Apple has seeded a new build of Mac OS X 10.4.9 to developers, the build contains very few changes since the previous and those familiar with the development of the build state that the final update is expected within days. The only known issue in the build is ‘After installing the reversioner and this update, AirPort Extreme Update 2007-002 may show up in Software Updates again.’ Only two areas are listed as being changed since the previous seed, they are the .Mac preference pane and Sync Services and Keychain. Update: 10.4.9 is now out for all.
Torrent link please
Uhh… why?
What is wrong with “Software Update…”? (click on the little apple on the top left corner of your screen
Anonymous Penguin
“What is wrong with “Software Update…”?”
Sometimes you’ll want to archive the updates if you have more than one machine, internal LAN, and/or want to rebuild them without a connection.
Things … disappear.
For example:
Apple Discussions (comments will cycle off site)
Silenced, and Sooo Young
Sometimes you’ll want to archive the updates if you have more than one machine,
You can do that without a Torrent, by using Software Update. Just go to UPdate -> Download Only.
True, but by using “Software Update -> Download Only”, you sometimes end up with updates designed just for a particular model.
If you have varying models it’s best to get the full releases and archive for the full range of possiblities.
Computer and Server Support:
Mac OS Service & Support:
Doesn’t Apple usually release the release shortly after the release? Wouldn’t that mean that we could be seeing Leopard very soon?
Not necessarily. There is nothing saying that Apple can’t release a 10.4.10. Leopard is still a bit rough, at least from my sources opinions. I am excited about getting it though, so hopefully it will be a better initial release then 10.4s somewhat spotty performance and bugs…
Edited 2007-03-14 06:12
Since there was only 10.3.9 (10.0.4, 10.1.5, 10.2.8 were final releases prior to that), there is no pattern to the release of the next operating system.
It’s likely that there will be another release of 10.4 after 10.5.0 is released to make certain things are finalised and of course, security updates could follow.
In other news, 10.3.9 final is up and downloadable from Software Update.
Whoops. I meant 10.4.9.
And with the new security updates, it corrects 15 security holes from the MOAG and the MOKB/
OSNews only links to the PPC update… 10.4.9 Update Intel Delta… 10.4.9 Update PPC Delta… 10.4.9 Update Intel Combo… 10.4.9 Update PPC Combo
Server and more here
Delta = 10.4.8 -> 10.4.9
Combo = 10.4.0+ -> 10.4.9
an iPhoto update is also released. iPhoto 6.0.6
I was a bit miffed at the size of the Intel update. 163MB!! Where as the PPC update was only 74.4. Why are the Intel updates always so much larger?
Just a guess. Universal binaries?
They’ve changed the old sudo prompt!!! No more “with great power comes great responsibility” it now says
“WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type “man sudo” for more information.
To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.”
10.4.8 vs 10.4.9 comparison:
Ah, 10.4.9 filters accidentally hitting the eject button on the keyboard now. I tend do to that with my coffee cup, when I’m not looking, which was quite annoying. Nice.