it.
It’s fairly obvious it’s fake and they just wanted to test out their streaming video server ( … what better source of connections than slashdot ?
What are you talking about? VMware 4 installer is a little bit over 20 MB. And PearPC binaries are something like 600 KB.
That seems plausible too.
Hah – they’ve put some song on their site –
Thank you lantzn for the CherryOS Song:
Cherry oh, Cherry oh, baby,
Don`t you know I`m in need of thee?
If you don`t believe it`s true,
What have you left me to do?
So long I,ve been waiting,
For you to come right in.
And now that we are together,
Please make my joy run over.
Oh oh ee oh oh ee oh,
Oh oh ee oh ee oh ee oh.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Yah.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
Cherry, oh, Cherry, oh, baby,
Don`t you know I`m in love with you?
If you don`t believe I do,
Then why don`t you try me?
I`m never gonna let you down,
Never make you wear no frown.
If you say you love me madly,
Then I will receive you gladly.
Cherry, oh, Cherry, oh, baby,
Don`t you know I`m in love with you?
If you don`t believe I do,
Then why don`t you try me?
I`m never gonna let you down,
Never make you wear no frown.
If you say you love me madly,
Then why do you treat me badly.
This looks a LOT like a new GUI for PearPC. In the screenshots malkia posted, it in fact IS the PearPC GUI without the CD button in the top bar. The text in the title bar is the same, it has the same timing issues..
But I still have hope.
… let’s go have a look
… must be written by a drunken Steve Jobs.
They claim now that 1.0 has not been released yet select users are testing it. I’ve asked for a demo copy to prove their claims but have yet to receive a response.
Has anyone seen the little interview with the developer. It’s so cheesy and he says that he’s working on a G5 emulator! I’ve a feeling that there are gonna be a lot of people that’ll get burnt from this.
Hello I think this is fake. do believe thei ripping the pearpc. no good think imho. you agree? i will write some more in the soon time.
good buy (guten einkauf)
Habakuk :
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And it goes on and on and on…
Buncha lamers!!!
My previous comment was put down due to my words against that guy… c’mon… he’s even saying that is now programming a G5 emulator!!!!!!!!
Not enough with this vaporware? and you say G5 emulator?
This guy must be in jail.
Yes,mysql errors and errors,they even don’t know how to program properly a SQL database on the www!
And … I say again… they talk about PPC emulation??
This is terrific.
At least the dead-born Bleem! ran some PSX titles.
heheheheh this is too funny to comment…….:)
Seems to me that if this is a real technology, Apple had better change their OSX liscense agreement to make this software illigal. As much as I would like to run OSX on my PC I don’t want to see it go the way of BeOS, because that’s exactly what will happen in the long run if this works.
This guyes are just ripping off pearpc source code, building a gui abouve it and then presented it has a stand alone product. Thre is many people hangry with it inside pearpc community. (I consider my self one of them). Some pictures are exactly pearpc window with the name change.
Since they are closing the source, they are brekaing GPL licence
this is very funny.
i searched google groups for “arben kryeziu” and see what this guy asked in forums:
I would like to set a Variable …
to the last possible monday.
how is that possible ??
From: Arben ([email protected])
Subject: Re: iis – logon
View: Complete Thread (6 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.inetserver.iis
Date: 2002-08-21 19:24:51 PST
I am running Windows 2000 Server –
where can I find the security settings there ?
this guy cannot configure properly a W2K server and he says he coded a G4 emulator???!
The CherryOS site has been gone for three days now. I am guessing that this faker convinced his boss that he wrote a PPC emulator after showing him PearPC and when his boss decided that they would sell it he didn’t know what to do and played along until he figured out that we all knew he was just stealing Pear. Now they have packed up and run away hoping that we will all forget about the whole thing.
Cherry OS is Vaporware.
where are they when you need them?
*cue cool intro music