Microsoft on Thursday said that an investigation by Korea’s antitrust watchdog could lead to the withdrawal of Windows from the country, or to delays in introducing new versions of the OS there.
Microsoft on Thursday said that an investigation by Korea’s antitrust watchdog could lead to the withdrawal of Windows from the country, or to delays in introducing new versions of the OS there.
Please Microsoft, DO IT!
don’t worry, north korea has killer OS that launches nuclear bomb to bill gate’s residency every time users Ctrl + Alt + right click + 360 drag + left click + -180 drag + middle click + wheel it 10 times this way + wheel it 10 times the other way + unplug mouse + replug mouse + repeat the process 1001 times.
If only the rest of us were so lucky…
Yeah, we’re the “Big Kids”. Why can’t we get that?
The article only ever says Korea? I’m assuming they mean South Korea, but really thats an important piece of information.
I was thinking the same thing.
But then again, I don’t think Microsoft has a branch in North Korea. Or do they?
They ARE North Korea.
That’s what I was thinking as well. It’s impossible for me to believe this article is about South-Korea.
Thinking that this is about North Korea is pretty silly. For one thing, South Korea is generally referred to as simply Korea, for another, North Korea is sometimes called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which is of course, an oxymoron. For another, North Korea’s IT infrastructure does not exist in any way whatsoever, I doubt there’s more than 50 people in the country outside of the government using one.
The article makes mention of a computer store in Seoul, which is SOUTH KOREA’S capital city. Pyongyang is the North’s capital. North Korea doesn’t have much in the way of tech anyway, all the money there goes to the military and the government.
The answer is South Korea. Because I’m South Korean and I heared this news from South Korean major newspaper and broadcast.
Considering that the USA (and a lot of the rest of the world..) has a trade embargo against North Korea it is safe to assume South Korea…
Edited 2005-10-28 21:45
First, the US has an embargo against N. Korea. Second, it wouldn’t really be news because N. Korea doesn’t have very many computers. S. Korea is one of the most technological countries in the world.
If only more countries could have such watchdogs.
If countries, companies and users didn’t support
monopolistic behaviour, there would be no monopoly…
South Korea calls Microsoft’s bluff, bans all of their products from the country and embraces Mac OS X and Linux.
A dramatic decrease in the worlds spam ensues, other nations follow suit, except China, which together with Microsoft, attempt a failed coup to take control of the internet.
South Korea calls Microsoft’s bluff, bans all of their products from the country and embraces Mac OS X and Linux.
A dramatic decrease in the worlds spam ensues, other nations follow suit, except China, which together with Microsoft, attempt a failed coup to take control of the internet.
And then you wake up…
Like somebody already said we are not that lucky for this to happen in all places since it would be a dream come true. No Mirosoft at sight. WOW!!!! Really wishing for this to happen on the whole entire world.
Like somebody already said we are not that lucky for this to happen in all places since it would be a dream come true. No Mirosoft at sight. WOW!!!! Really wishing for this to happen on the whole entire world.
Hey ass face, just cause you don’t like something I do does not mean you should get your way and restrict me from buying it.
Exercise your choice by not buying MS stuff, and I will leave you alone, but you better not get in my face and tell me that I can’t buy it.
You sound like a dictator in the making.
My heart really bleeds for Microsoft – NOT. This is there dummy spit – “let us off or we’ll stop selling our product here”. I really hope the South Korean antitrust commission has a bag already packed for Microsoft, and a little bike, so it can give them to Billy Gates and Stevie Balmer and say “pack your bags and on your bike sons!”.
Of course, under Australia’s soon to be released “anti-terror laws”, it’ll be basically illegal to criticise the US, or any US company, as it’ll be construed as being “anti-American”. So, I might have to curb my anti-Microsoft feelings, lest I be called a terrorist!!!
Of course, under Australia’s soon to be released “anti-terror laws”, it’ll be basically illegal to criticise the US, or any US company, as it’ll be construed as being “anti-American”. So, I might have to curb my anti-Microsoft feelings, lest I be called a terrorist!!!
