Installing Windows strictly through the Command Line is an important tool to have. If Windows changes the installer or out of box experience, you can bypass any changes with this guide!
I had no idea this was possible. I knew you could open up cmd.exe during installation and do certain things there, but I didn’t know you could perform the entire Windows installation this way. I’m not entirely sure what the use cases are, but it’s definitely a neat trick.
Titus does some nice work offering end users very useful tools and techniques to streamline and debloat Windows as well as other OS. I find his website is especially useful for those users running virtual machines. He does have some oddities, but then we all do.
It’s a super useful option. I didn’t realise it was considered obscure. I used it almost as a replacement for Norton Ghost.
Basically made an install image with a nice little script on root of the device so my created install was all setup and ready to go. It was Super useful for creating repeatable test environments.
Odd. I’ve installed Arch distros many times. They always had a gui installer. This is a confusing title.
About 10 years ago Arch was essentially a Linux Distro setup like a BSD…. and the install was similar to a binary Gentoo. You unpack some files in a chroot and away you go…
That was “the arch way” … kinda close to the metal. And about the time pulseaudio and systemd came along that got turned on its head. And I haven’t used ArchLinux since to any significant degree.
pacman from what I can tell hasn’t changed much neither the pkgbuilds but… the finished product is much different and has a different focus.
Good find! Bookmarked…