There have been rumours spreading regarding a new graphics chip being developed at Matrox, which will put them at the forefront of State-of-the-Art 3D graphics technology once again. Recently this specs sheet leaked out on Matrox’ website, according to TechNation. Interestingly Ben Hermans, the manager of the AmigaOS4 project stated, that they have seen this new technology at work and it severely outperforms nVidia’s current top offerings. It is expected it will still take around two months before “G1000 graphic card” solutions become available to the general public. My Take: Together with ATI they might be able to finally break down the current anti-competitive nature of the graphics industry, regarding alternative OS driver support.
Matrox has always had the best image quality.
If they can pull this off then I will make this my next video card.
Gah, another Mike Bouma story that *has* to mention Amiga…
Next up, Israel vs Palestine: should they use Amigas? The technology is really great; a realtime multi-pre-emptable virtual memory implementation kernel, with portable mip-map double-buffered blah blah blah… hey, whaddya mean that’s nothing to with the subject? Amiga, Amiga, Amiga…
And one more mention for Amiga.
I notice plenty there about DirectX9 – where’s the OpenGL support then?
LOL – now THAT was funny!
The important thing is – will they have BeOS drivers. If they don’t the card is shit and it will fail in the market place.
I don’t see the problem. Here’s me quoting someone who has had insider information regarding this project for quite some time now.
The AmigaOS 4 team are even making sure new AmigaOS 4.x drivers are being written for these new Matrox cards. If I knew Bill Gates (or other interesting comments by other OS development teams) said this is going to change the graphics industry, you could count on it, I would have mentioned this in the article also. The fact is that most of the emails and information I receive are Amiga related. I guess you and I need to live with that fact, at least until I quit my daily job and start working for OSNews full-time.
> I notice plenty there about DirectX9 – where’s the
> OpenGL support then?
That is the question — especially with the OpenGL 2.0 specification on the horizon (and the new 3Dlabs P10 VPU on the way which is expected to support it).
> Here’s me quoting someone
Hhhmm after re-reading the news article, I must say I didn’t actually “qoute” him.
Though here’s a public qoute made by Ben Hermans at the Amiga Network News regarding these promising cards:
“Yes, it will be supported by OS 4.
But not right away, this type of advanced architecture requires Warp 3D V5 (“Nova”).
It’s simply miles ahead of anything out there on the market now.
The only that comes close is the P10 from 3DLabs.”
Sounds great but I’ll believe it when I see it. Remember G800?
If you have miss it, then it was originally 1th April joke
But wait for 14th may to get real news (as “they” claim)
That sounds like a great graphics card! 256 megs of memory? Nice! I hope it will work in BeOS
Wonder how long before NetBSD is ported to this.
In case you missed it *cough*Stew*cough* this was a JOKE.
I have to agree with FUD; I used to run Matrox exclusively until their 3D became butt-slow. Their 2D is always IMMACULATE; this will definitely be my next card if the performance is comparable with nVidia.
I really admire Matrox for opening all the specs to their hardware. All you have to do to get specs is get a free registration to their developer’s forum. I appreciate the bind NVIDIA is in with regards to open source drivers (given that they use propriatory code + they’ve got really good, stable OpenGL drivers, and as of yet Matrox and ATI don’t, releasing the code would help them too much) but I don’t see the reason to keep the specs closed. I have a NVIDIA card right now, and if the Matrox or ATI chips approach NVIDIA in speed, I’ll definately move to a more open platform.
they prob. have….
From what I have heard THEY WILL BE USING 3DLabs P10.
Moreover Nvidia also told all the time about a ground-breaking new non-GeForce graphics-architecture.
So exepect Nvidia to not be that far off the P10.
With all that RAM and processing power, maybe it would be, somehow, possible.
That card has more RAM than my laptop and desktop PC together. S**t, I’m really behind the times.
The important thing is – will they have BeOS drivers. If they don’t the card is shit and it will fail in the market place.
LOL – now THAT was funny!
geting past the ‘if it exists’ to the assumption that it does, I’ll buy it.
about OpenGL, the liklyhood is it will support it as OpenGL is rather ubiquitus across the OS market (if it doesn’t include OpenGL support its a major oversight).
i’m just impressed by their level Linux (and OS/2) support, and its good to have open standards as any oversights in support can be rectified by someone with the right know-how.
Don’t worry about the troll on top of this thread, just keep bringing us good news on the Amiga front, I get tired of hearing about Microsoft this and Microsoft that, and .NET this and .NET that, and bla bla bla!@#$%^&*?
I thought we were trying to move on from Be since its effectively dead…..all these “if it doesnt get support for my OS then its crap” comments are lame. Don’t use the card if your OS isnt supporting it. Its that simple.
[email protected].* –> the comment about be drivers was a joke…
It’s a joke, laugh!
In the past, Matrox has been good about supporting OpenGL, so I imagine their drivers will for any new cards.
Of course, where will their driver quality be? Up to ATI’s standard (snicker) or nVidia’s? Or better?
– chrish
Ok, thats its, you know, for all your other stories you have pritty little icons, but for 3d you have a IMHO crappy looking box with some plain font. Whats up with that… all the others are nice, stylized icons…
did somebody in the art department goof.. uh, dont even know if you guys have a art department
Oh well…
I contacted some people with reliable information. The upcoming next generation Matrox solution has amazing specs, NOT less amazing as this Mock-up shown at TecNation. Everyone in the know are under NDA however, so stay tuned.
Personally I`m really looking forward to see their new solutions and finally being able to know why Amiga Inc wanted to form a Strategic Alliance with them. Regardless my new ATI AIW Radeon 7500 will be sufficient for me for the time being.
The specs list some crazy color depths.
What’s up with that ?,11223,
“I caught a couple of NV30 specs for you. First the RAM will be running at 900Mhz. Secondly, they are claiming at this point 200 million polys per second.”
Matrox better hurry…
As mentioned on
“Many people are jumping on the G1000 hoax and apparently even some hardware suppliers are sending it out as actual specs for an upcoming Matrox product. Anything labelled G1000 is a hoax, there is no G1000, just look at the specs there is one slight giveaway, Millennium is misspelt as Millenium!!”