Once again, you prove the point of the insanity of linux zealots.
It’s got nothing to do with insanity or being a Linux Zealot. Australia is falling very quickly down the path of Government induce tyrany where civil rights, freedom of speach and other “Democratic” Institutions are being destroyed by the Federal Government. We probably only have a year left if that before the shit really hits the fan.
I would not go quite as far as to say our government is on par with the German reguime of the 30’s and early 40’s but more akin to Mussolini, Tito and if we don’t watchout then Pinochet’s. We live in very dangerous times where so called “Terrorism” (which is a joke in this country as it is non existant) has won by destroying the ideals a free Western Democracy was based on.
V’ive Liberté, Fraterneté, and Egalité Ideals that will live on only in Canada and New Zealand for English Speaking Countries.
Criticizing an American Company and Government be it domestic or foreign that affects domestic issues is a part of being in a Democratic Society as decreed by Socrates (question everything).
Now I will continue to use Windows until such time as a viable alternative for Audio work becomes available that isn’t Steve Jobs dominated. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Haiku but I am also watching Linux’s development (audio is not great under Linux by all means at this point in time even if it is do-able).
Good for Korea.
[Out of order snippage]…I will continue to use Windows until such time as a viable alternative for Audio work becomes available that isn’t Steve Jobs dominated.
Oh, no! This can’t be right because Lumbergh said you were a zealot. Please post a correction right away!!!
[Back to original order of content]I would not go quite as far as to say our government is on par with the German reguime of the 30’s and early 40’s but more akin to Mussolini, Tito and if we don’t watchout then Pinochet’s.
You got off to a good start by mentioning German Fascism but Americans know very little about Mussolini and virtually nothing about Pinochet. Tito is bad, not because he was a ruthless tyrant who trampled his countrymen to accumulate wealth for himself and his cronies, but because he was a commie. It doesn’t matter that the commies hated him for being a bad commie. Keep it simple for us. We clamor for choice but in general shrink from being informed enough to excercise it.
“Of course, under Australia’s soon to be released “anti-terror laws”, it’ll be basically illegal to criticise the US, or any US company, as it’ll be construed as being “anti-American”. So, I might have to curb my anti-Microsoft feelings, lest I be called a terrorist!!!”
Why haven’t we heard more of this before? Oh, that’s right it’s not real and it is not going to happen. Don’t be so gullible.
You are not a terrorist, just stupid.
That’s why we recently had a US peace activist deported for no valid reason from our country back to the mighty US of A. Not stupid, he’s just not apathetic like most people are in voicing their concerns for free speach if it is against a politicle or corporate entity.
What was the crime of this peace activist? He had been known to speak out against halliburton, a friend of the US government (even though they ripp the armed forces and your US tax payers of by over charging) and therefor a friend of Australia’s government.
Good old ASIO, can’t stop Australian tourist being blown up in Bali but are good cracking viciouse non violent peace activists. I feel so secure Now, NOT!
Umm no, I’m not being apathetic. I will continue to voice my opinions on the current US regime, corporate situation, and other illegal US activities, such as breach of human rights, illegal invasions of other countries, etc, etc.
Of course, given the recent comments by the Iranian premier about Israel, big brother Tony “I’m a tosser” Blair is calling on his mates, George W[anker] Bush, and Johnny ‘boy’ Howard to invade Iran! We have large countries bullying small countries, it’s real equality. Not. Whilst the Iranian premier’s comments are really not correct, he is entitled to his views.
I’m pretty positive that Israel has thermonuclear capabilities (and has had them for quite some time), and yet none of the western countries say anything about that. Israel has done many illegal things since it illegally invaded Palestinian ground in 1967, was it condemned? No. Well, the United Nations condemned it, an order that both Israel, and it’s lackey, the US, conveniently ignored. Where was the public outcry then? mmm? It seems that the US wants Israel in the middle east as part of a control plan. Saudi Arabia has rolled over, so has Yemen, and Quwait. Iraq didn’t, so it got wasted. Iran and Syria next! Sounds like a computer game – command and conquer! Who is the US and UK to demand who can, and cannot have nuclear technology? One of these days, one of these countries is going to stand up to the US, and it’s going to get nasty. They’ll lose, but the US will be taught a very, very, very nasty lesson.
