“Recurring themes at this year’s PyCON2006 Python conference, in Dallas, Texas, included quality control techniques for Python, and interoperable content management systems. Guido van Rossum presented some previews of features to be expected in Python 2.5, and Jim Fulton presented the ‘State of Zope’, with some musings on where to go from here with Zope 2 and Zope 3. Also starring at this conference was the S5 based on the Python docutils package – most of this year’s talks were presented with this package, and one of the talks presented the S5 package itself.”
With the advent of Pypy it will be possible to export Python code to C or LLVM for compiliation. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m fond of cross-platform enabling technology. What bothers me about Python is its lack of a good compiler. Pypy could fill in that gap.
here’s a link: http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/news.html
> What bothers me about Python is its lack of a good
> compiler.
I’m pretty sure it’s been discussed at-length elsewhere why you don’t see a real native compiler for Python. It’s because the interpreter does so much for you at runtime, that any runtime lib would pretty much just end up doing what the interpreter already does right now.
From what I understand, it’s a slightly different story with Java. In Java’s case, you’ve got static type declarations, and there’s more room to optimize when you’re compiling to native code (a la GCJ). Looks like there are plans to have optional type declarations for Python 3000…