“BlueIllusion 0.06 is out for downloading and testing. The OS sports various programs and commands, its own editor, an XML-Library, which I’m gonna use for loading and parsing settings, a 32 bit GUI, RTC Support, IDE/ATAPI-Driver (big thanks go to Andy McLaughlin from Visopsys Project- I’ve ported his IDE/ATAPI driver), ISO9660-FS support and finally functional and usable pipes.”
Any german speakers feel like translating for me? Google translate refuses to work on that page, for some unknown reason. Frames maybe? Irregardless, I’m not particularly sure what this OS is for and what makes it different from all the others…
Apart from the first page, the entire site about the OS is in English. However, I cannot directly link to it, so you’ll have to click the “BlueIllusion” link on the http://www.distantvoices.org page.
What it is good for … Oh, a queston. AS easy one could ask what Life ‘s good for, eh?
Wait, that’s easy. I’m making it for the sake of it. Got it? For learning and deepening knowledge. For mental training and fastening abilities in project management. That’s what I’m doing it for. Well – and it is good for running programs on an average pc.
What makes it different from others? *rofl* Nothing special. It’s just an OS with a graphical user interface, some nifty features and more stuff which is still in development. So, bear with me, lad.
Oh, and by the way: Make sure you either have the cdrom drive as IDE secondary master or have a virtual cdrom in VMWare as IDE Device 1:0. From other ide devices it won’t boot correctly. Haven’t buildt in proper detection stuff yet.
@to whom it may concern and to put things in a clear state: I only once ask politely: pls be so kind and refrain from statements in the wake of: “this is crap. What kinda weed this lad has smoked.” Its as simple as this: if you don’t feel like giving polite criticism or feedback, if you rather feel like making so. down: LEAVE IT ALONE!
Thanks very much
Distant Voices (the author of BlueIllusionOS)
There are many people who can comment on OSes from a user perspective, but a much smaller number who have thought through all the issues and have os experience from a practical development perspective. Keep up the good work.
I can’t understand why almost all desktop environments / GUI os’s, except for GNOME, KDE, XFCE and OSX, make GUI’s like the first Windows versions. In my humble opinion it’s more nice to have no gui or ncurses. ๐
cool. maybe you’ll come from behind and overtake hurd. lol shouldn’t be too hard, given hurd’s pacec . . .
Microkernel is cool! I hope the OS will develop in the future. Looks promising. Perhaps it once becomes a dignified successor of SkyOS which does not have a microkernel. BTW: Is SkyOs still alive?
“BTW: Is SkyOs still alive?”
Interesting question. I still remember when a bunch of kids here told us twice a week that SkyOS was soon going to replace MS Windows and that linux was dying.
Anybody have work getting this to work on qemu. The developer says to set up the drive as secondary master in Vmware. I can’t find any instructions on how to do that in qemu.
And also, my compliments to the developer. This is a nice looking project, can’t wait to try it out.
I tried running it under Qemu. Everything goes find until I get the message ata: No media in drive.
Anyway, looks like fun. I’ll have to try it out on my old laptop.
Whats so hard about linking to http://www.distantvoices.org/html/os.html ? hmm
Good. Another example of (open source) democracy.
Have you seen the progresses of MenuetOS ?
Is the 1st alternative OS that supports 64 bits.
Haiku and ReactOS are growing… hope to see a working osFree soon.
The background image is blue and the rest is just an illusion of an OS!
What a mindless comment.
You should rather try to respect the work done by this author. Developing an OS from ground up which is able to display a background image in graphics mode, loaded from harddisk/cdrom is a huge amount of work and certainly required hundreds of nightly debug sessions.
I don’t think the author ever said that BlueIllusionOS is a finished OS. This post should just let you know that there is a new OS with quite a lot of basic features already implemented. Please try to respect his work, whether you like what he already achieved or not.
@84.153.120.—: oy, someone who takes sarcasm the wrong way …
Haven’t you read the last paragraph of my first post to the newsitem? *tz*
Reading is an art, honestly, but I ‘ve never dared to consider it an ability that hard to achieve.
Btw, know potemkin? IT’s not as if I’m known for building Potemkin’s Villages.
You might as well have told that it won’t work for you, that you canneh boot it up, that it bails out at every keystroke, what so ever so I can work with it and clear out the odd bugs.
not so sincerly
Tom (aka Distantvoices)
Ironically, the two biggest SkyOS zealots were Thom Holwerda and Andrew Youlle – who were telling us every other day how Linux’s days are numbered, SkyOS will get graphics drivers from nVidia and be bundled with PCs. They told us how every other hobbyist OS project was going nowhere, SkyOS would be everything…
Oh look, they’re now posting news on this site ๐
I think most people realise that SkyOS is a nifty little project, but it’ll be YEARS before it achieves anything significant. Those like Thom who’ve never coded a line of an OS have learned the hard way that things take a long, long time…
As SkyOS Beta 8.5 should be released
to the Beta testing team quite soon
(it has entered alpha phase
which usually spans less than a week),
yes, I would say that SkyOS is still living….and kicking…
I think Haiku will have more chances to became used by a large number of users.. SkyOS is only a toy, for now.
Simply because it takes much, much more than one or two developers with no money and the use of closed source to develop a modern OS.
When did I say Linux’s days we’re numbered? I’m a dedicated GNU/Linux user, and have been for many years, My Windows box is only booted for about 3hrs aday, opposed to my Linux box which runs almost 24:7
Andrew, most likely it wasn’t you, but it was said on a regular basis by SkyOS fans that linux had no future.
And what about some signatures at the SkyOS forums like: “proudly NOT using linux” ?
True, there are a few people like that, I personally have disbanded from the SkyOS community, I spend more time in Linux communities and BSD communities now.
But I understand what you mean.
+ vote
(I can’t vote for OSN Staff)