I personally don’t give a f–k about these new anti terror laws, well I do, I don’t want to see them introduced, but if they are, I will continue as is. Civil disobedience. I urge every other person in Australia to do the same, unfortunately, most Australians are too stupid, too easily brainwashed, and too greed and too lazy. They’ve picked up Americanitus. They can imprison you, but they cannot destroy your will or freedom of thought.
“Of course, under Australia’s soon to be released “anti-terror laws”, it’ll be basically illegal to criticise the US, or any US company”
As an American and I say go ahead and criticize. And if they come after you let me know so I can contribute to your defense fund. 🙂
Glad to see that there is at least one sane American yet.
Yes, such laws are very much on the agenda here in Australia.
Since I am really tired of the monoploy and their
behaviour I have composed a list of actions.
How to get rid of the monopoly:
1. Install your favourite alternative to Windows.
Inform the developers in a kind way what you
feel could be improved for a better experience.
2. Contribute with usability design, artwork, code, documentation, translations, forum help, installations
and beta testing. Do what you can.
3. Convince your government or state to follow the
good example of Massachusets to begin to only use
the open document format. Then convince them to only
use open standards in general. You have that right.
The comments in this thread once again show how OSNews has gone down the shitter in the past few years.
Zealots hate choice.
First of all, can we stop the microsoft bashing? It’s silly and doesn’t accomplish anything.
That being said, it doesn’t mean what they’re doing is right. This is the third government (that I count) that they’ve gotten into trouble with for the same thing. First the browser wars in the US, then server protocols and media players in the EU and now this. This is really interesting from an economic standpoint and after that it’s interesting from a lawmaking standpoint.
Without placing any blame, we can observe that a big corporation with a big monopoly and several closely related markets will inevitably try to ‘misuse’ it’s influence to gain more market share. I mean, that’s pretty obvious but I’m not aware of this having happened on such a grand scale before and it maybe points out a flaw in our laws and economic systems that this can happen. There’s no point in telling a company not to abuse it’s monopoly because it’s going to happen unless you somehow make it advantageous for them not to.
If it isn’t being done already (and I suspect it is), some economist should do a study on just why microsoft has been able to do what they do, what exactly the effects are, if we should change the rules to prevent such behaviour and how such changes could be made, if necessary.
In summary, don’t get mad at microsoft, it’s pointless. Look at it objectively and try to figure out the real problem.
Yeah, Kamper is right.
First off, can’t we just stop all the pedophile bashing? It’s silly and it doesn’t accomplish anything.
Do you see that connection, Kamper?
Someone is commiting a crime and you say to stop bashing them for it.
Looking at it objectively:
Microsoft employs illegal business practices throughout the world. They do not get brought up on charges due to jealousy, or “bashing”. They are charged because the Trade Commissions in those areas have received complaints from consumers or businesses that were severe enough to warrant an investigation. If the investigation produced enough evidence of wrongdoing to warrant charges, then they bring charges or force changes.
Damn, some of you are dumb. And willfully ignorant. Try being skeptical of what Microsoft tells you, since they are proven liars and have been proven to take advantage of consumers when possible.
I can’t believe I bothered to reply to this.
Yeah, Kamper is right.
First off, can’t we just stop all the pedophile bashing? It’s silly and it doesn’t accomplish anything.
Do you see that connection, Kamper?
Someone is commiting a crime and you say to stop bashing them for it.
Another example of the demented zealot mind in action. Microsoft is now compared to pedophilia.
A specious argument is demolished by demonstration, by substituting pedophilia for Microsoft. If the argument is true for one, then it is true for the other. It is the extreme *contrast*, not similarity, between Microsoft and pedophilia that shows the flaws in the orginal argument.
Only a zealot, rushing to defend his sacred relics, could somehow distort this into the silly notion that Microsoft was being labeled as equal in moral value to pedophilia.
ooooh still cannot load this wikippppedia page in Chiiiina what a piiiity!
