A trial version of Windows Server 2003 R2 is now available for download: “Windows Server 2003 R2 trial software is available to download for evaluation in both x64 and x86 versions. Both trial software versions require Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Installing the trial software for Windows Server 2003 R2 does not extend the time that you can use the trial version of Windows Server 2003 SP1.“
I like the idea of releaseing new features after the initial OS is out, that way things aren’t rushed and in the end they all work together better. Also if you don’t need most of these features you don’t have to install them at all. If Win2k3 with SP1 and R1 is all you need, then you don’t need to mess with R2.
I just hope you can totally mix and match what parts you want in the OS from now on.
Well… another brick in the privative wall…
But remember, walls are tumbling down
unless, of course, they are creating a trial version site.
Microsoft produces a relatively easy to use operating system. It is easy to use simply because it is ubiquitous and a great amount of research has been focused on the user interface.
There is a highly standardized development model which makes programming under the Windows platforms very straightforward. Much of the development layer is documented in a clean and professional fashion.
Multimedia aspects work wonderfully, as evidenced by Windows Media Player 6.4 on up and the automatic downloading of appropriate codecs.
Business and productivity software are at the top, though there aren’t many more new features which can be packed in. Alternatives are rapidly approaching the level of Microsoft Office.
Those are the major points that initially come to mind. Now for the rebuttals:
“How can a company be evil that is wilfully giving away free computers preloaded with free copies of their excellent Windows XP operating system?”
Simple – there’s a catch. Market dominance, allowing practices of monopolistic abuse, evidenced by everyone else’s subsequent requirement of paying through the nose for an upgrade which has skyrocketed in cost since the government turned a blind eye after the antitrust investigation. Besides, those who receive a free computer will end up having to upgrade it again down the line with more hardware to support the next generation of Windows which will be equally as exorbitant. As for Windows XP being excellent, you’re probably right. I’ve no interest in it, but for average users, there’s no reason to take the time to understand exactly how their computer works any more than they would need to take the time to fully understand how their automobile works. For those whom are not content to remain ignorant (this isn’t a bad thing, necessarily, as we all rely on each other due to ignorance or inability in some aspect of our lives), learning about the tools we use, no matter how advanced, is an irresistable lure.
“How can they be the “Borg” (an obscure reference that only Linux nerds seem to “get”, alas) when their chairman donates billions annually to charity?”
Donations do not excuse arrogance, greed or intimidating actions. Put Bill Gates in a middle class position and he would be stepping on his coworkers to get to the top. These kinds of people make good executives, and we all know what dregs of the world they tend to be. For all the intelligence in the world, it can’t redeem one from being an asshole.
“How can their software be called bloated and crashy, yet still hold 90% of the market share in preference to supposedly ‘superior’ alternatives from Linux and Macintosh?”
It is a rare occassion that a superior technology is chosen over a less desirable one. The MP3 compressed music format exploded as several significantly more advanced formats were being released. MP3 is a mediocre technology by comparison, yet by chance and popularity, it has reigned as king of the digital music formats. The Apple Macintosh does not need file extensions – those awkward ‘.txt’, ‘.mp3’ and ‘.doc’ style additions to a file name. Apple’s usage of metadata was far superior to Microsoft’s almost two decades ago, and still is, yet the popularity of Windows took off and eventually exceeded that of the Mac due to extremely aggressive business tactics which Apple refused to take part in. Apple is certainly no saintly entity itself, but the world could have been dominated by Apple instead and there would be enough complaints about it to make it a Microsoft, as it is seen by many even today. The top dog can be an evil bastard. The underdog can entirely good and yet it can be trampled. Corporations are the epitome of everything undesirable in human nature – greed, arrogance, hate, etc… therefore, the corporate world is essentially the battle to be the worst of the worst.
“The answer is clear: it is sheer jealousy.”
The people who work on Linux have little concern over the success of Microsoft. They are simply disgusted with the myriad problems in Windows which most users never encounter because they use it for everyday activities, such as email, browsing the internet and games. When a developer needs to get something done and has to end up working around the operating system, it is painful. When workarounds comprise half of a program, the developer is inclined to fix the operating system himself. When the operating system can only be fixed by a cabal of egotistical, money-driven businessmen, the developers who know their asses from a hole in the ground throw their hands up and look for a way out. The good are always outnumbered, as the ignorant can be swayed without their knowing. It pays to learn exactly how your car works, otherwise you’ll end up being raped without even knowing it.
“These people are somehow disappointed in the fact that a million pasty-faced 15-year-olds with no job experience are unable to engineer software of the same quality as some of the best minds on this earth.”
I’ll only point out that you obviously have no comprehension of the places where most research occurs. Universities across the country are filled with thousands upon thousands whom are as intelligent, if not moreso than anyone at Microsoft’s research centers. There are other research centers as well. Xerox PARC, for instance, where so many technologies have arisen and been incorporated into the fabric of today’s society that it can be difficult to even keep track of them.
“They are enraged that giving your software away fails to make you rich. They can’t accept that banner ads are not a business plan.”
Banner ads have never been a business plan, no matter how many may have tried to use them as such. You’d do well to point your finger at the dotcom failures before you accuse those who simply follow their interests and create for the greater good because they like to do so. If the world were filled with more of these people, it would be a far better place than the one we have; filled with cutthroat businessmen. Do you think that physicians and surgeons always enter that field of work simply for money? There really are people in this world that realize the futility of monetary aggrandization. Of course, there are plenty of those at Microsoft whom are enjoying their jobs, especially with the lure of financial wealth. The company blinds them, though. I’ve seen it firsthand. When a person is making a six figure salary, it’s hard not to rationalize away the blatantly vicious actions of your employer.
“Sorry, Linux heads, communism doesn’t work, and no amount of zealotry can help that.”
Sorry for what? This isn’t communism. If it were, they would be offering up their apartments and houses for everyone to use. This is the sharing of ideas, not material. You who jump so quickly to accuse the Linux community of communist properties would do well to first examine the scientific community. Linux is branched from computer science, which is still a very raw field. Being a science, it is focused on abstracts – ideas. These ideas can be applied to the material world to create products. The product brought forth by the Linux community is an abstract and therefore an idea, built from other ideas.
Some in the Linux community make money, most do not. Still, the ideal behind Linux is still very strong. The jealousy you mentioned earlier is simply the over-zealous segments of the community. You misinterpret their calls for change as jealousy because you are blind to the shadows which Microsoft has cast upon a promising industry.
There has been much damage wrought on the computer industry, and much to correct. However, this is changing. Linux was the poster child and there are others. Microsoft may have 90% of the user market, but the infrastructure of the industry is akin to a living organism and is rejecting the foreign object that threatens it’s stability.
good reply!
Damn that is a good reply.
“How can they be the “Borg” (an obscure reference that only Linux nerds seem to “get”, alas) when their chairman donates billions annually to charity?”
If you declare “donations” of “billions and gazillions” in software, where is the money? You give money back to your company and get a good discount in you taxes. Who decides how much that crap software worth? It’s sooo good to be a generous person…
does R2 have to do with linux, nothing morons.
They offer eval 2k3 for companies that are considering switching over to 2k3 & it offers more than just IIS. Wouldnt it be nice if car dealers let you take a car on a 6 month test drive?