Sony and Panasonic set to develop new Linux

Japanese consumer electronics giants Sony and Panasonic announced that they will be co-developing a Linux distribution for "digital home electronic devices." As consumer electronics devices increasingly take on the capabilities of computers, makers need a sophisticated operating system to run them, and many have already turned to Linux. (like Tivo). See the Press Release.

Ydesktop Release Candidate 2

Yoper Limited, the New Zealand Linux company, is proud to announce Release Candidate 2 of Ydesktop, the first part of 'Your Operating System that Yoper Limited' ("Yoper") is developing. This second public release contains dozens of fixes and updates from over 5000 downloads of Ydesktop-rc1.

Xandros and NeTraverse Join Forces

NeTraverse Inc. and Xandros today announced a strategic partnership to expand the range of solutions to individual users and corporate clients. By combining Win4Lin with the Xandros Desktop, users can now operate the full range (editor's note: Win4Lin 4 had a limitation on DDraw/3D apps like Media Players and games) of Windows applications, and organizations can leverage the powerful advantages of Linux while preserving their current investments in Windows-based systems and applications.