Another example of the demented zealot mind in action. Microsoft is now compared to pedophilia.
Dear Pot,
I wrote a long detailed rant about your personal shortcomings and just as I was about to submit it I realized something… Oh, I forget now! But I really impressed myself when I did it.
The guy was trying to explain something so that people around here could understand.
No matter what the crime, a criminal is a criminal, and we should not feel any pity for them. We should let them off with nothing.
Clearly it went over your head.
First off, can’t we just stop all the pedophile bashing? It’s silly and it doesn’t accomplish anything.
Do you see that connection, Kamper?
Someone is commiting a crime and you say to stop bashing them for it.
I don’t get it. Are you seriously comparing this to pedophilia?
None of the people here bashing microsoft are concerned about anything other than their personal reaction towards the issue. When you’re dealing with large markets “what’s right” doesn’t count for anything. The bottom line is making things work the best way possible to benefit everybody. Now, granted, that does probably mean stopping the anti-competitive behaviour but you can’t do that by repetitively sueing a company that big. So long as they can continue to make more money they will continue to offend. That’s all there is to it and that’s why emotion shouldn’t be involved the way it should with a pedophilia case.
The solution is either to tweak the rules so that there’s no motivation to be anti-competitive or just put up with the problem.
The solution is either to tweak the rules so that there’s no motivation to be anti-competitive or just put up with the problem.
To paraphrase him, I think what he’s saying is that corporations in general are set up to do the wrong thing by default, so probably anybody else in Microsoft’s shoes who had that much money would do the exact same thing. In other words, Microsoft is merely a symptom of a much bigger problem.
I agree completely. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but here is my understanding of corporations here in the US:
1. They have the same rights as people. In other words a corporation is regarded as a living person when it comes to its rights.
2. A corporation, by law, has to do everything in its power to make more profit for its shareholders!
3. A corporation does not have the same accountability towards the law as a person; in fact, they have rather limited liability.
Is it just me, or do these three points look like the recipe for dishonesty and law breaking? No wonder evil entities like Microsoft, Intel, Exxon, Haliburton, etc keep spawning. Now, I’m not saying that the people working in the companies are evil, but the corporations as entities sure do a lot of things that would be considered evil, or in the very least despicable, if they were done by a person.
So what can we do to limit the damage that these corporations do? I really don’t know, but I guess it would help to hold them accountable to their crimes with the same ferocity as a person would face.
“2. A corporation, by law, has to do everything in its power to make more profit for its shareholders!”
True; I phrased that rather poorly. Probably better to quote Wikipedia here:
“In Anglo-American jurisdictions, business corporations are generally required to serve the best interests of the shareholders, a rule that courts have generally interpreted to mean the maximization of share value, and thus profits. Corporate directors are prohibited by corporate law from sacrificing profits to serve some other interest, such as environmental protection, or the improvement of the welfare of the community.”
The shareholder value is the driver.
A corporation should do Everything LEGAL in its power to benefit the owners of course. Perhaps it should also try to serve its customers and treat its employees fairly as well.
Local and National governments have realised for a long time now that the free market needs to be a least a little regulated in order to keep it free and fair.
Communist Five year plans dont work, but neither does an unconstrained monopoly benefit society in any way.
Microsoft is a very big and totally ruthless multinational corporation with no national loyalty.
They operate without moral restraint.
They may not be ‘evil’ but they are amoral.
The principal microsoft ethic being ‘Destroy the competition’ So this company must be tightly controlled wherever it operates.
Kamper, the real problem? Why is it a problem? Observe how the human mind likes to find problems? Who would we be without problems?
The real problem imho, is the egoic mind state. Microsoft, the US Government, evil corporations, they all will pass. It’s just all not that important down here on this insignificant planet. Why take it all so bloody seriously? Can’t we just sit back and relax? Why do we need to sit & analyze everything with our tiny minds? It’s just drama. So what, MS is in trouble in some country on the other side of the planet. BFD.
