Ubuntu Archive

Is the Word Ubuntu in “Ubuntu Linux” Over-Hyped ?

There is a general dissent growing at the popularity that Ubuntu enjoys among the Linux users. Considering that Ubuntu has maintained the number one slot at distrowatch.com for a whole year now, the feeling is a bit expected. This article tries to explore what is it that makes Ubuntu so popular among its users and how other linux distributions can take a leaf from ubuntu to effectively leverage their position in the popularity chart.

MEPIS Grundgingly Complies with the GPL

MEPIS, the popular Ubuntu-based Linux distributor, has finally released its distribution source code under the GPL. Warren Woodford, CEO, is not one bit pleased with being forced to do so. Woodford has long disagreed with some parts of the GPL. He recently ran into some trouble with its requirement that downstream distributors of GPL code are obligated to provide source code to users in an easily accessible format. Note: Starting today, Mepis stories will be posted in the Ubuntu category.

Interview: Mark Shuttleworth

Mark Shuttleworth, millionaire cosmonaut and self-funded Linux guru, has managed to make his Ubuntu project the Linux distribution of choice in just two years. But now the friendly brown OS with the cute drumming noises faces an awkward journey towards the commercial mainstream.

‘Ubuntu 6.06 Is Current Desktop Linux Champ’

"Canonical's Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is an excellent Linux-based operating system - so excellent, in fact, that it not only earned eWEEK Labs' Analyst's Choice designation but has also become our clear favorite among Linux desktop distributions. This latest Ubuntu release, which became available in June, has won our ardor with a tight focus on desktop usability; an extremely active, helpful and organized user community; and a software installation and management framework that's unsurpassed on any OS platform."

Xen 3.0 In Ubuntu 6.06

This tutorial contains step-by-step instructions for installing Xen 3.0 from precompiled binaries in Ubuntu Dapper Drake. Xen lets you create guest operating systems (UNIX-like operating systems like Linux and FreeBSD), so called 'virtual machines' or domUs, under a host operating system (dom0). Using Xen you can separate your applications into different virtual machines that are totally independent from each other.

Ubuntu 6.06 Server for Sun SPARC 64 Released

"The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the release of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS server for SUN Sparc 64bit architecture. This release is an Ubuntu distribution for your servers, with a fast and easy install, regular releases, and a tight selection of excellent packages installed by default. Other packages and applications are available from a global network of mirrors, and professional, commercial technical support from Canonical Ltd and hundreds of other companies around the world."

Shuttleworth on Red Hat, Impi, HBD, GNOME vs. KDE

"In Part I of our multi-part series of discussions with Canonical CEO and Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth, Shuttleworth covered the delay in the release of Dapper, and something of a history of the open source and free software movements. In Part II, Shuttleworth spoke specifically about Dapper in the Enterprise, and a bit about how Canonical will make money on Ubuntu. In this final installment, we delve into the geographics of Ubuntu's appeal; the investment by Shuttleworth's venture Capital fund, HBD in ImpiLinux, and ever so gingerly broach the religious topic of KDE versus Gnome - not just as the Linux desktop, but as Mark Shuttleworth's Ubuntu desktop."

Shuttleworth on Dapper, Desktop Linux, Enterprise adoption

"Recently, Ubuntu founder and Canonical CEO Mark Shuttleworth spoke with The 451 Group at length about Dapper, Ubuntu, and the trends and development of the open source and free software movements as they relate to enterprise information technology. Last week, we ran Part I of a multi-part series in which The 451 Group presents Shuttleworth’s comments along with insight and commentary from 451 Group analysts who cover the worlds of open source and enterprise software."

Reviews: Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu Dapper

As was to be expected, a flurry of reviews of Ubuntu Dapper Drake, released yesterday. LinuxForums reviews Ubuntu and Edubuntu/Kubuntu, while ReviewLinux sticks to just plain Ubuntu: "Dapper Drake is a huge step forward since Breezy Badger. I was impressed in many ways. The package management got even better than before. The artwork is fantastic. The networking features are great. Gnome is fast and responsive, and the desktop is full of little applets, applications and shortcuts which make it very easy to do most common things."

Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake Released

Dozens of readers submitted today's biggest news bugget: "Ubuntu team is proud to announce the release of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, codenamed "Dapper Drake". This release includes both installable Desktop CDs and alternate text-mode installation CDs for several architectures, for Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu." For those who like the visuals, OSDir provides the fix. Update by TH: Instructions on installing this release on Apple's MacBook.

Review: Ubuntu Dapper RC

Because of Ubuntu's big release tomorrow, a review of the latest release candidate. It concludes: "To sum up my experience with Ubuntu’s Dapper I will say that it is easily the most impressive Linux distribution I have used to date. The combination of speed, stability, ease of use and the excellant apt-get package manager, makes it the Linux distro to beat. The 5 years of upgrades is another incentive to try out Dapper as well. This would be the first time I would recommend a Linux distro to any computer user (including Windows users) and feel confident they would like the system, as well as be able to use the system proficiently shortly after testing out the system."