“A couple of months back, Cale Lewis and I (Andrew Lampert) put our heads together and came up with some burning questions about the development of the BeBox and various BeBox prototypes that were built along the way. Given the nature of our questions, we headed straight to the source – Mr BeBox himself, Joseph Palmer – to seek some answers.”
I love new BeOS interviews. So much so, that I’m supposed to conduct some myself.
And I could have sworn there was a new BeOs news site coming out…
Used in the first BeBox prototype(s), before they switched to PowerPC:
DOWNLOAD Windows Vista build 5259: http://windows.czweb.org/show_article.php?id_article=379
There have been images saved from some of the Hobbit BeBoxen and some success in figuring out some of the details of the early BeOS development.
It’s been ten years… yikes.
– chrish
Still alive and kicking though 😉
Does any of your BeOS code and stuff still exist?
I’d love to buy a new BeBox if someone would take the last rev boards and run a few hundred or so off…
I haven’t had much luck scoring a vintage one…
But, eventually I’m sure I will.
sit on the bebox.nu forums. They come up all the time. Usually 66MHz ones though.
Be, Inc., The BeBox, the BeOS, the mailing lists, Be Dope, the engineers, even Jean-Louis’ nipples – They all rocked!
God, I miss the good old days. And the constant stream of new and *improved* versions of BeOS. :]
Anyway, we’ve got Haiku now, and some great people pushing the cart. Now all we need is a next-gen BeBox. (Surely 64-bit x86 is not the be-all, end-all? A corpse with lipstick? Come on!)
I was lucky enough to catch Joseph Palmer’s BeOS demo at Tokyo MacWorld Expo in 1997 and can testify that he really got into it and did a great job. (See a few pictures here: http://cunningham-lee.com/tiki-index.php?page_ref_id=338 .) It was an exciting phenomenon, all in all, and there hasn’t been anything like it since, IMHO.
— Gary
Reading the first few questions, I really got the idea of a few people really really eager to get their hands on a quad BeBox 🙂