OS News commentors have nothing really constructive to say on many MS related issues. Drama drama drama! It’s so old, this resistance people hold towards some company. Almost everyone is resisting something. It’s all futile! You know what, you’ll hold inner hatred for decades and that’s your choice. I feel the pain of you all when I read this forum. You are all so sad. There is so much pain in this world. You all think it’s so extremely important. It’s sad. Oh well, go ahead, create more inner pain & suffering. It won’t matter.
Hey Lumbergh….why do you call everyone a zealot? Do you have a fixation or something? I’m having trouble figuring out who the “zealot’s” are here? Are you a zealot zealot?
When they ship Vista, maybe they should just strip out WMP, Internet Explorer, and MSN Messenger. While they’re at it, they might as well get rid of notepad, ftp, and telnet, because somebody is probably going to sue them for that too. And don’t even think about any anti-virus/spyware capabilities either.
Oh, and after that’s done, then we can tell Apple to ship the next version OSX without Safari, iTunes, or Quicktime. And KDE without Konquerer too.
Point is, any modern OS needs a default web browser and media player. If they’re going to great lenghts to keep competitor’s products off, then fine .. punish them for that, although I’ve never had any trouble installing Firefox, Opera, or Winamp. (I wouldn’t install iTunes, Musicmatch, Quicktime or Real Player with a 10-foot rubber dildo).
And don’t think for a minute that it would be paradise with MS gone, especially if Apple were running the show. You disagree? Maybe you should ask them why you can’t play WMA files on your iPods then.
When they ship Vista, maybe they should just strip out WMP, Internet Explorer, and MSN Messenger. While they’re at it, they might as well get rid of notepad, ftp, and telnet, because somebody is probably going to sue them for that too. And don’t even think about any anti-virus/spyware capabilities either.
Typical straw-man argument by an apologist. The problem isn’t that Windows comes with IE and WMP and MSN and a bunch of other software. The problem is that all those pieces are buried in the OS, made the defaults, and virtually impossible to remove. When you install another program, like Thunderbird, just try to set it as the default. Even when you manage, the first thing the next update from MS does is reset it all back to MS proggies. THAT is what the problem is.
When Windows installs, I want a selection screen that allows me to tell it not to install all those MS proggies if I don’t want them. I want Windows to accept the program I DO install as the default (browser, mailer, viewer, media player, etc.).
When you install another program, like Thunderbird, just try to set it as the default. Even when you manage, the first thing the next update from MS does is reset it all back to MS proggies. THAT is what the problem is.
You’re gonna have to try harder than that. I’ve got both Firefox and Thunderbird installed (XP SP2), and they both work fine as default applications. Just to make sure of that, I tested them both just before posting this. And I just used Windows update last week and didn’t have to reset these options, so what does that mean?
So if MS makes it possible to remove these apps in the next release, does that mean the anti-MS crowd will stop whinning? Probably not, they’ll just find something else to bitch about, like they always do.
MS makes Windows and decides what to include. Get serious…Windows is not simply an OS. It’s an OS with a lot of included apps.
Sure, people have problems and complaints on how MS does things. Maybe they also have a problem because MS is a monopoly and is doint “illegal” things because of it’s status as a monopoly. But I say this, there has never been a better time for anybody to look at the alternatives AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BESHIDES BITCH AND WHINE.
If Windows were the only viable alternative, I would agree with many people and be mad at MS. They have to do what they think is right in keeping their income coming in..this is what their main objective is.
With a wealth of Linux and BSD’s and OSX available, how can anybody be so mad at MS that they fail to look at the great alternatives and decide that they have had enough to switch. It starts with YOU.
If Korea decides to put in so many regulations and demands on Windows, then MS has the freedom to say “no, you don’t dictate how we develop our product, and because your government is making the calls, we cannot comply and, therefore, must pull the product from your country.” Seems fair to me. You don’t like Windows because it’s unfair, etc, then BE MY GUEST AND GO USE SOMETHING ELSE!
