iFixit is ending its collaboration with Samsung, as iFixit claims the Korean giant is not actually interested in offering repair options at all.
As we tried to build this ecosystem we consistently faced obstacles that made us doubt Samsung’s commitment to making repair more accessible. We couldn’t get parts to local repair shops at prices and quantities that made business sense. The part prices were so costly that many consumers opted to replace their devices rather than repair them. And the design of Samsung’s Galaxy devices remained frustratingly glued together, forcing us to sell batteries and screens in pre-glued bundles that increased the cost.
↫ Scott Head
Honestly, this doesn’t surprise me. Unless right to repair legislation becomes more widespread and stricter, corporations will inevitably drag their feet in honouring any right to repair commitments and promises they make.
Since there are still repairable phones (LG Gx) and brands making repairable phones (Fairphone), I don’t see any point to focus on fashionable yet non-repairable phone.
Vote with your wallet.
LG no longer makes phones – https://www.tomsguide.com/news/rip-lg-phones-lg-is-officially-out-of-the-mobile-business. The Fairphone sucks. I don’t see any point in focusing on non existent, or sub par alternatives
Yeah, I know about LG, but damn those phone are repairable. And the Fairphone is quite capable, it’s a phone after all, what you’d expect from it ? Making fair trade coffee as well ?
It’s disappointing but not surprising to hear about iFixit’s challenges with Samsung. The right to repair is crucial for sustainability and consumer rights.
The funny thing is, that Louis Rossmann made a video about Samsungs conditions and prices and the same day iFixit backs out of their Samsung-deal ;D
I don’t have much interest in watching his repair videos, but since he’s become the face of right to repair I end up watching a lot of those and I agree nearly everything he says. We have such a big ewaste problem and manufacturers are at fault for intentionally making devices less repairable, depriving repair shops of the components needed. Disposable products are causing havoc with the environment, but it’s more profitable so that’s what they go with.
I guess climate change is just for us plebs. GloboCorps make their own rules.