Our mobile-oriented sister site, Mobits, put together the third free service for you (first, second), a mobile web page that let’s you access the 23 best J2ME phone applications created so far. Visit the mobile-optimized page with any browser at http://mobits.com/jad. There is space for two more J2ME apps in the page, so leave a comment if we forgot a deserving application out of the list (no games please). We hope that this page will prove helpful to users who just got a new cellphone or reseted their existing one and are in need of re-installing their Java apps as quickly as possible.
Mobile Daily Devotions ( http://www.fourteenfloor.com/downloads ) has some pretty good J2ME applications for reading daily devotions for Christians. New releases are available monthly for Our Daily Bread, Streams in the Desert and devotions by Warren Wiersbe. Maybe not in the category of best J2ME applications ever created, but definitely useful for those who want to carry around devotional material to read on their handphone.
Edited 2006-12-09 11:58
Tiger Lily Digital provide some very good Islamic J2ME software.
Qur’an Recitation, Dua’s, Names of Allah(swt), Full Qur’an Translation (English)
Not everyones cup of tea (obviously), but useful still the same.
Great page! Now I got a new bookmark on my Opera Mini!
Still I got no ideas for other applications. Microsoft released a beta of live mobile, but it doesn’t work very well on my Nokia 6230 so I can’t reccomand it 😐
It’s not J2ME though, but it works lovely on my WM5 PDA.
It gives me instant access to all the info, but in a nice, aesthetic manner. It’s very light, and very intuitive, and FREE!
Perfect timing w/ this article. I have about 15 mins to kill before my train arrives so I will definitely check that site and those apps out.
Browser: LGE-VX9900/1.0 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0
Nice collection.
Here is site with a ridiculously big list of J2ME software : http://www.getjar.com/software/Java/All
I know, most of my research for the best-of list happened at getjar. But not all j2me apps are listed there…
The second link gives my phone an unsupported content error. Probably due to my phone being cheap, but thought I’d mention it
Browser: SAMSUNG-SGH-T309/T309UVEI1 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0
It should have worked… This supposed to be a WAP page, but it seems that Opera’s page does not understand that you run an Openwave browser for some reason and it auto-directs you to their desktop site… I will look at that.
I use this one on my Blackberry 8700:
This is a pretty good IRC client that doesn’t take up much space, and it’s J2Me.
I also like midPSSH…that’s a quite decent SSH client. When I had a shell account, that is what I’d use.
However, if you have space for jmIRC, I recommend adding it in. It’s also open source
I guess I miss out on this since I use my phone as a…..(wait for it)…..phone and that is about it. It also does duty as my pocket watch and occasionally as a paper weight but that is about it.
I’m missing Salling Clicker on the list. I use it with the Mac all the time for alot of different things. Awesome application. More used than Opera on my phone.