Very simple, but people want things both ways these days. Be realistic, and make the jump now and quit trying to get your government involved. The end users and companies must do this on their own because it makes sense for them to do so. Getting the government involved may not have the desired outcome if what they are asking costs more in $$ and effort than just having MS say “go find another OS and be happy.”
There are other alternatives, plenty of them as these message boards show, and people should quit trying to push MS around if they are not prepared to deal with their pushback. It may be posturing, I dunno, but again, there are alternatives (OSS, proprietary, etc) that can be used. It may cost $$, but this is what happens when you are entrenched so heavily into something. Nobody forced anybody to use WIndows across the board, so this is the fault of whatever organization that decided it was an all Windows shop.
…then we can tell Apple to ship the next version OSX without Safari, iTunes, or Quicktime.
Well, I think the major difference is that Apple doesn’t have a monopoly to abuse like Microsoft does. But, I agree with you. Bundling happens everywhere and it’s not necessarily fair to say that ms is the only one who’s not allowed to do it. There really are more reasons than just anti-competition for bundling. Granted, their current/semi-past methodology of tight integration may not be the best from a technical standpoint either, but that’s besides the point.
Hmm, that’s kind of contradictory to what I’m arguing elsewhere (and below :o). I guess what we need to do is find some kind of middle ground where we allow competition but don’t harm innovation. Really, free software is a nice way to do it, because there is no money to abuse
…Microsoft is merely a symptom of a much bigger problem.
Well put, thank you
That’s what I was trying to say.
With respect to Apple bundles.
The thing is I can simply and easily drag ITUNES and SAFARI into the trash and guess what, they are deleted from the computer.
Also the whole OS still continues to work without them.
That is a bit different from the way MS have DELIBERATELY make the core os dependent on their favourite apps with the specific intention of wiping out the competition.
When they ship Vista, maybe they should just strip out WMP, Internet Explorer, and MSN Messenger. While they’re at it, they might as well get rid of notepad, ftp, and telnet, because somebody is probably going to sue them for that too. And don’t even think about any anti-virus/spyware capabilities either.
What a lot of people don’t realise, is that unlike other operating systems, Windows doesn’t allow one to remove the default web browser or media player..actually not sure on the media player. But the point is, WIndows is set up so that the whole thing won’t work properly without those default apps. In most linux distro’s, I assume, it will work fine without firefox or totem or whatever, it will allow you to use something else. Not so with WIndows, and that’s the whole point.
being designed in a way that allows the end user to subtract and install what he/she likes for applications. Why does the end user not be able to pull MS Messenger, WMP, MS Movie Maker, IE, Outlook and any other bundled application that comes with Windows if they have prefered alternatives and don’t want the crap lying around on their computer?
That being said, there are reports of Vista being designed as a “Modular” OS so it might be possible for that to happen in the future. Then again MS has been know to redefine concepts so don’t be surprised if it isn’t the Modular we all thing of.
No OS should have application elements tied into the core functioning of the Operating System. It is restrictive and as proven by MS, inefficient.
Even though, Some people with no knowledges said it should be North Korea, I am absolutely sure that it’s about South Korea. I have read about something similar on a Korean site some time ago, and I also have searched it on one of the Korean portal sites just now. Currently, they got several media players and mesengers in competitions in that relatively small market. Therefore it isn’t that unusual they sued Microsoft for that matter.
However, because Korea is heavily depended on Windows products I don’t think it is good for Korea much more than some people commented here.
What about Canada – Can you pull out of Canada too/first? Don’t discriminate against us – eh!
The comments in this thread once again show how OSNews has gone down the shitter in the past few years.
Nope. Way off. Look to the editors and their posting of troll/flame articles for the answer to that question.
Please there is nothing closed minded in this thread except for the Microsoft apologists like yourself. FOSS advocates are very big proponents of choice look at all these Free OSs you can choose from: BSD, Linux, OpenSolaris, etc. The only choice Microsoft gives you is Windows 98/2K/XP/Vista–still Microsoft, still closed and proprietary, still locked into one vendor.
“Zealots hate choice.”
Only you and Microsoft’s seem to have that particular problem.
