This is the first of two articles in which we describe how to acquire and build the source code for OpenSolaris. The first article provides all the necessary background information (terminology, where to get the tools, and so on) and describes a basic compilation and installation, and the second article will describe a more complicated compilation and installation.
Bootable CD (iso) here:
Nope. Thats a distribution of “open” solaris. not opensolaris itself which cannot be even bootstrapped with open source compilers at this point
not opensolaris itself which cannot be even bootstrapped with open source compilers at this point
Incorrect. As you can see from the gcc status page:
As of June 22nd, 2005 you can now build both x86 and SPARC using gcc.
Sun Solaris Build 16 and the Schillix Live CD does *not* boot on my Athlon 1.4GHZ PC.
Anyone know if there’s some way of logging the boot process? Basically it hangs just after dumping the copyright notices.
There are a variety of options for examining boot failure, depending on how far you get.
The catch-all method is to boot with the kernel debugger by booting ‘-k’ (edit the GRUB menu item appropriately). You can then break into the kernel debugger by pressing ‘F1’ and ‘a’ together (assuming your system isn’t totally hosed). From there, ‘::ptree’ and ‘::walk thread | ::findstack’ are your friends.
If you are getting far enough, you can also boot with verbose SMF messages (-m verbose), or boot to the ‘none’ milestone (-m milestone=none) and then run ‘svcadm milestone all’ and examine what is happening from the sulogin prompt.
As usual, the opensolaris-help forum is the place to go with these questions:
Play with the USB Legacy option in your BIOS. I had to disable it for 10 GA, but enable it for b16. Might be your problem too, as that sounds quite the same as the issue I encountered.
not sure how useless the blog entry is yet (I am still reading it), but thank you in advance.
I’m not giving up on this just yet!
not bad, but… imho this ( ) article is far better.
Only if you can read hungarian.
There is an english translation inline, and it looks correct, trust me, I can read hungarian.
When I originally saw the article, there was not an English translation. My bad for not checking, regardless it’s still rather annoying to have to wade through lots of text I can’t read. I don’t like the “side-by-side” format. So as a matter of personal preference I prefer the one linked in the news article over the on you referred to, though I’m certain someone else might like it more.
Please check the article again… carefully…
Are there any LiveCDs for OpenSolaris?
Yes, it was the USB Legacy option. But it was also interesting reading about the kmdb, so thanks a lot guys.
Right, back to OpenSolaris