Mandriva Linux 2006 has been released to members of the Mandriva Club, featuring KDE 3.4, GNOME 2.10, the new interactive firewall tool, Kat desktop search and more. Packs will go on sale through the Mandriva Store shortly, and the free public download edition will be available next month.
that’s hot
If it holds up to the reviews, it is going to be one killer Linux system.
LE2005 already works a charm for me, it is fast and stable, but if 2006 is even more so, and with the new release cycle, I will definitly consider buying a pack.
Is there any chance of successfully upgrading from Mandrake 10.1 to Mandriva 2006 (using the upgrade tool in the installation CD)?
I use 10.1, it’s so stable… only miss the new features in Gnome.
Why break a good thing install it beside your already working install , so if you dont like it you can go back to what you like. I dont know why people upgrade , its free to install the full thing.
If you set your system up properly it doesn’t matter. If you have a /home partition you can simply reinstall and be careful not to format your /home.
Otherwise, well, format correctly next time
I do have a separate /home partition.
But the problem with reinstalling is…
I’ll have to reinstall eeeeeeeeeevery software i have already installed
Every plugin
Oh man, reinstalling sucks big time…
if this is built with GPL software – where is the download? surely withholding the source even for a limted time is not allowed?
personally i don’t think there’s a future for companies that do this – there is profit in support but not sales. its not as if they print a nice book on the major subsystems and include that with the boxed sets.
surely withholding the source even for a limted time is not allowed?
The source is in Cooker, I’m sure.
They can certainly withhold the binary, though.
Obviously, you have no idea what you are talking about…
Just because it is GPL does not mean there has to be a download available.
They could in fact only release the source code to people who write into the company, in triplicate, on green paper, with pink ink. That would still be acceptable under the GPL.
I don’t believe there’s a part of the GPL relating to those who assemble packages together having to release the source they haven’t changed. Most of Mandrake is just specific builds….
So frankly, stfu kid.
well i would say that making it difficult to obtain the source is not in the spirit of the gpl. and if someone does that but is technically not breaching the gpl, i’m not sure i would put my trust in those people (sco linux?).
debian is free and always available. and so are the BSDs.
i dont know, friends…i know only, that if i give $$$ for OS, it will be mswin. linux is cool linux is fun linux works, but linux is not work. f–k the distros that wants money. they spits on gpl and the whole idea..f–k distros like ubuntu, they comin in your home without money or something, and theyre total bullshit, and f–k the thousand and 666 distros…the unix f–ks his self….
I love Mandriva, and have always used it alone and recommended it to others for a number of versions now. But, cable modem <–> linux server/masking <–> home lan has never worked out of the box for me. The firewall always got configured wrong.
I was a paying club member for a year and I have wondered if versions downloaded from the club work better than free ones available later? Anyone else have more hassles getting them set up and upgraded and working? Anyone know if the isos/files are exactly the same as the standard club isos/files?
For open source in general; if you have it, and are going to give it out free in 30 days, what’s keeping you from giving it out now? Well, it’s the money, because if you do pay, you ‘can’ get it now.
Now just because they wrote it does not mean they have to give it out. They could write it and throw their code away if they want. People have to be able to make a living off their work though (in general), and they could be living in that tension between wanting to do this work in particular and needing to make a living. The problem is that making it available for free you discover the reality that people won’t pay you if they don’t have to.
The versions Club members get aren’t the same as the public download.
Here’s how it splits up:
Mandriva Free: public download edition
4-CD Club edition: for Standard Club members: is basically Free plus a CD of commercial stuff
PowerPack: the standard boxed release, and the version Silver club members get
PowerPack+: the SOHO release, Gold club members get this
Discovery: for beginners, Gold and Silver club members can download it
Free is 100% free (as in speech) software. It’s a fully functional distro. All the other versions include some non-free, commercial stuff in addition to the free software stuff – pre-packaged nvidia and ATI drivers, skype, acrobat reader, java, stuff like that. This is the main added value for people who buy packs and Club members. They also include additional free software packages, but these are also put on our public FTP mirrors, so anyone who downloads Free can get these same packages just by setting up an urpmi media.
The packages that are present on both Free and the commercial releases are identical. The only differences between the releases are packages present on some and not present on others (aside from Discovery, which has some tweaks to make it better for newbies).
Mandriva ARE the spirit of the GPL they make all there software GPL and release them for all to use every year and then they support them , they dont stop or spin them off when they cant do the job they keep working at it , they also have paid developper to do so , paid by there community who is one of the few that is Loyal and not leechs. There not difficult to obtain at all ( the source) if you really whant them.
They have nothing to proove to you anonymous or anyone else. They have the track record that show that they unlike you deliver every year.