Please there is nothing closed minded in this thread except for the Microsoft apologists like yourself. FOSS advocates are very big proponents of choice look at all these Free OSs you can choose from: BSD, Linux, OpenSolaris, etc. The only choice Microsoft gives you is Windows 98/2K/XP/Vista–still Microsoft, still closed and proprietary, still locked into one vendor.
Thanks for this wonderful exercice. That is exactly the kind of bullshit he is denouncing. He voices a legitimate complaint on the quality of some comments then he is automatically labelled as a anti-choice, pro-monopoly Microsoft apologist. Perhaps he got a neutral view on software but he was shooted on sight. It’s the good old “You’re either one of us, or you’re one of them”. You’re the promoter of freedom or you’re sided with the Devil. Yet, in reality, there is plenty of people that choose the best tool for their job and that can include a mix of both proprietary and open-source solutions… Got Windows XP, Linux and FreeBSD here and it’s a good mix for me. And it’s the choices I made.
But thanks. Thanks for showing us what is a zealot. It’s not a supporter of the FOSS movement nor a corporate shill. It’s just some jerk that cannot see beyond his nose (on purpose or not). And it’s the kind of people we don’t need here.
Was it not obvious people? US companies cannot do business with NK at this time. And if people need further proof, the caption under the pic of the boxes of XP Home and Pro in the articles says:
“Microsoft’s XP software is displayed in a shop in Seoul, South Korea, in this November…”
[/i]”However, because Korea is heavily depended on Windows products I don’t think it is good for Korea much more than some people commented here.”[/i]
Pfft. Perfect chance to begin the process of switching to more open and Free platforms and adopting open standards. This situation going over in SK just goes to show why governemnts and world economies should not heavily rely/depend on proprietary vendors; especially one that has been convicted of using their monopoly power illegally amongst other things.
Well, I am somewhat glad to see this, but what many of you are saying is that you would love Microsoft to go out of business (in more or less words)
I don’t think Microsoft has the integrity to be the size that it is, however, I do think that microsoft would be a good presence at say……… 30% total market share.
The reason I say this is that would force more stiff competition and would increase the quality of everybody’s products.
I do believe Microsoft makes some decent products (office comes to mind) but they make some truly horrendous products as well (Windows XP comes to mind)
Anyway, I hope “South” Korea sets a trend for other countries, but maybe not to this extreme.
Actually… he’s right, kind of. Under Australia’s new anti terror laws, saying that Australian and American Soldiers could be seen as legitimate targets to Iraqi’s (remember the war over there IS illegal under international conventions and wasn’t done with the UN. So technically that view is correct.) is now an act of sedition and can land you in seven years jail. Lateline on ABC channel actually consulted their lawyers about this fact and their lawyers said the guy who said that could face upto 7 years under the new laws. It’s not eaxctly a great thing to be living here at the moment.
Free speech is an implied right in Australia, it is not guaranteed in the constitution.
And in some moronic, bizarro world, Microsoft’s dealings in Korea have something to do with Australia’s anti-terror laws how?
Oh, it doesn’t. Mogoroth is a brain damaged idiot.
“Free speech is an implied right in Australia, it is not guaranteed in the constitution.”
I’m not sure how that topic got brought up since I tend to skim thought comments, but I just have to reply to this one line of yours.
Free speech is never guaranteed, and all rights frequently get trampled on by people in power; I’m either cynical or realistic enough to consider that a universal constant.
This “conversation” is getting pretty ugly. Please, people, calm down. It’s not the end of the world you’re reading of.
Korea will have to bow to Microsoft. They could never allow MS to take Windows away, it would ruin their Starcraft parties. SK does a lot of gaming, and one still needs windows for most of that
i noticed the link send us to the yahoo news site. isn’t there a call to boycotting yahoo because of their yielding to chinese government’s pressure and demand and caused a chinese internet blogger sentenced to 9 years in jail?
i guess most people probably don’t give a darn about something like this. but i still wish people could take it seriously…
Well obviously there seems to be (atleast) two ways
of thinking about this. You can either
“use the right tool for the right job” or
“use the best tool that comes from descent developers”.
