No expense was spared (and no effort was spent) in celebrating our podcast surviving into double digits! It’s an even game of four quarters as we discuss Vmedia drives, Palm Pre, Java on OS X and the eternal struggle between Microsoft and open source.
Here’s how the audio file breaks down:
0:00:30 | Intro |
0:01:14 | “Vmedia”- article |
0:17:16 | “Palm Pre” – article |
0:34:38 | “Java on OS X” – article |
0:45:51 | “Free Software / Kill Microsoft” – article |
1:03:20 | Meta |
1:05:30 | (Total Time) |
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We genuinely hope that you enjoy this, and that we’ve managed to bring up original points in our discussion. Do follow up what you picked up on in your comments!
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Tried several machines with Flash installed and it just says “Flash player” on the screen.
I think the double-digits broke it D: I will chase this up tomorrow. I assumed it was simply because I don’t have Flash installed and it said “Flash Player” as a fallback.
Finally no audio problems and I’ve actually managed to listen till the end.
I would suggest figuring out who does what before the podcast and not doing it hot potato style. Other than that it was quite good. Keep it up.
Not listened to this yet because I’m at work but I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your podcasts
Thom even convinced me to buy minidisc last week… Cheers guys, Keep up the good work!
Seriously foss pushing microsoft forward is not really a serious or especially valuable achievement;p Thanks to gnu/linux i was able to write a small kernel with 2 drivers for radeons, and 1 for intels G965, and a lot more, and learned from all this more than i ever could without gnu/linux. If you ask me that possibility to gain knowledge/skills for anybody at no cost is worth infinitely more than anything else;) And even though most just want an OS that works etc they should value the freedom foss gives even if it doesn’t touch them directly.
This may seem a little obscure, but I really like the theme tune you guys started using on.. *thinks* episode 3?
My question is born only out of curiosity; Who made it and using what?
It has to be said I think it gives OSNews a great feel. As strange as this may sound that tune starts to go round and round in my head when I read OSN – good ‘brand’ identity building
Anyway, enough of my rambling.
The music used for episode 4 (episode 3 was actually “episode 1” the first episode me and Thom did) is “Advanced Tactical Fighter” by Chris Language. It’s a Commodore 64 remix and available to download here:
The song used from episode 5 onwards is “Turrican 2 – The Final Fight” by Daree Rock, again another Commodore 64 remix, and available here:
And if you want to hear something really cool, check out this:… Beastie Boys lyrics, on a Commodore 64 remix!
Much thanks
Will check those out, thanks again.
Has an episode gone by where Thom doesn’t say “torches and pitchforks” ?