The full-featured, high-precision spreadsheet application for the Pico-8 that nobody asked for has finally arrived! PicoCalc is a feature-complete clone of the 1979 classic VisiCalc, which introduced the world to an entirely new category of business application. Steve Jobs said of VisiCalc, it’s “what really drove — propelled — the Apple ][ to the success it achieved.”
PicoCalc taps into the dormant power inside your Pico-8, allowing it to run circles around VisiCalc on an Apple ][.
This is a few years old already, but still an amazing piece of work.
FYI: You can access a copy of Visicalc (DOS) on one of the co-creator’s website.
This time for me the real news was discovering the world of Pico8 virtual console,
A perverted and intriguing thing…