Intel, happy with its success launching the Centrino brand, on Wednesday introduced a new brand called VIIV for entertainment PCs. One feature of VIIV will be automatic transcoding–ensuring that audio or video encoded in one format can be translated into one the user’s computer can actually handle without user intervention. Another feature will be instant shutdown and start-up that will work as fast as it does in consumer electronic devices such as DVD players.
Am I the only one reading this as sixty-four in bastardized Roman numerals?
Am I the only one reading this as sixty-four in bastardized Roman numerals?
Nope 😉
> Am I the only one reading this as sixty-four in bastardized Roman numerals?
> Nope 😉
I think he meant the 2 characters ‘6’ & ‘4’.
Yes I know. That’s why I ‘un-bastardised’ it.
This is Intel…
And I am Trolling :p
Have fun!
That is where you get to pay extra $$$ so that you are locked in and lose your fair use rights at the same time. CD->MP3? Forget it.
One would have to be crazy to buy one of these.
Whats the betting that somewhere along the way it will have hardware DRM fully embedded to keep all those nice devices that employ this technology from playing all those ‘ripped’ off music & video tracks?
Only time will tell if VIIV is real technoloty or just another marketing jingle!
>>And Under the hood?
Whats the betting that somewhere along the way it will have hardware DRM fully embedded to keep all those nice devices that employ this technology from playing all those ‘ripped’ off music & video tracks?<<
It already does.
That is the only new feature of the platform.
One feature of VIIV will be automatic transcoding–ensuring that audio or video encoded in one format can be translated into one the user’s computer can actually handle without user intervention.
Can anyone say, “bloated, buggy, Windows only drivers that do all the work, the hardware actually does nothing!”?
“Quick our old processors are fast enough for most people, what do we now? Well microsoft will handle wasting processor time by having a 3d whiz bang GUI, we could constantly re-encode this music stuff everybody seems to like.”