A comparison of Linux alternatives for hard real-time

This study compares the real-time capabilities of various Linux kernels. It was part of a project to upgrade the control software in water-wave generators at research institutions around the world. The results of the study were used by Akamina for the selection of a new RTOS for the control system upgrade of Canada’s largest hydraulics and coastal engineering laboratory, the National Research Council Canadian Hydraulics Centre in Ottawa.


  1. 2004-11-23 10:56 am
  2. 2004-11-23 2:05 pm
  3. 2004-11-23 3:07 pm
  4. 2004-11-23 3:49 pm
  5. 2004-11-23 5:05 pm
  6. 2004-11-23 5:08 pm
  7. 2004-11-23 5:34 pm
  8. 2004-11-23 6:09 pm
  9. 2004-11-23 7:09 pm
  10. 2004-11-24 3:28 am
  11. 2004-11-24 5:28 am