Jeffy124 reports on Slashdot: “C|net is embarking on a seven day comprehensive report on how Microsoft is moving themselves into position to be The ‘Gatekeeper Of The Internet’ through WindowsXP. The first installment explains the basics of how this is going to happen: Reminders that last for days encouraging users to sign up for Passport, and how Windows will evenutally resemble services like AOL.” The second installment explains the whole masterplan behind .NET and how it is going to position Microsoft as a kind of a… global monopoly.
Do they think they are able to dominate the world ?
I’m waiting for the day (not too much years forward)
we’ll be dancing on their ashes.
Well Microsoft can go kiss a cow or something, because they are not getting me to sign up for their oppressive, propaganda and subpar crap service on the web! I would rather become a lifetime member of AOL first than waste my 2 cents on something so distasteful!!!
Things I would rather do before I give Microsoft my .NET personal data OR use their bug-ridden products:
10) 5-day diahrrea
9) Go to a Backstreet Boys Concert
8) Go to an NSync concert
7) Watch Survivor
6) Have some more kids
5) Drive my car blindfolded through downtown
4) Have a root canal without anesthetics
3) Use a 14.4k Modem
2) Give up sex
1) Sniff some Anthrax
Even if Microsoft wasn’t totally overblowing all that Windows XP is, it can’t be worth selling your soul for. This is just reason #341 the Seattle team has given me to move to a Mac.
eh cattbemac, they didn’t have to kiss the cow, but they made one talk. yes i’m talking about gateway, which mascot is only addaptable to areas of grass (and pinguins were in brazil… strange.). anyway about that cnet thing, their just a bunch of pro-microsoft propagandist. i don’t understand the whole .net thing but i know that most .net sites are not microsoft owned, and souldn’t be at all, cause the .net and .org sites are unix and linux and other os domain from my point of view. and if microsoft is trying to take over the net, it would be very unlikely.
just wait..the new AMIGA is just around the corner..It will put all this OLD stuff to sleep…And about time.