If you choose the second you can either focus on
the already descent developers and fawor them, or
you can foucus on making the nondescent developers
more descent. Some people here seem to prefer the
former and some the later. The ones who prefer the
later are probably those that has suggested that it is
possible to control monopolies using politics, economics
and legislations. I for one beleive it is possible to
rid the monopolies and don’t care what makes them tick…
I don’t do business with criminals weather
it is Microsoft of anyone else. It’s that simple.
Just don’t use their products and they will go away.
South Korea is right and if MS remains with its stupid and suicide decision (for MS), Korea should accelerate free software adoption and, as temporary solution for win32 legacy, Korea should declare Windows as freeware in that country.
Simple, if MS don want to sell windows to Korea, they would use pirated copies authorized by the government. MS would quickly step back in you stupid decision.
MS is powerfull but national governments are more powerfull in their respective countries.
South Korea is right and if MS remains with its stupid and suicide decision (for MS), Korea should accelerate free software adoption and, as temporary solution for win32 legacy, Korea should declare Windows as freeware in that country.
Simple, if MS don want to sell windows to Korea, they would use pirated copies authorized by the government. MS would quickly step back in you stupid decision.
MS is powerfull but national governments are more powerfull in their respective countries.
This is a stupid statement that does not seem to have much thought behind it. Sure, if the government of S. Korea says it’s ok to pirate software, there would be negative implications as far as trade goes. I’m sure the US has some clout over how may Hundai’s come into the country or how heavily they are taxed. Why a government needs to get involved with corporations is weird as there are alternatives that can be used by anybody that has their eyes open.
Breaking News….
Microsoft bashing by teens who live with their parents on a liberal website called!
Update: The sun will come up tomorrow.
“Rednecks and Microsoft bashers have two things in common, they both lack common sense and social skills.”
open sauce trolls are invading this place it’s even worse than slashdot in windows bashing
This is a cool move by a country that has done some pretty interesting and i think cool things.
The republic of korea violated every single piece of protectionist legislation that the US and europe imposed upon it thus becomming an industrial leader. Korea cared more about korea than about the people (US and europe) who thought they were her colonial masters.
Korea commercialized CDMA and now they are working on OFDM via WiBro.
The place shows some balls and sticks up for itself even if labor pratices are not always what they should be.
Good for korea
Nobody has thought about the fact that a consequence of this is that Koreans will have to buy Macs in order to play Starcraft.
I’m sick of people saying “give the bea$t a chance”
where was their care for you when you had systems locking up with blue screens, programs crashing over and over, patch after patch applied with no end to remote exploit “bugs” in sight?
It’s so much bullshit and the people in the East aren’t stupid, in fact many of them are much smarter than a majority of Westerners.
The fat anti-open source Western pig would rather roll around in his SUV and giggle about his shitty Windows box than activate his mind and use a real, free operating system.
The stupid have inherited the Earth, but not for long.
here was their care for you when you had systems locking up with blue screens, programs crashing over and over, patch after patch applied with no end to remote exploit “bugs” in sight?
Of course, you’re right. Microsoft doesn’t care about me, neither does Apple. Nor does any corporation for that matter. Heck, MS and Apple give about as much of a shit about me as the company I bought gas from the last time I filled up. Reality check – corporations care for their bottom line, and that is about all. For better or worse, it’s the reason they exist.
The fat anti-open source Western pig would rather roll around in his SUV and giggle about his shitty Windows box
And don’t forget about listening to Britney Spears and watching Desperate Housewives. And while we’re classifying lemmings, what about those who shop at Wal-Mart, or have ever eaten at a fast-food joint (hey, you did say fat, didn’t you?)
than activate his mind and use a real, free operating system.
To activate their minds, some people find God, and … well, some people find open source. And they say open source isn’t a religion …
Does this behavior remind anyone else of the little boy who took his ball and went home because he didn’t get his way? Actually, they might be doing South Korea a big favor if they did pull their OS and leave in a snit.
before or after ejaculating?