The Southern California Linux Exposition’s fifth year has been its best yet, with record attendance, vendor participation, and excellent presentations and talks. There were few new things to announce or showcase at the event, but if you wanted to measure the pulse of the open source software community, this was undeniably the place to be this past weekend. More on SCALE 2007 at
Good to hear it’s been that well attended. Personally I found the LinuxWorldExpo in London last year now a purely commercial exercise and a significant drop in numbers of visitors when compared to 2002/2003 was obvious.
The FSF, Debian, Tuxgaming and OpenBSD stalls were the only hope. We don’t seem to get FreeBSD or Slackware come to Europe so experience is obviously determined by where you live.
The UK is still MSFT country, even the odd Suse or Mandrake box that was on shelves 6-7 years ago in Comet and PCWorld has disappeared long ago. Shame, what is it with this country?
*contemplating moving to the States or South Korea to satisfy the inner geek*
At least now I know what that SCALE thing was about!
PS No, I’m *not* kidding, saw a couple of news with the mysterious acrostic and just wondered about it …
I forgot to go. I believe I went to the 1st or 2nd one (the one at Nortel where Rasterman was showing off E17 stuff), and either the 3rd or 4th one (the one at the L.A. Convention Center). I completely forgot about the date for this one. Even though I received a crapload of email regarding it. Oh well, there’s always next year.…
next day:…