Kyocera are hard at work to release their first PDA product. The Pocket Cosmo runs Personal Java 1.2 on top of the Elate operating system from Tao Group Ltd. This will allow it to run programs written in Java faster and using less memory than other PDAs, which usually run on a Windows, Palm, or Linux operating system, according to a statement.
“As this is a new concept in PDAs, not many applications are available for it yet. We will start distributing the product through the corporate user channel so that companies can develop their own applications,” said Takuro Takeshima, a Kyocera spokesman.
Ah, so exactly what is the point of using Java?
Easy to develop for. As PDA’s have limited memory/etc they are a bugger to develop on.
Also Personal Java 1.2 does not have all the API of JavaSE, so just cos an app works on a PC, does not mean it’ll work on this PDA, I don’t belive Java PE even supports awt by default ( under the assumption that all these ‘ttle devices will be wildly diffrent ).
this sounds soooo 1990s; reminds me of BeIA…anyway, more info at:
*sigh* I guess the days when men were men, and real men wrote assembler code are gone. Back in my time, all we had was ones and zeros, and sometimes we didn’t even have those. I did a whole database using nothing but the letter “O”!
I still code to save every last byte of RAM and CPU cycle. You don’t need Java to save resources, you need real programmers, that’s all.
Note that the OS is intent based. Intent is also the foundating technology of the Amiga Digital Environment/Amiga Anywhere. So you are not limited to the Java language, but you can use C, C++ or VP programming languages as well.
To get a good impression of how flexibile this technology is, I recommend checking out the following Amiga Anywhere demonstration for TechTV.…
Also to get to know more about the VP, the virtual assembler language (Much of the OS is written in this language including the JVM), check out the following article by Daniel Robbins for IBM developerWorks:…
>I still code to save every last byte of RAM and CPU cycle. You don’t need Java to save resources, you need real programmers, that’s all.
You just keep on doing that… The rest of us actually deliver our products – on time! (and less buggy!).
Besides there ARE technical reasons why someone HAS to program for java…
Crappy troll!
I have a question for all of you.
I still don’t know if you can actually develop applications other than games on Amiga DE/Amiga Anywhere (ie databases and entrprise apps).
Does somebody know something about it?
You just keep on doing that… The rest of us actually deliver our products – on time! (and less buggy!).
Heh, yours looks like an excuse to me! I don’t have any problem with delivering and being on-time, and when it comes to bugs, the simpler, elegant code makes for far less bugs than spaghetti code does! I bet you’re one of those dime-a-dozen coders who gets paid by the line, so you churn out as many lines as you can. Then it’s up to someone else to fix all your mistakes! That’s really nothing to act snooty about.
Besides there ARE technical reasons why someone HAS to program for java…
Yeah, like that’s all they teach in college, so that’s all you know. Or that you don’t have a job that empowers you to make decisions like that. Those aren’t technical reasons, really.
I do agree, yours was a crappy troll.
See for a Java based OS for PDAs that runs Java2SE. Not ME, not personal Java. It’s full Java2 SE, not a subset. That means you can run Jini, JavaSpaces, RMI, JDBC, etc. I’ve even heard of people running J2EE servers on it. Imaginge running a J2EE server on an iPAQ. Yikes!
It’s loong since been established that people that take the needlessly painful route for relatively little gain over a much easier, more intuitive (again, relatively) route aren’t “real” men so much as “dumb” men. Sure, it was necessary and/or had a hugely significant gain when computers hadn’t the resources, but they do now. Back then, you were average (everyone did it). Now you’re just a masochist if you still optimize for each CPU cycle and program with 1s and 0s, below ASM.
Of course you can. Though currently (high performance platfrom independent) games and multimedia entertainment applications are Amiga Anywhere’s main selling point. BTW multimedia applications are far more demanding than database programs, you could do such applications pretty well even on MSDOS or a c64. (Though without the benefit of a GUI or multitasking functionality)
Also there’s an old seminar video of Bill McEwen on Aminet demonstrating Photogenics for intent/AmigaDE.
“real men wrote assembler”
lol, in that case i’m a wuss, give me VB!!!
actually, i started learning IA-32 asm. i got the free books from intel too. When i’m done, i want to learn how to program in 1s and 0s just so i can brag about it
The thing to brag about is writing an entire database program with nothing but the letter “O”.
For those who don’t recognize the reference, it’s from a Dilbert cartoon. I guess that people really did program in 1s and 0s at some points in time. I remember when the first microcomputers came out (before the term “PC” was coined), they were originally programmed through a bunch of toggle switches on the front panel. Legend says that Bill Gates could grok machine code, who knows.
AFAIK writing assembly code is alive and well. Most of the compilers and IDEs that I use support it. Lots of crucial code is assembled, for a variety of reasons. I bet that there’s tons of mainframe programs out there that are 100% assembler source. I was being humorous about the “real men” thing, but the responses show me that there must be a lot of truth to it. Otherwise there wouldn’t be so much envy.
If you’re wondering what this new device will look like, check ou the following picture: