Thom Holwerda Archive

Unix OS Receives Common Criteria EAL 5 Augmented

The US Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme, the body that grants Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) ratings in the US has granted an EAL5 Augmented to BAE System’s XTS-400 and the STOP Unix operating system. This is the first OS to be granted a EAL5 or better and is the first public EAL5 granted in the US. Read more for details.

More Than One Way to Boot it

DeveloperWorks has released updates to two downloads: Version 1.05 of the 970FX Evaluation Kit, also known as PIBS (PowerPC Initialization Boot Software); register to download here. As well, part 2 of the SLOF download has been released: JS20 low-level firmware provides the base functionality to run Slimline Open Firmware (SLOF) on a JS20 server.

Eclipse-Based Workplace Designer Pre-Release

Workplace Designer is an Eclipse-based integrated development environment that gives you an easy way to use document-oriented programming without requiring a comprehensive knowledge of Java. Workplace Designer pre-release supports several database platforms, including IBM Cloudscape, DB2, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. For more in-depth information, take a look at this introduction to Workplace Designer article.

Use J2SE 5.0 Features On Older JVMs

Can't move to JDK 5.0? Many of the J2SE 5.0 language features would be just as useful for older JVMs, but the compiler that implements these features generates code that requires JDK 5.0 or later. Fortunately, there's an open source project that bridges the gap between J2SE 5.0 and older JVMs -- Retroweaver.

Inside The Big Switch

If you've been following the Apple-to-Intel transition, you're going to want to read this whole article. Why? Because I'm going to do something that I almost never do: spill insider information from unnamed sources that I can confirm are in a position to know the score.