“We’re happy to release the next issue of Mandriva Linux Inside, the Mandriva e-magazine. This issue features a new layout and more contents, including articles on Mandriva One and Mandriva Kiosk, an interview with the founders of Mandriva Brasil, new Cooker Weekly News and more. Due to its increased size, the new issue is a 2MB download in PDF format [.pdf].”
Content seem nice but they need some work on there layout , personnaly I prefer the one from http://www.tuxmagazine.com/ , its more pleasant to read.
Its also nice to see that AdamW finally found the Submit News button. ๐
Hey, I found it ages ago, they just don’t usually accept my stuff
That’s a bit of an unfair comparison – Tux Magazine is a professional self-supporting publication with proper trained editors and layout people and so forth. Inside is me wrestling with a copy of Scribus in what I laughably call my ‘spare time’. I think I did OK, considering.
” they just don’t usually accept my stuff
You might whant to ask them why , taking a guess here but if you feed them direct marketing materials from Mandriva , they tend to threat it as spam , as they do for everyone else , I suppose , They have a great deal of ethics , its not clear . but its there.
” That’s a bit of an unfair comparison ”
I was not comparing , just stating personnal preference , in hope that you ask Tux Magazine if you can borrow there layout or ask them how they do it , use the excuse of “interview: could you use Mandriva to do what you do.”
“Tux Magazine is a professional”
That means they are at a disandvatage ๐
You mean they got a budget ๐ , Ask Mandriva Management if you can spin it off , not going to sugest they invest in it ๐ , its not like they see it as a cash cow or invest that much time or money in it.
“with proper trained editors”
You can ask/recruit some too , I am sure that there is no shortage of those.
“and layout people and so forth.”
Again , if you dont ask for them , none will magically come to you.
“Inside is me wrestling with a copy of Scribus in what I laughably call my ‘spare time’. ”
time to recruit.
“I think I did OK, considering”
Never said otherwise , sorry if my tone or bad english implied otherwise.
You can also ask the editors here to make guest apearance in the Magazine and on Mandriva Club , you can ask them for a special rebate for Club members , you can ask them for an Ads banner exchange , or if they whant to buy publicity in the magazine.
You can always bribe , heu , I mean hire some OSNews editor for some content ๐ , Advance payment of 600 euro for 12 month of by-monthly special content ( 600 euro for 24 artcile = 25 euro per article ) :
I dont know you can always send News site Free access to test Mandriva Club and Mandriva products.
Just thinking out loud here.
2mb .pdf for 3k of plaintext and 300k of images. Yup, just LOVE .pdf – good call there guys.
Compaints about the format change aside – KIOSK? When I think a distro ‘kiosk’ I think a reduced version of the OS for putting ON Kiosks, not a “Click and Run” ripoff.
Not that a CNR ripoff is a BAD thing, more than welcome on any distro IMHO.
Most of the space is taken by embedded fonts. We found in testing (yes, testing!) that if the fonts aren’t embedded, it doesn’t display properly in several PDF readers (especially Acrobat on Linux, for some reason). If I didn’t embed the fonts it’d be under 1MB but many people wouldn’t see it properly displayed.
I think you did fine! Sure, you can fine-tune the pdf. Set the page to landscape, and have Scribus make the pdf open in full-screen presentation mode. (Or perhaps that’s something that’s only in Scribus cvs, I don’t know.)
Wow. Mandriva released a magazine. And in other news, real distributions like Ubuntu are working their hardest at producing something which the community wants, which is free and actually has packages from this year.
Ouch, as a Madriva user that kind of hurt ๐
The base system may be a little dated, but the Cooker (Development Branch) is still very bleeding edge. It’s so bleeding now that it will tank your box. Writing this from Windows PC!
owch, did you get hit by the glibc meltdown too? boot to a live CD, mount your root partition, go to /lib/tls and replace the symlinks libc.so.6 and libm.so.6 to point to /lib/libc-2.4.so , and change the symlink librt.so.1 to point to /lib/librt-2.4.so . Then boot back to your system and it will mostly start up. Grab the 2006.0 Community versions of glibc, glibc-devel, locales and any other locales-* package you have installed from a mirror. Then remove all the 2.4 versions of the glibc, glibc-devel and locales packages with rpm -e –nodeps, and immediately replace them with the 2.3.6 versions you just downloaded. That should do the trick.
(and for anyone reading this with a look of horror, please note that this is the DEVELOPMENT branch, where things are guaranteed to explode entertainingly every so often. Just like sid. We didn’t screw up a stable release like this. :>)
The last time I checked the stable Ubuntu had packages from last year. The devel version has packages from this year, but then again, so does Mandriva cooker. The only annoying thing about Mandriva is that recent releases have been very buggy and they no longer provide the latest and greatest packages for those that want them (except if you are in the club).
It’s called ‘division of labour’. I edit the magazine. I also edit the community newsletter and moderate the official forums. I wouldn’t know how to build a package if you held a gun to my head, therefore none of these activities is taking away any development time from the product. Are you suggesting that Ubuntu does nothing in the way of PR, community interaction or support? Or do you think that, when Ubuntu does these things, they’re wasting their time too? What an odd perspective.