Today marks a new release of the Visopsys operating system, version 0.66. “This is a maintenance release, featuring the ability to resize Windows Vista partitions, more reliable loading on various systems, better exception handling, color text in graphics mode, improvements to the C library, and a number of bugfixes.” The changelog has all the details.
So I’m gonna give it a whorl!
Can’t remember the last version I tried but it was a long time ago. All I remember is that it wasn’t very stable back than. Hope Visopsys has changed for the better.
OSNews rocks for feeding my OS habit 😉
I think it is great to see this guy keep pumping out revs like this but I would like to see the appearance fixed up a bit. Looks are not everything when it comes to an OS but it definitely helps if you can turn some head with a great UI.
Networking support would be nice.
Visopsys does seem an intresting OS having ability to partition hard disk it can be very usefull as a tool for learning Operating system maybe when u r doing course in cllg on Operating systems also it does seem promising for partitioning hard disks have to give it a try
Ambuj Varshney < >