LonghornBlogs thinks that it has found out what the Origami project really is about: and we’ve all seen it before. They have photo’s of what might be the device: a mini-tablet PC running XP Tablet Edition. “I have an extremely reliable source that told me the device pictured above exists for real now, will cost $500, and will be available before the end of the year.” Speculate at will, boys and girls!
Judging from these pictures, it seems that the device runs the 1024×600 widescreen resolution.
That’s a Nokia 770, isn’t it?
Not really… They a lot more like mini TabletPCs than 700…
…Unless you think 770 is just a mini TabletPC…
I have latest LG LW-20 notebook and it has 1280×800 and 1024×600 resolutions.
Can’t Origami be just a standard like PlaysForSure? But usable to sharing data, graphics, communications and other stuff for portable devices?
It makes sense, since they can sell (with their partners) lots of configurations that all work together…
The idea behind the device is nice. I hope the software is good enough and the hardware can also be really called “portable” and powerfull.
“Can’t Origami be just a standard like PlaysForSure?”
That’s all the Origami Project really is. Until Microsoft dives into harware (aside from the Xbox), their projects will be nothing more than unfulfilled concepts.
In short, it’s yet another version of their OS.
$500 what a rip we know they can build $100 laptops now!
$500 what a rip we know they can build $100 laptops now!
I hope that was tongue-in-cheek. Just because a laptop can possibly be made for $100 doesn’t mean that you’re going to want to use it.
Is it just me or does that woman look like she has freakin’ huge hands?
I don’t see why this comment was moderated down as it brings up a legitimate point: Her hand does not appear to be proportional which leads me to believe the photos may have been doctored.
Edited 2006-03-04 10:18
I know the guy behind Longhornblogs and he is very rarely wrong about stuff like this. So 99% sure this is what the “hype” has been all about. It’s worth noticing that the pics are from WinHEC 2005 so there’s a very good chance that isn’t the exact device we’ll be seeing.
“…device [is] just a very rudimentary prototype; nothing more than a plastic shell.”
So the product pictured is vapour.
Somebody is going to invariably respond with “but the marketing people said that they got it to look almost exactly like this!”. I’ll take what the marketing people. say with a grain of salt.
But can it run linux?
Isn’t the question, “Can Linux run on it?”.
Because Linux can run in pretty much anything soon as ported to. If the device works as a standard PC it should not be difficult to port it… actually, it may even run maemo apps and interface without too much work… (…and that would be nice!)
How is this “the important question”?
The real important question is “what does the Origami Project offer me as a consumer.”
That one in the picture is a prototype. If the real model looks like the one in the video we have seen, I’m glad they are releasing that one and not the prototype. Having the little buttons on the side and some extra padding for grip will be most helpful. Also, if you notice it has a camera built into it too.
So, what’s new here?
If this is true (and I can’t see why not), it’s very interesting who will build it or better what brand name it will get.
It could be the very first time MS produces hardware (beyond mice and keyboards) under it’s own name.
A bit like Apple, I dare say??
Edited 2006-03-03 05:02
Yes a LOT like Apple I remember a device that had a form factor similar to this. The “newton” I think they called it. This one would go similarly well in the market I think.
Too big for a PDA and too Keyboard-less for a Laptop.
I would tend to agree with you.
Except two famous top-selling consoles, maybe?
I think they make pretty good mice, although I prefer Logitech. Also, their joysticks were nice, but I don’t think they make them anymore.
They’re doing just the Xbox360 joysticks/pads. The wired versions are compatible with standard PCs. (and by the way, 3rd party Xbox360 wired controllers should be too)
Unless it has a camera, good speakers, VoIP or SmartPhone, BlueTooth, Wifi, and perhaps GPS, what’s the use?
Hell, if they use the ultra-thin foldable ‘paper’ displays, MAYBE it will find a use as a toilet paper replacement, but I doubt it would even work well for that.
Unless it has a camera, Check
good speakers, I’m sure the headphones can be great (speakers I don’t know about)
VoIP or SmartPhone, Check
BlueTooth, Check
Wifi, Check
and perhaps GPS Check
what’s the use?
So you are basically saying that just because you can’t find any use for a device, with tablet support and all those techs you just rehashed, it is useless? The iPod is crap for me but I would not call it useless for all those that use it. Lucky for you then that “Origami” does all that for you then. This is something I’ve been looking for and will cut back on my use of other separate gadgets if it lives up to its “promise” of functionality and formfactor.
Edited 2006-03-03 08:55
I remember channel 9 had a short interview with Bill Gates and he said something about a $500 tablet PC. But kinda backed off.
There are a lot of shots here:
There is even a video (commercial):
You should keep up with the news. Microsoft already commented on that leaked video and said the commercial is over a year old and does not represent the actual product as it was an early prototype to explore the use cases. Read all about it here: http://www.tgdaily.com/2006/03/01/origami_video_too_old_says_micros…
So update your comment.
Edited 2006-03-03 10:55
Oups, sorry. It looks like I cannot edit the post, though.
Can you fold it into the shape of a swan?
I seem to be one of the few folks who could actually use one of these. I need a smaller device for taking notes, browsing the web, checking email, etc. But I don’t need a full fledged laptop and my Treo is a bit too small. Something in the middle like this would be perfect.
I had hoped that the Nokia 770 would fit the bill, but it ended up being underpowered and with too small of a screen.
A friend has been using an hp tr3000 for a year now, I regret not buying one when he was able to buy a large number at a discount.