Desktop environments Archive

AfterStep 2.00-beta2, Cairo 1.5 Released

AfterStep is an X window manager which started by emulating the NeXTSTEP look and feel and changed along the way. The new version fixes compilation bugs, shaped windows bugs, I18N bugs, move-resize bugs, Pager bugs, and more have been fixed. Mouse cursor changing has been reimplemented in different parts of the window. has been updated. Desktop session saving and restoring has been implemented. In other X releases, Cairo is an X11 vector graphics library with cross-device output support. Version 1.5 was released today.

ROX Desktop 2.0 Released

ROX-Filer 2.0.0 has been released. This is a major upgrade to the core component of the ROX Desktop. Use of ROX is centred around the file system, using the same program and interface to manage both applications and data. Originally based on concepts in RISC OS, ROX takes and extends these GUI ideas and merges them with an underlying Unix or Linux system. The release notes have the full story, and the guided tour and screenshots may be useful for new users.

FluxBox Extends the BlackBox Window Manager

More than 1.5 years has past since the last release of the BlackBox window manager, and its development seems to have stopped. However, based on the latest version of BlackBox's sources, FluxBox was born. The FluxBox X11 window manager fixes a number of problems found in the original BlackBox and it introduces some new GUI concepts like the use of the tabs along with the addition of some more tradititional functionality like iconbar, keygrabbers and more.