A company that began trading in secondhand licenses for Microsoft software last autumn has been attracting business from within the UK and internationally selling more than 2500 secondhand software licenses from insolvent or downsizing companies to other businesses through discount-licensing.com. “As long as we stick to Microsoft terms and conditions, we can pretty much do what we want,” Disclic director Noel Unwin told ZDNet UK. “We’ve had interest from America, Australia, India – which is quite surprising as we’ve specifically focused our marketing in the UK.”
Interested myself.
My old Dell laptop came with Win98 but since I moved to BeOS only I can’t find the old install disk and would like to have Win98 to install into a small partition. Later versions of Windows are a lost cause on this machine.
Additionally, my mom bought her computer from a guy working out of her basement. Only after it failed did I find it uses WinME and guess what you can’t find on the store shelves anymore?
EBay is a gamble if you want original materials, dealers like this are useful.
Don’t even bother installing WinME. Put Win98SE or WinXP, WinME (the bastard OS) is too problematic.
Now if this isn’t the coolest idea ever. I just wish it were me who thought of it.
Too bad their site doesnt work.