Dell is delaying the filing of its fourth-quarter financial report as the PC vendor continues an internal investigation into its own accounting and financial practices. In a March 29 statement, the Round Rock, Texas, company revealed that its own internal auditing committee had found a number of accounting errors, evidence of misconduct and deficiencies in the way the company’s finances were controlled.
Could this be connected with Dell’s confirmation to offer pre-installed Linux? Something smelly anyway…
And by the way is it osnews to publish such news?
Given that you suggested a direct connection between this and an OS, I’d say this was osnews 😉
Besides, I think this site has evolved beyond reporting exclusively on operating systems.
Edited 2007-03-30 14:53
I agree, what does this have to do with operating systems exactly?
Browser: Opera/8.01 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/3.1.7196/1662; en; U; ssr)
“Is this really OS News?”
OSNews posts information about Operating Systems, Software, Gadgets, Tech. Companies, etc. We desperately need a F.A.Q. that everyone reads and agrees to so we don’t have to see this post every day. Yikes!
Sorry I’d not seen that post today and so thought I’d better fill the void! 🙂
Yeah, I always thought it would be kind of neat to have auto-posts for certain subjects. For instance, for a BSD or GPL article, we could go ahead and post all the BSD-license vs. GPL-license stuff flames. For an Ubuntu or Vista article we could post the standard “Too many Vista or Ubuntu articles” post. For Fedora we could post the “I love the Icons/I hate the Icons” posts. All Microsoft posts could have the “Microsoft/Linux Rules/Drools” post. Sure would save everyone some time!
Somebody sure is “grouchy” to mark this whole branch -5. The original poster [That asked about whether this was OSNews] asked an honest question. Get real! Let’s not scare away new people.
[EDIT: clarification]
Edited 2007-03-30 16:17 UTC
Careful or i’ll vote you -5 😉
There is CLEAR rule in our forum rules which FORBIDS the above question because we get SICK of answering it EVERY time. OSNews is about MORE than just operating systems, as clearly said in our mission statement. Period.
Somebody sure is “grouchy” to mark this whole branch -5. The original poster [That asked about whether this was OSNews] asked an honest question. Get real! Let’s not scare away new people.
I strongly agree.
Looks like Thom’s work to me.
I apologize in advance if I am accusing falsely.
(And I believe that this story very much *does* belong on OSNews.)
But I know of no one else capable of executing such a slash and burn strategy when some of the posts are quite reasonable.
If this is going to be a democratic mod system, great.
If it’s going to be an authoritarian mod system, also great, as long as it is even handed, and the fact is out in the open.
But a nominally democratic mod system in which an authoritarian dictator can jump in when he feels like it and override the users’ vote is really the worst of both worlds.
Let the users decide if posts about whether this belongs on OSNews are worth modding down to -5 and locking.
I don’t intend to make a thread of this. But I did want to speak up in a single post.
What’s funny, is my post informing the user that the question was inappropriate was also slashed. I agree, I think the site has gone wacky, and I’m a paying member. Might have to look elsewhere.
I agree, I think the site has gone wacky, and I’m a paying member. Might have to look elsewhere.
No. Do what I do. Set your viewing preferences to -5, ignore all the little numbers next to the various posts, and judge each post for yourself.
Ignore the wackiness, too.
Oh, and most importantly. Don’t pay any attention at all to your own score. That’s what gives abusers of the mod system power over you.
Just keep speaking your mind as clearly as you can.
First star to the right, and straight on till morning.
Edited 2007-03-30 18:09
You guys don’t read our rules, do you?
These replies will be moderated as well (incl. my own).
Hopefully Michael Dell comes to OSNews. There are four advertisements for Auditing resources. How helpful we are!
This is my complete lack of surprise.
Dude, I’m getting a subpeona!
They don’t like the way Dell is flirting with linux.
You must be joking…
This is a direct result of Dell getting “fat and lazy” over the years…
They’ve done this to themselves. If anything, this shows that they may actually be on the track to recovery of their brand name. Time will tell.
I concur. As much as I like to see microsoft conspiring in everything, including the invasion of Iraq, this has more to do with Dell’s internal controls.
In Dell’s defense, this is their own internal audit – not some outside agency. Let’s not assume the worst. Everywhere I have ever worked has had some sloppy stuff go on. At least here they are doing something about it.
In Dell’s defense, this is their own internal audit – not some outside agency.
Err, this internal audit is a result of the SEC inquiring into its accounting practices.
From the article:
Dell’s internal financial problems date back to the middle of 2006, when the company first announced that the SEC had begun an inquiry into its accounting practices. Later, the company also announced that it received a subpoena from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.
The purpose of the internal audit is, no doubt, to get an idea internally of what they’ve actually done, what can be proven, what can be denied, what might be possible to hide, etc.
Please do not try to paint it as upstanding American citizens just trying to do what’s right.
Edited 2007-03-30 20:18
I stand corrected.
I stand corrected.
In all fairness, they *could* be upstanding American citizens just trying to do what’s right, coincidentally being investigated by the SEC and subpoenaed by New York. 😉
Edited 2007-03-30 20:41