Some tidbits on Haiku/BeOS again, today: “Michael Lotz has posted to his blog about the status of USB on Haiku. Michael, who took over working on the USB stack from Niels Reedijk, has got it to the stage where he can now use his USB mouse under Haiku, albeit only temporarily before memory leaks take it down. He states the core stack is around 80% completed, with the UHCI driver around 75% of the way – lacking support only for isochronous transfers.” Also, Pe 2.4 has been released to BeBits.
So much news for Haïku today
It seem like the development is moving fast foward.. I think we’ll get a nice christmas this year
I’d like to think we’d have something nice for Christmas… but this is, like, a 3 man crew… I am guessing more like Christmas 2007. Still, I love hearing/seeing the progress.
No, it’s more than 3
– at least 5!
Seriously, there are at ~3-4 people working on just the netstack alone right now. The USB stack is mostly just one person atm, and then there are another ~3-4 doing misc. work throughout the system…
Most of the Haiku admins agree that the netstack and USB stack are the 2 major pieces that need to be complete before an official R1 release will be announced. I think the current progress in both of these areas is very positive.
Sorry… I didn’t mean to put the project down. I just hear a few names more than any others. But you are right, there is a LOT of work going on and stuff like the BeZilla project, etc., takes a lot of work from a number of different people.
I hope you are right and that the net stack and usb stack are ready sooner than later! I will be so happy to zip over to the nearest 5 and 10 and pick up an el cheapo PC so I can run it!
I hope Haiku does well. I really love seeing positive news about the project, I *really* miss BeOS. I miss the speed, the usability. For its’ time, it was an amazing piece of engineering and even design. Hopefully Haiku will get a BeOS 5 clone revision out the door (1.0) and then move forward on the future. I hope it’s not wishful thinking to think that once they get to that point, more developers will hop on board. It’s sorely needed for this project to succeed.
Cheers Haiku and all of the people who work on it – keep up the great work and I wish you all the best!
Haiku’s first release will probably be more than R5 as it’s improving and adding things they can get away with, while still being R5 compatible. Also you will get the latest OpenTracker so desktop/deskbar will be brand new as well.
So it’s less of a clone and more of a new OS with the ability to do almost everything BeOS did and some that it didn’t.
To tell you the truth, I hope the MIDI subsystem works as fabolously as in BeOS 5. I am not sure a lot of progress happened there, lately.
I believe MIDI is mostly complete already. The most recent addition was a softsynth based on FluidSynth. I’m sure there are bugs, however, but hopefully that’s just cleanup at this point.
As for the post about copyright infringement – I suspect Haiku OS is even safer than ReactOS. It sort of helps that the original IP has been transferred twice now, and the original product (BeOS) is quite dead
I also like to hear good updates.
The US, and networking are very important, as is also the ability to use and create partitions on modern 700Gb drives and to use >>512Mb ram.
Its a shame that Rudi has stepped away though from the graphics drivers, his and others work has allowed me to keep an older Athlon running with twin head cards that otherwise wouldn’t have been possible.
My newest Intel Dual Core mobo not only doesn’t run BeOS well (safe mode only), it doesn’t run W2K or Ubantu either so its future is XP or Haiku. I know which I’d prefer. But the old BeOS on Athlon XP is almost as fast so I’m good for another year.
It does seem to me that the endless churning over of hardware stds is making open source a much harder hill to climb, AGP cards, PATA drives etc will soon be gone meaning more driver headaches to resolve.
I must be missing something.. I’ve been able to use my USB mouse on Haiku since I started building it somewhere in the 173xx range. It’s even running through a DVI/USB KVM. Mind you it doesn’t work unless there’s a PS2 mouse attached as well, but it works nonetheless.
It’s probably because your BIOS emulates PS/2 for USB Mice – the part about having the PS2 mouse attached also is odd though.
That’s why I didn’t really relate it to emulation. Of course I’m not complaining at all, it’s great to have Haiku running.
Edited 2006-08-09 00:23
An interesting test would be to remove the ps2_hid driver and see if it still works.
nicest present ever had : )
This is turning out to live up to its purposes. Good work and I look to see the final version.
The only thing I fear about Haiku is the copyright owners of Be will find some sort of legal issue to shut the project down. However realistically that’s not going to happen.
When the final product is out, look for me to use it.