You get the source on cd in the box set. That’s all they have to provide, source to the binary users, not to everyone.
if this is built with GPL software – where is the download? surely withholding the source even for a limted time is not allowed?
personally i don’t think there’s a future for companies that do this – there is profit in support but not sales. its not as if they print a nice book on the major subsystems and include that with the boxed sets.
please either get a clue, or STFU. Mandriva has absolutely no obligation to give you the source to their products, unless they sell or give you a binary. The only time they would be is if they sold boxed copies without including the source code in the box, even if not to you. They have clearly not done this, since the article summary says boxes go on sale next month.
Again, please read the GPL or STFU.
I got kernel panics with my wireless card. I’ll have to go back to XP>
Don’t think so FUDster.. try a more modern troll from the last three years or so.
I am running 2005 on a pIII thinkpad with belkin wireless pcmia card, sitting here at PANERA. wireless and mandriva; NO PROBLEM.
The included is a 1 month old CVS snapshot of the 6.9 branch which haven’t even been released as a -rc1 yet. I wonder how stable it might be and why mandriva chooses to include such expermimental software.
We included 6.9 because we wanted to support the i9xx graphics chipsets in recent and upcoming laptops – a _lot_ of laptops will ship with these chipsets in the next year. Stability hasn’t been a problem, but there has been regression in support for a few cards (some Nvidia and some Matrox cards have serious problems with the free drivers in 2006 – the proprietary nvidia driver works fine). This will be fixed with a package update very shortly, we hope (an updated package that fixes the nv issue is in testing at the moment).
This is very important information. It should be written somewhere in an FAQ, in a WIKI, or on the main webside to sell Mandrake 2006. It’s important, to understand why mandriva choose to include a not-final release of mandriva xorg 6.9. So:
* Is a feature, because it allows using i9xx graphics chipset
* There will be an update later, then xorg 6.9 final is out.
It’s already mentioned in the Errata.
There won’t necessarily be an update to final; it will depend on what bugs are found. For now the major bug is in the nv driver, which was fixed upstream in already, so we only need a later CVS snapshot to fix that (it is already being tested).
Then why wasn’t the new drivers just backported to 6.8.2 instead?
The were expecting 6.9 to be released, which hasn’t been the case. Somewhat, that’s a good thing, because a lot of bugs have been sent upstream, and this is good for everyone.
This is another good release from Mandriva – the installer’s better than ever (very polished), hardware detection and configuration is excellent, boot-up speed is very impressive (similar to Gentoo & Arch speeds), the desktop’s fully-featured as ever including KAT and the interactive firewall utility – the MCC is comprehensive and polished and there’s tons of software.
All in all, another good, fast, and reliable release from Mandriva.
The source will go up with the /official/2006.0 tree on the public FTP mirrors, which will be on Oct 13th. In the meantime, the /devel/2006.0 tree on the mirrors is already up; this is a bit different from the official tree in ways I won’t go into here, but practically speaking, at the moment, it’s 99% the same as 2006.0 official, so you can get virtually all the .src.rpms from there. Additionally, our spec files, patches etc are stored in public CVS, at .
X keeps on locking up. Maybe when Xorg matures I’ll give it a try.
Someone ban this guy please.
Will the free download edition contain the latest K Office?
koffice is at 1.4.1.
Is it included with this Mandriva release or will there only be
koffice, oo.o 1.1.5 and 2.0, abiword and gnumeric are all packaged in 2006. They should all be on the Powerpack edition.
Mandriva is way too buggy and unstable for everyday use.
Maybe when professional developers are hired then it can be considered for something other than hobbyists.
u need to be quit being grouchy. i am using the
latest Mandriva 64 2006 on a amd 3800×2 and it
is running fast and beautifully.
also im overclocked over 600 megahertz at the moment.
Screenshots anyone?
Just check the OSDir RC2 screenshots. Nothing changed graphically since then.
Long Time i’m testing 6.9 Rcx, i’m testing from Stability is not a problem. Maybe some bugs, and CAN, but i don’t see no problems in mandriva including this package. (pitty via dev don’t allow the use of is driver). Now i’m in gentoo, but now and them i take a spin into (mandrake) mandriva. Good luck.
I can honestly say that the 2006RC2 is one of the best/easiest distros I’ve seen. I installed it on my friends laptop (he had to reformat winblows due to spyware/viruses/etc) and so I suggested he dual boot. We used the 2006 to partition his drive, then installed dozer (took over an hour – many different reboots, different GUI’s (black to blue to the ‘regular’ UI)). Then we installed 2006 RC2 – VERY consistent UI, point-click and in about 20min, fully installed (1 reboot to boot off hard drive rather than CD). The only thing it didn’t find was wireless card (was a proprietary one) so we used DrakConf, pointed it to his windoze driver and he was wireless in minutes. I wasn’t saying much, but HE kept saying/mumbling how he’s DONE with windows! He got his ipod up and running which made him even happier (took him a little bit to figure out the gtkpod GUI). All in all another happy convert. Once the final 2006 comes out, I’ll upgrade all machines.