Although it is possible to use Core Data with little or no coding on your part, what if you want or need more fine-grained control over the persistence layer in your application? Marcus Zarra walks you through some of the more advanced features of Core Data.
Does everyone know that CoreData is a Mac OS X technology and does not work on other Java platforms? Maybe “Mac OS X” should be mentioned in the text of this news item?
Actually I didn’t even know what it was.
But I must point that the linked article also fails to mention ‘Mac OS X’ at all, and that what’s published here is an excerpt taken verbatim from the article.
Well, xcode is not available on any other platform. so I would think it would be obvious that core data is a osx technology.…
Core Data and EOF (the Enterprise Objects Framework that ships with WebObjects) share a common heritage, but have different goals. EOF is a Java-based framework that connects as a client to a database server. Core Data is an Objective-C-based framework designed to support desktop application development. Core Data supports a number of features not supported by EOF, and vice-versa.
This is where people unfamiliar with EOF don’t know that EOF was first an Objective-C based Framework.
I can’t wait until they finally get back to releasing EOF fully in Objective-C. This piggy back crap is getting on my nerves. It’s also depressing having worked for NeXT and Apple that they ruined WOF by making it Java based when Java was all the hype and haven’t pushed the Cocoa/ObjC version when they are now clearly bringing Cocoa into its rightful place and dumping Carbon: 5 years later than they originally planned.
Edited 2005-12-19 10:31
I recently found AJRDatabase, ( ), which is a kind of cool EOF replacement for Objective C. Sadly, it doesn’t have MySQL bindings (and I seem to be too dumb to get it working properly with Postgres).
Anyway, it’s like GDL2 (the GNU EOF clone) done right. The source is readable, it compiles flawlessly in xcode, and it even seems to be portable to gnustep.