Review: Mandrake Linux 9.0

Mandrake Linux 9.0 from MandrakeSoft has established a reputation for being one of the easiest to install and user-friendly Linux distribution (often called a distro) on the market. That reputation is well deserved, and the latest release continues to improve on what has been previously offered. Like SuSE 8.1, Mandrake 9.0 has excellent documentation, designed with the beginner in mind. allowing the inexperienced or potential Linux user to easily install a system. Read the article at ExtremeTech.

Linux – Good Windows Alternative, but Installation can be Tricky

Contrary to popular belief, the cops will not arrest you if you don’t use Windows. There are some interesting alternative operating systems out there —and with perseverance, you won’t go crazy trying to use them. Chief among them is Linux, the largely free, enormously geek-popular system that hard-line anti-Windows users rave about, which has Tux the penguin as its mascot. Read the rest here.

Amiga: The A-Expo Review

I haven't been in the Amiga scene for quite some years now as I have long since left for the shores of planet BeOS. However I recently had the chance to re-enter the Amiga World at an Amiga show in the South-East of France when I went to meet a potential employer - after being "discovered" on OSNews! You'd think that a computer which hasn't shipped in years would have a small dwindling community. If you thought that well, you'd be wrong. This show dwarfs the BeOS BeGeistert shows I go to in Germany. Yet, Begeistert is for all of Europe and held every 6 months, this was just one French Amiga show and they are held around Europe nearly every week.

JTMOS Operating System Build 3337

A new release for the JTMOS. The changes are, according to Jari's changes description to Freshmeat, "A TCP/IP stack (uIP) has been added. JTMOS now answers to ICMP pings. Major fixes were made in the SLIP driver. A working and usable WWW server was added and tested. A telnet server has been introduced. Many interrupt related problems have been fixed. A snake game called 'Greedy Snake' has been ported to JTMOS. Split partitioning support for the first floppy disk drive was added, which allows a file system to be placed on the same disk as the system loader and system image."

An Unbiased Review of Debian 3.0

"This is a critical review of Debian 3.0, but I want to say right from the start that I'm not trying to bait anyone. However I feel that reviewers often root for Debian as the open-source underdog, and give it marks which it doesn't deserve. If RedHat 8.0 came out with installation software like Debian 3.0 it would be savaged. I think it's time for an honest review, to spur the Debian developers into making the best possible distribution. I really want Debian to succeed. I want to use it daily, and recommend it to my friends. But I can't do that right now and I think it's important people understand why." Read the review and its (already long) discussion at DebianPlanet.

Lindows Arrives in UK on a £250 PC

The £250 PC hasn't been part of the British computing landscape since the days of the eight-bit micro. Evesham Technology has changed that, with the launch of the E-scape Li -- no monitor or speakers, but everything else you need for a working computer. It includes, for the first time in the UK market, a version of Linux aimed at the consumer, Lindows. Read the review of the machine and OS at ZDNet.

Cross-Platform UNIX Software Packaging with OpenPKG

In this article, SAMag will explore OpenPKG, a software development and packaging project initiated by Cable & Wireless, an international ISP. The OpenPKG project began in November 2000 and has grown into a collaborative software development effort managed and maintained by many. The project aims to create a modular and flexible UNIX subsystem for cross-platform software packaging and installation.

Security Expert Gives OSes Poor Security Grade

Is open source software more secure? To most Linux enthusiasts, the answer is obvious: open source means more people can look for bugs and a faster dissemination of bug fixes. Obviously, yes. But noted security expert Gene Spafford says that this may not necessarily be true. According to the Purdue professor of computer science and co-author of Practical Unix & Internet Security, good security begins with good design and neither Windows nor Linux have much to brag about in that category.

ViaVoice and XVoice: Providing Voice Recognition

Conversing with a computer has long been a staple of science fiction. Such conversations are still largely in the realm of fiction, but voice recognition technology has improved significantly over the last decade. A number of voice recognition and control products are available on various platforms. Many people don't realize, however, that it is possible to control the Linux desktop by voice, and it has been possible for some time. Read the article at LinuxJournal.

Critics Say Microsoft Is Up to Old Tricks

As Microsoft awaits court approval of its landmark antitrust settlement with the government, the company has angered some competitors by tightly limiting the technical data it promised to release. Microsoft says the restrictions are normal for the software industry and do not violate the terms of the settlement. But competitors contend that Microsoft's actions are reminiscent of the behavior that led to the antitrust case and reinforce their claim that the entire settlement is inadequate.